Chapter 120 Miss, they are on guard against you

Shen Ru didn't want to keep Chen Qing for dinner, and Chen Qing didn't want to talk about it either. After the matter was said, he left.

After all, after walking all the way, Chen Qing felt that he had done his best, and as for the child of the Pei family, it was up to fate.

The New Year always brings people something to look forward to, like the Shen family; the same goes for the Pei family over there.

It's just that they don't have money in their hands, and Cui Ti has to take care of everything, so they can't open the door, which means they don't seem to have much expectations for this year.

"Is this where the Pei family lives?"

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, a middle-aged man knocked on the door of the small courtyard.

"I'm from the quarry. Someone named Pei Qingshan asked me to deliver something to the old lady of the Pei family."

The man looked normal. After being brought into the house by Fang Jin, he looked around and said, "It's hard to find this place. I had to ask the government to find out how many members of the Pei family settled here."

Soon, the man was taken to see Mrs. Pei and took out the things Pei Qingshan gave her.

An object wrapped in old cloth should not be opened in front of others. This is Mrs. Pei's teaching engraved in her bones.

"I don't know what your name is, but I'd like to thank you for making this trip."

Mrs. Pei asked, and Mrs. Yang took out two copper coins very knowingly.

"A small thank you is not a sign of respect."

The man was not too dissatisfied, so he accepted the copper plate, and then replied: "My surname is Ma, and I am a small steward in the quarry. After this group of prisoners arrived, Pei Qingshan seemed to be the most popular, and he also believed Please tell me and ask me to deliver this thing while I’m home.”

"Manager Ma, thank you very much!" the old lady said restrainedly and sincerely.

The man immediately said goodbye, and Fang Jin sent him out, while Jade beside Cui Ti urged him to leave.

"Old lady, quickly open it and see what it is!"

As soon as Jade's words came out, the old lady and Yang both looked up.

"Jade!" Cui Ti scolded, "Old madam, I'm sorry, Jade is spoiled by me."

"Mom, let me help you back to the house!" Yang said directly. Even if Cui Ti is very kind to the Pei family, she can't interfere in the Pei family's own affairs!

"Well!" The old lady stood up and took away the cloth bag.

Cui Ti was very embarrassed, she was an outsider after all!
"What, miss, they are guarding you!"

After the old lady walked away, Jade said unhappily.

"Jade, you are so unruly. I have never restricted you in what you do at home before, but the old lady and the two aunts came from Prince Jing's Mansion."

"In the palace, rules are the most important thing!"

Cui Ti scolded Jade, but she still felt uncomfortable after all.

After the old lady returned to the house, she called Mrs. Yang, Mrs. Yu, and her grandson Pei Chongguang, and opened the cloth bag in front of several people.

"This is..." After seeing what was inside, several people fell silent.

Here, there are several banknotes and some broken silver. The old lady counted them and found a total of 450 six taels.

"How come Qingshan has so much money?"

Almost everyone in Prince Jing's Mansion was executed, and only a few of them were left. At that time, the control was very strict, and they could not bring anything out of Prince Jing's Mansion.

"Yes, Pei Qingshan could not have been exiled with us. Although he is a distant relative of the Pei family who is living abroad, in fact, he has not yet been included in the family tree."

Yang said in confusion: "I was working in Zhuangzi before. Logically speaking, I can't save so much money!"

"Then the money..."

Mrs. Yu said in confusion: "It can't be that someone is using his name to give us money!"

"Do you think we'll take the money?"

Finally, the old lady asked.

Mrs. Yu and Mrs. Yang looked at each other, and Mrs. Yang gritted her teeth and said, "Take it, mother, we are short-handed in Liangzhou. I have some money, so I can make more decisions."

"Cui Ti can take care of us for a while, but she won't take care of us for a lifetime!"

"Yes, mother, I think so too, and besides, I want him to go to school for Chongguang." Mrs. Yu agreed, "When next year starts, I want to go to a nearby private school."

A penny can stump a heroic man. The old lady doesn't understand this principle, so regardless of whether it was given by Pei Qingshan or not, she accepted it.

"I'll take 100 taels, and you divide the rest."

The old lady said directly.

The Yang family and the Yu family also divided the rest. The Yang family gave more to the Yu family, saying that the Yu family still wanted to take care of Pei Chongguang, so it was reasonable and reasonable.

The Pei family members were discussing how to divide the money inside the house. Outside, Cui Ti and Feicui didn't look too good.

"Miss, they are just hiding it from you."

Jade didn't dare to speak loudly, so she still muttered in a low voice.

Fang Jin on the side looked at Cui Ti and Feicui thoughtfully. He just wanted to return to Qin Ling as soon as possible.

He asked Uncle Zhong about what happened on the road to exile. Shen Ru preserved the young lady's innocence, but he failed to make the young lady feel grateful.

Jade became more and more unruly. As a maid, she always spoke before the young lady.

Fang Jin felt that everyone around him had changed during this journey of exile accompanying the Pei family.

At night, everyone was sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, torches were thrown in from outside the wall, and immediately after, two men in black climbed over the wall and sneaked in.

"There is an order from above, kill the child, and the others cannot touch him."

"I think it would be most convenient to burn this place on fire?"

As the two whispered, the two people also separated to check where Pei Chongguang was.

Fang Jin woke up after hearing the vision and immediately put on his clothes to check.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao!"

After bumping into one of them, Fang Jin immediately scolded him.

When the other party saw this, he ignored it and attacked Fang Jin directly.

The order from above is that the women of the Pei family can stay still, but the men must be killed. No matter who this person is, he will die if he bumps into him!
Fang Jin's skills were not bad, and he had no problem dealing with the man in black. After a few moves, the man in black was defeated.

The sound of the two fighting also woke up Uncle Zhong, and also woke up the Pei family.

Pei Chongguang opened the door with his clothes on, and was faced with a long sword. Fortunately, he was alert and rolled on the spot to avoid the blow.

But the man in black found Pei Chongguang, and regardless of his companion's condition, he attacked Pei Chongguang again with the intention of killing him.

Uncle Zhong rushed over and immediately fought with the man in black.

"Get out of my way wisely, I only want this child's life today!"

The man in black spoke, and after a few moves, he knew that this man was no match.

Fang Jin had already seriously injured the man in black who was fighting. Hearing the sound of fighting here, he rushed over immediately.

It also immediately turned the tide of the battle.

Seeing that there was no hope of killing Pei Chongguang, the man in black saw the opportunity and jumped out of the window. He jumped over the wall and ran away.

"Are you okay?" Fang Jin asked worriedly as he helped Pei Chongguang up.

Pei Chongguang's face turned pale with fright, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "'s okay!"

Lights came on in several rooms, and Mrs. Yu also ran over, hugging the child and feeling terrified.

It was inappropriate for Fang Jin to be there, so he turned to look at the man in black who was seriously injured by him.

"Tell me, who do you belong to and why do you want to kill a child?"

"Want to know? Dream on!"

The man in black took a sip of blood, then bit the poison hidden in his teeth and committed suicide!

(End of this chapter)

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