Chapter 117 Cui Ti is extremely angry
"I haven't come in to see this house before. It's so empty and deserted. Don't you think about adding more servants?"

After Yan Shaoqing entered the room, he looked around and said casually.

"The eldest lady said that because of her identity, it's not good to be too ostentatious."

An Qiao replied: "Besides, as we are unfamiliar with the place, we are also afraid of attracting people with unclean hands and feet!"

"How about Yan helping me if I need it later?"

As Yan Shaoqing and An Qiao talked, they arrived in the living room.

Cui Ti saw a woman in well-dressed clothes playing with two children. When she heard someone coming, the woman turned around and looked over.

For a moment, Cui Ti's heart skipped a beat, this... isn't this Shen Ru's aunt?

"Aunt Lian, the young master of the Yan family next door said that this girl Cui wants to see our eldest lady!"

There was a bit of joking in An Qiao's words.

"Hey, who am I? Miss Cui, how come you know we live here so quickly!"

Aunt Lian said with a smile: "An Qiao, we can't let Miss Cui go to see if A Ru is free."

"You..." Cui Ti was shocked and angry, but she didn't dare to show any color to Yan Shaoqing. She could only glance at An Qiao secretly.

"What is the identity of Shen Ru as the governor? Why can you change your appearance in Liangzhou? Are you... are the Liangzhou officials engaging in malpractice for personal gain?"

Cui Ti kept asking several questions directly, looking annoyed.

“Those who are capable can shine wherever they go!”

Shen Ruben was on the way here and happened to hear Cui Ti's words.

"Who am I? It turns out to be you again, the eldest lady. Isn't she very self-righteous? Why, do you want me to come to you if you need something?"

Cui Xi, who came with Shen Ru, couldn't help but sarcastically say something.

"Auntie, please take Xuanxuan and Nian'er to see their room first. Cuixi, no matter who comes, you must not forget the hospitality."

Shen Ru also guessed why Cui Ti came here, but looking at Cui Ti's current appearance, she always felt a sense of comfort.

Shen Ru, who had taken on a new look, looked like a daughter of the Marquis Mansion.

Seeing Shen Ru like this, Cui Ti felt more and more irritated. Shen Ru's family did not suffer much during the exile. Now when they arrived in Liangzhou, they lived in a big house and changed into new clothes. They didn't look like exiles at all.

If you say there is nothing fishy in this, who would believe it?

"Shen Ru, you want to humiliate me?"

Cui Ti took a deep breath and thought that she had something to ask for, so she didn't say anything more unpleasant.

"No, you came to me, what are you doing?"

Shen Ruzai sat down leisurely, "Oh, as for this house, I told the people around me to buy it before the exile team arrived in Liangzhou. I know what you are thinking. Why are we not in poverty? How can we live like this? Okay?"

"Then who stipulates that prisoners must eat chaff and drink water, have no clothes to cover their bodies, and no food to eat?"

"My Shen family has such a group of servants who are loyal to their master and will never leave them. You can't be jealous of them."

Shen Ru said everything Cui Ti didn't say, which made Cui Ti speechless.

"Miss Shen, we haven't seen you for a long time!" Fang Jin said to help Cui Ti relax the atmosphere.

"Well, long time no see. Didn't you bring that girl to Liangzhou early? You should have arranged a place to stay!"

Shen Ru said casually, "Here comes the tea. This is tea brought back from the capital. Would you like to sit down and have a taste?"

"Miss Shen is indeed far-sighted. Yan Mou is willing to be inferior. I admire her. I admire her."

Yan Shaoqing said and sat down by himself, "Yan really should try the tea in the capital."

Cui Ti was extremely angry. The Shen family was exiled to Liangzhou and did not come to Liangzhou for vacation!

"What is your relationship with the governor?" Cui Ti asked in a questioning tone.

"What does it have to do with you?" Shen Ru asked with a smile.

"Why, you came here to question me?"

Knowing Cui Ti's intentions, Shen Ru deliberately didn't say anything. "You..." Cui Ti was furious, "Shen Ru, just be proud of yourself, I don't believe you can get the last one."

"Everyone knows that the Anguo Hou Mansion in the capital was ransacked. Where did your money come from? There is no airtight wall in the world. You will have retribution."

"Is this... your attitude of asking for help?"

Shen Ru was deliberately surprised and said: "If you look down on me so much, then why are you here? Are you here to be given eye drops?"

"Even if I beg you, will you help? Will you go to the governor and plead for the Pei family?"

Cui Ti raised her head slightly, with a very arrogant attitude.

"I asked you to take action a long time ago, didn't you refuse? You must know that the so-called noble person is you, and I will not come. Fang Jin, let's go!"

Seeing Shen Ru's complacent look, Cui Ti became more and more annoyed. If she was asked to humble herself in front of Shen Ru, she couldn't do it.

Fang Jin hesitated to speak, and lowered his head to Shen Ru as if apologetically. He really didn't understand how there could be such a deep hatred between his young lady and Shen Ru.

Shen Ru smiled indifferently, but Cui Ti was stubborn, so let's go.

"Ha, Yan is trying to be a good person in vain?"

Yan Shaoqing was drinking tea and watching the show. When he saw Cui Ti storming away in anger, he still felt unfinished.

"Is Mr. Yan very free?"

Shen Ru asked rhetorically.

"No, Miss Cui begged to come to my home. Didn't I point the light to her? Who knew she would look like this when she saw you."

What Yan Shaoqing said was very innocent.

"Hey, maybe the person she always wanted to suppress suddenly had a better life than her, and she felt very uncomfortable!"

Shen Ru said calmly, "Mr. Yan, you've finished watching the play and drank the tea. Is it time to go?"

"This is an eviction order, so Yan will not be shameless and continue to drink tea."

Yan Shaoqing stood up and said, "Oh, by the way, I guess if you hit a wall, she will still beg the Yan family."

"Let her go to the Governor's Mansion. It's not like she doesn't know her."

Shen Ru said, "Besides, it is estimated that the Pei family has been stopped halfway by this time, and they are just waiting for her to pick them up!"

"You...have helped?"

Yan Shaoqing was surprised, "Then why didn't you tell her?"

"She's like that, why should I say that?"

Shen Ru asked: "Seeing that she was so angry that she almost jumped up. I was so happy that I forgot to mention it."

I really don't understand!

Yan Shaoqing smiled and said goodbye. When he left Shen's house, he actually saw Cui Ti waiting at the door of his house.

"Since Miss Cui is so sincere, it's okay. Yan will accompany you."

"Thank you Mr. Yan!"

Cui Ti was extremely pleasantly surprised and thanked her repeatedly, but it was difficult to urge her. She could only look at Yan Shaoqing expectantly.

Yan Shaoqing asked his family to prepare horses, and then took Cui Ti to the Governor's Mansion.

That is, at the gate of the Governor's Mansion, Cui Ti saw several members of the Pei family.

"Old Madam!" Cui Ti said in surprise.

The Pei family is still confused, why don't they have to do hard labor halfway?
"Miss Cui, you helped us, right?"

Yang looked at Cui Ti gratefully, her grandmother was already old, how could she withstand the hard work!

"Miss Cui has this intention, but she is powerless."

Yan Shaoqing's voice sounded: "The eldest lady of the Shen family has asked the governor to remove you from the list. She can only do this. The rest of the day depends on you!"

(End of this chapter)

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