Chapter 138 An extremely embarrassing scene

Shen Ru found out a lot about Xiao Wujin's behavior from Yan Shaoqing.

Naturally, a person's image in the eyes of others is always somewhat different from what she sees in herself. Shen Ru would not make any conclusions about Xiao Wujin.

But she also knew that Xiao Wujin liked Yinzi.

Yan Shaoqing put the 5000 tael of silver notes in a small box and handed it to Shen Ru.

Shen Ru pushed it a few times and accepted it happily.

"Actually, if you want to stop Yan Shuhui, you can!"

When leaving, Yan Shaoqing whispered to Shen Ru.

"I'm confused too. Who would have thought that the eldest daughter of the Yan family would do such a thing!"

Shen Ru pretended to be helpless and said.

"She is just a lunatic. You don't need to pay attention to her when you see her in the future."

Yan Shaoqing's eyebrows darkened and he said angrily.

Although Shen Ru was curious, it was not appropriate to ask someone about their family affairs in person.

After all, she made a big profit, and she went home satisfied.

"Aru, what you mean is that Mr. Xiao will often use the name of banquets to invite guests to give gifts. This... this is outrageous!"

After returning home, Shen Yan learned about this from Shen Ru and was quite dissatisfied.

"Dad, Mr. Yan said that Mr. Xiao is too poor, so he is thinking of ways to get people who go to the banquet to pay, and then use the money for people's livelihood."

Shen Ru explained, "It's not like he was lining his own pockets."

"But why did he invite us? Does he know that we are rich?"

Mother Shen said worriedly, "Our family's money must not be known to outsiders!"

"Mom, don't worry so much. Since Mr. Xiao invites us, let's go."

This is also a scene that allows her to see all the rich people in Liangzhou at once!

"Then... give money?" Shen Yan frowned in the end. This was really not very adaptable!
On the day of the apprenticeship banquet, Shen Ru and her family were all dressed up and rode a carriage to the Governor's Mansion.

Seeing the busy traffic at the gate of the Governor's Mansion, Shen Yan was a little confused.

"Aru, do you think these 100 taels of silver are too little?"

"It's quite a lot. Ordinary people can't save two taels of silver a year. What we've done is really a lot!"

Shen Ru comforted Shen Yan and handed the red envelope to the person in charge of signing in.

"Mr. Shen, three people, 100 taels."

After taking a few steps forward, Shen Ru heard the voice of the man behind him shouting.

For a moment, she felt that everyone was looking over.

"Aru, this...this is so embarrassing!"

Mother Shen muttered, "Master Xiao, is this a slap in the face on purpose?"

"Mr. Huang, two people, 80 taels."

Then, she heard another shouting, and Mother Shen's face became better.

"Aru, it seems that we are not too few."

Shen Ru smiled, what Xiao Wujin did was too... a slap in the face!

There were no fixed seats in the house, so Shen Ru and his family found a less conspicuous place to sit down.

Hearing the shouting of congratulatory gifts outside, Shen Ru was shocked from the beginning to numbness. Xiao Wujin's method of amassing money was really strange and effective.

After all, no one with a good reputation wants to be widely publicized, and the money given is the least!

After a while, the servants of the governor's house began to serve the dinner dishes.

"Aru, this... seems not as good as the food we have at home."

Shen Yan also murmured: "Master Xiao, this banquet is just for profit, not loss!"

At the banquet, Xiao Wujin, dressed in official uniform, introduced Pei Chongguang to everyone, and his words clearly expressed his appreciation for Pei Chongguang. "Master Xiao, I'm afraid he's crazy. If he accepts a prisoner as his apprentice, wouldn't this jeopardize his own future?"

"Who knows what he is thinking. He comes here every few months. Doesn't he just want us to pay him? Maybe this apprentice is also a fake."

"That's right. Next time we recruit a disciple, why don't we just have another banquet?"

Shen Ru's family looked at each other in confusion as they listened to the guests' complaints. Everyone knew Xiao Wujin's intentions!

"I will give him a big gift the next time he gets married and holds a wedding banquet if I can."

"Who would marry such a tough guy?"

"No, whose dowry is so rich that he is willing to marry."

"Aru, this Mr. Xiao really got into Qian's eyes!"

Shen Yan couldn't help but sigh in a low voice, "As an official, seeing someone like him is worse than hearing it a hundred times."

Shen Ru nodded, that’s right!

She saw Yan Shaoqing sitting on Xiao Wujin's right hand.It can be seen that the relationship between the two must be extraordinary.

How come there is no money in this government-business cooperation?Unless Xiao Wujin is not that good!
During this period, Shen Ru's family was a stranger, which also made some merchants and officials in Liangzhou curious.

While everyone was eating and drinking freely, someone came to the Shen family.

"This must be Mr. Shen. I don't know where he was promoted to. I've never seen him before!"

Shen Yan didn't know how to answer for a moment, but Shen Ru said frankly:

"Does An Guohou's Mansion in the capital know about it?"

"It turns out he is from the capital. I am disrespectful and disrespectful. Is Mr. Shen not the Marquis?"

"That was something that happened in the past. Later, the Anguo Hou Mansion was confiscated and exiled, and all of our family came to Liangzhou!"

Shen Ru said slowly, making the other party's happy face freeze.

"Exile... wouldn't that be..."

"This skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Well, the Shen family still has some talent, so making a living in Liangzhou will not be a problem."

Shen Ru said cryptically, "My father used to work in the Hanlin Academy, and my mother was a noble lady in the capital. There is nothing missing at home. There are still some things in the capital. I don't know what you call me, and what you are doing in Liangzhou." Is there business?"

Shen Ru from Sheniu praised his father and mother for their brilliant literary talent, dignity and virtuousness, and soon he became friends with some noble ladies in Liangzhou.

The wife who came with her husband knew at first that the Shen family was a fugitive, and was a little averse to suspicion. But after hearing Shen Ru say that her mother had friendships with princesses, princesses, etc., she naturally started to make friends.

What happened to the prisoner? Look at this family. They are well-dressed, outstanding in appearance, and have extraordinary temperament, right?

"You also said that the Shen family is afraid that they will feel uncomfortable. I think you are worrying too much. This Shen Ru is obviously a fish in water!"

Not far away, Yan Shaoqing whispered to Xiao Wujin.

Xiao Wujin raised his eyes and looked up, the corners of his mouth rising unconsciously.

"He's quite an exquisite person!"

"What are you going to do with the money collected this time? I heard that you transferred the prisoners to dig soil?"

Yan Shaoqing asked again, "What made you determined to dig a river this time?"

"The time has come. If we don't take advantage of the large number of prisoners, why should we still wait for amnesty?"

Xiao Wujin asked, "What does this little money mean? If your Yan family wants to be famous forever, do you know what to do?"

"Hehe, hehe, Xiao Papi, you think so well!"

Yan Shaoqing sneered, "Well, the Shen family, a wealthy family, blackmailed 5000 taels from me a few days ago."

Xiao Wujin's eyes lit up, 5000 taels, this is a lot of money!

"Furthermore, I suspect that the Shen family has in their hands the wealth of the former Hou Mansion. Mr. Xiao, don't you need a wife?"

Xiao Wujin's expression turned cold, and then he looked at Yan Shaoqing, and then said calmly: "The Shen family is looking for a son-in-law, and my Xiao family is a single descendant!"

Yan Shaoqing was stunned. What this meant was...if the Shen family hadn't recruited a son-in-law, would Xiao Wujin really have had that idea?

Looking at Shen Ru in the distance and then at Xiao Wujin, Yan Shaoqing's heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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