Chapter 141 Unfilial daughter and vicious wife

Shen Ping saw her mother's dejected look, she gritted her teeth and persisted.

I found an inn, asked my father to bathe and change clothes, and asked the inn to cook a table of delicious food.

While waiting, Qian was a little restless.

"Ping'er, that's your dad, that's your dad!"

"Mom, do you want to take dad back to the Shen family? You have to know that we are all dependent on others."

Shen Ping took a deep breath: "Do you think the Shen family can take in our whole family?"

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Qian hesitated and said, "Eldest brother is a generous man. Besides, the Shen family is so big, it's not like there's no room for your father!"

"But Shen Ru is the one who calls the shots in the Shen family. Shen Ru doesn't like dad!"

Shen Ping gritted her teeth and said, "Mom, do you want to risk having our family kicked out of the Shen family by Shen Ru and force dad to come with me?"

"Have you forgotten the cruel words he said before? Have you forgotten what he did to you?"

Shen Ping's expression was a little cold and a little hateful.

"Mom, if we break it off, we'll lose our current life."

"Do you also want to do hard labor? Do you want to see if my brother and I have sex?"

Qian shuddered, she naturally didn't want to.

"Ping'er, you know, Mom only cares about you and Feng'er, Mom just... just can't take away this face!"

"Mom, go report it to the official and say that the prisoners working as hard labor in the quarry have escaped into Liangzhou City!"

Shen Ping said in a low voice with a solemn face, "Only in this way can we continue to live a good life."

"Ping'er!" Ms. Qian was shocked. She never expected that Shen Ping would say such words.

"He, he is your father!"

"It's because he is my father that I reported to the police. If it had been anyone else, I would have left long ago!"

Shen Ping said with a straight face: "The reporting officer is not asking him to die. He is still in charge of food in the prison. The worst he can do is to be beaten back to the quarry. Or we can give him some money and let him stay in prison longer." Isn’t staying there for a few days considered a recuperation?”

"But..." Qian still felt that Shen Ping was too cold-blooded. "Ping'er, that's your father, it's very unfilial of you to do this!"

"No matter how unfilial I am, I can do anything unfilial. I can only repay him for giving birth to me and raising me in the next life!"

Shen Ping lowered her voice with a cold face and said, "Mom, if you don't want to go, I will!"

"I'll go!" Mrs. Qian was excited. If Shen Ping goes to the Yamen to report, then her own daughter will complain to her father. She will be criticized!

At worst, I will end up divorcing my wife and become a bad woman!

"Ping'er, then hold on to your father."

Qian made up his mind and immediately left the inn.

After bathing and changing clothes, Shen Tong no longer looked embarrassed, but was very lean.

Looking at the meals arranged by Shen Ping, Shen Tong devoured them even more.

"Where is your mother? Where do you live now?"

Shen Tong asked while eating.

"I'm staying at my uncle's house. Mom has gone to buy you a change of clothes."

Shen Ping said without blushing or out of breath, "Dad, why did you come to Liangzhou?"

"That quarry is not a place for people to live at all. Work is done at sunrise and stops at sunset. The foreman's whip is like having eyes. If you don't pay attention, you will be beaten."

Shen Tong was eating the food and talking, spitting on the table along with the rice, which made Shen Ping frown.

Shen Ping's father, who used to be the most particular person in the past, now looked like this, made Shen Ping feel happy and sour at the same time.

"I just got out of it by getting mixed up in the swill bucket while the swill was being poured out. Ping'er, it's not easy. It's not easy for you and me!"

Shen Tong kept sighing, and Shen Ping felt a little nauseous. "Where's Shen Ming? He was the first to leave the quarry and was spotted by the county magistrate. Have you seen him?"

"I've seen him before," Shen Ping replied, "but I'll never see him again."

"Why?" Shen Tong put down his chopsticks and looked at Shen Ping in confusion.

"Dead, Shen Ming is already dead. He got into a fight with local gangsters and finally died!"

Shen Tong's eyes widened, looking shocked.

It took a while before he closed his open mouth.

"This...the third brother and the others are happy for nothing? They are still eagerly waiting for Shen Ming to go back and pick them out!"

"Ping'er, you follow your elder brother and enjoy the hot food, have you forgotten about dad?"

Shen Tongba smacked his lips and kept eating.

"If I hadn't come here to find your father, wouldn't you be prepared to take care of me?"

"Ping'er, you know, if you don't honor your biological father, God will not tolerate it."

"Dad, we have too much time to take care of ourselves. Shen Ru doesn't want you to live in her house."

Shen Ping said, "If she gets angry, my mother, my brother, and I will all be kicked out."

"She dares?"

Shen Tong slapped the table, "I am her second uncle, her father is my eldest brother, and the Shen family is not hers. How can a girl like her have such a big temper?"

"Everyone wants to save face. As long as you take me back, I can stay."

"My eldest brother and his family don't want others to say that the brothers are at odds and the daughter is unfilial!"

Shen Ping looked at her father's rogue face and became even more determined to send him to the county government. She couldn't let such a father ruin their life, which seemed to be getting better.

During the meal, Qian was already at the county government office. She breathlessly told the story about Shen Tong being a fugitive and escaping from the quarry.

When the officer heard this, he immediately went to the inn to catch Shen Tong.

"Sister, who are you, Shen Tong? How do you know?"

When we arrived at the inn, the yamen servant asked one more question.

"Because I am his wife!"

Qian's words made the Yamen servant's expression change, and he didn't want to ask any more questions. Qian was related to the Shen family.

Shen Tong was still talking to Shen Ping about the hardships in the quarry. Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and then the yamen came forward and pinned him down on the table.

"You...what are you going to do, why are you arresting me!"

Shen Tong shouted back.

"Dad, you are a prisoner. How could you run out on your own? My daughter wants you to go where you should go. Don't make more mistakes!"

Shen Ping stood up and said coldly, her delicate face full of alienation.

"You... Shen Ping... you... you are treasonous, you will be struck by lightning, and God will accept you!"

Shen Tong, who was being escorted by the yamen, cursed to the sky and was escorted out of the inn. He continued to scold Shen Ping and Qian.

"Brother Chai, my father is emotionally unstable. Can you let him stay in the government office for a few days before sending him to the quarry?"

Shen Ping gave the officer some broken silver and begged.

"As a daughter, you can't just watch your father make mistakes, but you also want him to live a better life!"

For the sake of money, the yamen servant verbally agreed to Shen Ping's request.

Outside the inn, Shen Ping and Qian stood side by side. Seeing Shen Tong yelling like crazy as he was being taken away, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ping'er, if God really wants to punish us, let me do it for you."

"The love between husband and wife has long since disappeared. How can I be a good wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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