Chapter 126 You are so hypocritical
Shen Ru only met the person Uncle Fu was looking for after the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

It was also after the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and shops began to open one after another in Liangzhou City.

Looking at the dark-skinned young men in front of him, Shen Ru looked at Uncle Fu.

"Mulchin, his father worked as a pawn for the old Marquis for a while, but then he injured his leg. The old Marquis gave him a large sum of money when he left."

Fubo explained the man's identity.

"Miss, Uncle Fu said that you need protection. I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I can usually defeat Xiaoxiao."

Shen Ru looked at the man's honest and honest face. At the age of 25-[-], he should be married!

"Do you still have any relatives at home?"

"My wife, children, and mother are all alive and well, in Kuanwazi Alley in the east of the city."

The man looked honest, just because of his skill with his hands and feet.

As Shen Ru said that, when she saw the teacup on the table, she unexpectedly threw it at the man.

The man immediately stretched out his hand and held the teacup firmly in his hand, then bowed slightly and returned the teacup to Shen Ru with both hands.

"It's not bad, Uncle Fu. Let's take it to my parents to see."

Shen Ru nodded and said, his hand skills and lower body skills seemed to be stable.

Naturally, Shen's father and Shen's mother were impressed by the person Shen Ru recognized. They immediately agreed on the salary and the date of coming to work, and happily asked Uncle Fu to send the person over.

"Oh, by the way, Mulqin, you are a native of Liangzhou, do you know where to find the workers?"

Just when Fu Bo was about to send the person back, Shen Ru shouted.

"Work, what kind of work?"

"It's just digging the soil, building the platform, masons and the like."

Shen Ru had already thought about how to get the open space in the north courtyard.

"Do you want to reclaim the North Courtyard to plant flowers?"

Cuixi, who came over, couldn't help but asked curiously.

"No, don't plant flowers, they have other uses."

"There are many people doing the work. As long as the eldest lady needs people, I can call a team for you."

Mulqin scratched the back of his head and said naively.

"Okay, you can ask someone to come tomorrow and pull a few carts of sand."

Uncle Fu sent Mul Qin out, and Cui Xi asked Shen Ru in confusion: "Miss, if you don't plant flowers, do you want to grow vegetables?"

"What are you thinking about? If you want to grow vegetables, go somewhere else. Leave the North Courtyard alone."

Shen Ru joked: "I'm going to go out for a walk and buy some things. You don't need to follow me, I'll go by myself."

"Someone should bring something back."

After hearing this, Cuixi immediately agreed.

Buy some stuff and move some things out of the space.

That's what Shen Ru thought. She just walked around the streets of Liangzhou City, but she didn't see any fine rice.

"Sir, the new rice you want is not on the market yet this year. Most of us eat this."

Seeing that Shen Ru disliked his rice, the rice store clerk immediately explained.

“When did new rice arrive in the past?”

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask: "Your rice should be all local, but I heard that the rice harvest in Liangzhou is not very good."

"Hey, the girl has asked about it. It is indeed the case. There is too little rain here in Liangzhou. This rice is brought in from outside by our shopkeeper."

No wonder the price of this kind of rice, which is not very good, is not low.

Shen Ru was picking and choosing, but he couldn't make up his mind to buy it, which made the waiter beside him anxious.

"Sir, we still have some fine rice in our store. It was originally reserved for noble people. If you give me the starting price..." "If the stuff is good, I will buy it."

Shen Ru said, finally, following the waiter to the back of the rice store, he saw the shopkeeper of the rice store again.

Fine rice costs ten cents a dou, twice as much as brown rice!

Shen Ru asked for a stone of rice and added some flour. This gesture made him a distinguished customer in the eyes of the rice shop owner!
"The girl is talking about that place, but is it next door to the Yan family?"

"Yes, that's it. Send it to me when you are free. My family is waiting."

After buying rice, Shen Ru went to the vegetable market again. Finally, she found a deserted place and took out all the sweet potatoes in the space. She didn't finish them all on the way to exile!

I saw a store selling the Four Treasures of the Study. Well, I had thrown the things in my father's study into the space before, so I took the opportunity to buy an inkstone and stuffed some things in the space that my father had not used yet.

Finally, Shen Ru bought a jade paperweight and some rice paper from Wenmo Store, and asked the store to send someone to send them home, along with the large and small bags in her hand.

"Shen Ru!" When Cui Ti's voice came, Shen Ru felt speechless.

Can two people from different walks of life be regarded as meeting but not acquainting each other?

Cui Ti also came out to buy things. Guard Fang Jin and maid Jade both had things in their hands.

"you alone?"

"Yes, I'm alone. I wonder if Miss Cui called me. Is there something wrong?"

Shen Ru said patiently, and then subconsciously looked around, did Pei Wenjing have anyone deployed?
Shen Ru looked around, and in Cui Ti's eyes, he looked impatient and looked down upon himself.

"Shen Ru, we will leave Liangzhou City in a while. I hope you can take more care of the Pei family then."

With a question mark on her face, Shen suddenly felt that Cui Ti and Pei Wenjing were really a match made in heaven.

"Excuse me, who am I from the Pei family?"

Shen Ru asked, "Why are you all so big-faced, asking me to take care of the Pei family, we are not relatives, are you sorry?"

"Shen Ru, I asked you out of kindness, why are you so impatient?"

Cui Ti's brows were also a little unhappy.

"You are so talented, didn't you take care of yourself along the way?"

"Or now that your Shen family is stable in Liangzhou, you don't want to take care of it anymore?"

Shen Ru looked at Cui Ti and wondered if she felt that since her family was in Liangzhou, she could live behind closed doors.

She wanted to help Xiao Wujin!

"If the Pei family is in trouble, I will do what I can to help. But now, they are living well under your arrangement, Cui Ti."

Shen Ru was a little impatient, "It's really ridiculous. The Pei family has many hands and feet. Can't they live without you Cui Ti?"

"But we have to leave!"

Cui Ti said: "I have been away from home for a long time, and I want to go back!"

"But the Pei family is not mine!"

Shen Ru replied, "Does the Pei family themselves know what you said to me?"

"I think the old lady and the others don't want to be treated like useless people!"

"They are such precious people, why are you, Shen Ru, so stingy and heartless?"

Shen Ruzhen laughed angrily. She didn't help anyone, but she had to take care of them for the rest of her life.

"Cui Ti, teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. If you have that intention, just let it go. It's true... everyone has the same virtues as others."

Shen Ru muttered that if the Pei family was in trouble, she would help; but Pei Wenjing and Cui Ti wanted to take the Pei family into their own home and worship them.

She is really not selfish. Pei Chongguang is still at risk of being assassinated, and she cannot let her family be involved.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no suitable house nearby where the Shen family lived, Cui Ti would have wanted the Pei family to live in tandem with the Shen family.

"Shen Ru, you are so hypocritical!"

Cui Ti said in disappointment, turned around and left!
(End of this chapter)

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