Chapter 106 The old lady was so angry that she vomited blood

"Sister, you are so mighty!"

After returning to the carriage, Shen Xuan looked at Shen Ruxing and said, "I will be like my sister in the future and not be bullied by others!"

"Well, you can learn more skills in the future. As long as you have the ability, you can be confident!"

Shen Ru said to his sister with a smile.

"It's okay to learn skills, but in the future, don't rely on strength to bully the weak, and be kind to others."

Mother Shen said, "Be like your sister and be kind-hearted. Our Aru is like that."

"Mom, don't say that to me. I'm embarrassed to say it."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "I'm not as good as you say!"

"No, no, sister-in-law is right, Aru, you are great."

Qian immediately said: "Don't you treat us with kindness in return for evil?"

"It's nothing, it's just that women don't make things difficult for women."

Shen Ru didn't want to claim to be kind, she just did what she could.

Shen Ping raised her eyes and looked at Shen Ru, then moved away. She couldn't help but compare herself with Shen Ru. She was really far behind.

"Sister, you must teach me kung fu when you get to Liangzhou!"

Shen Nian pulled Shen Ru's clothes and spoke very seriously.

This matter has been mentioned before, and Shen Ru naturally agreed.

"I also want!"

It was Shen Feng who spoke, "I want to learn kung fu to protect my mother, and I want my father to never bully my mother again!"

Qian and Shen Ping both looked at Shen Feng in surprise.

In the past, when Mrs. Feng was around, Shen Feng was spoiled by his parents and never listened to his parents' words.

But in this short period of time, Shen Feng was able to say something to protect his mother. Why is it not surprising?

"Yes, as long as you are willing to learn, I can teach you." Shen Ru said calmly.

"You are still children, so I won't ask you to do anything. I hope you can go to school and learn your skills."

Shen Ru's words also touched Qian and Shen Ping's hearts.

Being reduced to a prisoner and sent to Liangzhou, it is already a huge luxury to survive.

If only children could learn skills...

"Brother, sister-in-law, thank you."

Qian said with emotion.

"Thanks to our Aru, our Aru is the master."

Shen Yan said calmly.

Compared to Shen Ru's tough stance, Cui Ti was really angry.

It was someone from the Pei family who told her that they were talking nonsense and told her not to take it seriously.

But how could she not be interested?The Yi Cheng almost ruined her innocence last night, making her feel sick even thinking about it.

But she was obviously saved in the end, but others heard that she had been molested, which really made her tremble with anger!
"Old madam, how can I swallow this breath!"

If Shen Ru was slandered, her family would be there to comfort her, but now there is no one around her to talk to!
"I haven't done it, why should I care."

The old lady said calmly: "Miss Cui, your friendship for the prince is enough to make you come from afar. How can such frivolous things hurt you?"

Cui Ti was stunned for a moment, then replied:
"Old Madam, when Prince Jing's Mansion was accused of treason, did you feel the same way?"

"Old madam, I didn't mean to offend. I... I just thought about how Prince Jing's house must have been feeling when he was sentenced to death."

The old lady's dim eyes suddenly became sharp.

Cui Ti's words reminded her of the scene where blood spattered Prince Jing's palace.

She was a white-haired person who saw her entire family being convicted. In the end, her three sons were beheaded, and all her seven grandchildren were killed. Only the youngest grandson, Pei Chongguang, was left alive.

The past events were still vivid in her mind, and the old lady suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. She was so anxious that her heart was burning! "Grandma!" Pei Zhongguang shouted, immediately supported the old lady, and immediately glared at Cui Ti.

"Why did you bring this up in front of grandma?"

"Did you know that my grandmother didn't originally have white hair, but because of this, her hair turned white overnight!"

Cui Ti was shocked, and then she immediately stuck her head out and shouted stop.

When the carriage stopped, Cui Ti jumped off the carriage and ran towards Chen Qing.

"Mr. Chen, the old lady is vomiting blood. Can you stop for a while and wait until the old lady feels better before going on the road?"

Chen Qing looked at Cui Ti and frowned: "In the carriage, there is no need to move around, what does it have to do with the exile team standing still?"

"But but..."

Cui Ti was also stunned. How could she forget that the old lady was in the carriage?
"Why are you vomiting blood after all? The old lady must be tired, right?"

Chen Qing asked again, if a person is old and the time comes, there is nothing he can do about it.

Cui Ti's face became even more ugly.


The old lady vomited blood, and Pei Chongguang had already called the Pei family's sisters-in-law to come and see her.

Fortunately, the old lady recovered again and comforted Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Zhao.

"I just thought about what happened before, and I felt a block in my heart. It's okay."

"It was Miss Cui who made my grandmother angry when she mentioned the death of her father and others."

Pei Chongguang shouted angrily: "Grandma, we, we won't ride in her carriage!"

"Silly boy, don't be so angry. If you really have to go on foot, how can the old lady bear it? It's windy, sandy, rainy and snowy outside."

Yang reminded, why is Cui Ti so out of tune!

Cui Ti was so anxious that she stopped Shen Ru's carriage.

After learning that the old lady vomited blood, Shen Ru also wanted to take a look. After all, she was one of the most important people to Pei Chongguang!
"It's fine, why are you vomiting blood?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"'s me..." Cui Ti hesitated for a moment before admitting, and revealed what she mentioned about Prince Jing's Mansion.

Shen Ru couldn't help but glance at Cui Ti. Is she brainless?

Cui Ti's carriage stopped at the roadside, accompanied by the two sisters-in-law of the Pei family. Seeing Cui Ti coming with Shen Ru, she swallowed the curse words she wanted to say.

"I'm afraid the old lady is acting like this out of anger. I have some ginseng slices here, so let me replenish it for the old lady!"

Shen Ru took out some wild ginseng slices and handed them to Pei Yang.

"Miss Shen, thank you."

This product was so precious on the road to exile, but it was indeed a valuable medicinal ingredient that greatly replenished vitality, which was just right for the old lady's current situation.

Pei Yang took it and handed it to the old lady.

"I can't help with anything else, but your carriage is so big. If Miss Cui wants to talk to her in person, wouldn't you two be able to keep her company?"

Shen Ru suggested that it would be boring for the old lady to be in the carriage with the Pei family's sisters-in-law around.

"That's right, two aunties, let's ride in the carriage together. Even if I said something wrong, someone can remind me."

Cui Ti immediately agreed and said that she would never dare to talk about the affairs of Prince Jing's Mansion again.

The two sisters-in-law of the Pei family looked at each other and agreed.

When Shen Ru saw this, he naturally left quickly and hurried to his carriage.

"Aru, how are you? Is the old lady okay?"

After all, they had traveled together for a while before, and Mother Shen still cared about the old lady very much.

"At this old age, the old lady has experienced the pain of losing her son and almost annihilating her family. She is depressed. It depends on how the old lady manages to relieve herself in the future!"

Shen Ru replied, she is not a doctor after all!
(End of this chapter)

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