Chapter 148 I only trust you
After thinking about it, Shen Rusi felt that Xiao Wujin was more reliable than Yan Shaoqing.

The profit-oriented businessmen, coupled with the virtues of the two daughters of the Yan family, inevitably made her suspect that Yan Shaoqing was hiding his true nature.

In the afternoon of that day, Shen Ru came to the Governor's Mansion, ready to talk about Xiao Wujin's tone.

"Sister Shen Ru!"

At the Governor's Mansion, Shen Ru met Pei Chongguang.

Oh, she had forgotten that Pei Chongguang was already Xiao Wujin's disciple. Judging from the situation, he was living in the Governor's Mansion!
Xiao Wujin was really careful in protecting Pei Chongguang under his command!
"Xiao Chongguang, I'm looking for Mr. Xiao, is he there?"

"Master Xiao is discussing matters with General Zhao in the study. Sister Shen Ru, please wait for a moment!"

With nothing to do at the moment, Shen Ru started chatting with Pei Chongguang.

"Chongguang, how is life here?"

"Well, Mr. Xiao is diligent and has very high demands on me!"

Pei Chongguang smiled and scratched his head, "But he is really an excellent teacher."

"Listening to what you say, it's not bad. Your mother is also doing a lot of work now. I believe your family will only get better and better in the future."

"Well, sister Shen Ru, thanks to you for taking care of us along the way."

Pei Chongguang said gratefully: "There are also many good people in Liangzhou. Our next door neighbor is a middle-aged couple, who helped us a lot."

Shen Ru was stunned, inexplicably wondering if the person next door to the Pei family was arranged by someone.

"That's the best thing to do. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. You can just learn from Mr. Xiao with peace of mind."

"Sister Shen Ru, I know everything."

Pei Chongguang came closer and said, "I will definitely live well."

This child... Shen Ru's heart filled with worry, such a small child had to bear so many burdens.

Just as Shen Rupei Zhongguang was talking, Lu Yi came over in a panic.

"Miss Shen Ru, how about you come with me?"

"what happened?"

Shen Ru was confused by Lu Yi's unreasonable words!

"General Zhao and your Excellency are quarreling, and no one can resolve it. Why don't you go ahead!"

Where is this?Shen Ru shook his head.

"Who am I? How can I come forward? Guard Lu is too whimsical!"

"Miss Shen, it's just because you are an outsider that we can start a fight without helping each other!"

Lu Yi said anxiously, "Hurry up, if it's too late, we might take action!"

Shen Ru was curious. Xiao Wujin was one level older than Commander Zhao. How could he still take action?
I followed Lu Yi to the study room, but before I got there, I heard a quarrel inside. The loud voice sounded like it was General Zhao!
"Sir, Miss Shen has something urgent to ask you."

Arriving outside the study, Lu Yi knocked on the door and said loudly: "It's an urgent matter!"

As he spoke, he pushed Shen Ru directly and pushed the door open.


As soon as Shen Ru entered the door, she was yelled at by Xiao Wujin and Zhao Gongming, all in unison.

"That... you two are so angry, it hurts your liver!"

Shen Ru gritted his teeth and said, "Master Xiao, I have something very important to see you. Mr. Zhao, long time no see. Well... do you remember Uncle Fu? He used to be my grandfather's bodyguard."

Xiao Wujin frowned, and Zhao Gongming also narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you talking about Li Fuan?"

It was Zhao Gongming who spoke first.

"Yes, Uncle Fu came to Liangzhou with us, and he even talked about you, Mr. Zhao."

"I didn't expect to hear his name again. Where do you live? I will come to visit him someday to catch up with him."

Zhao Gongming's eyes became more profound, and finally his tone softened.

After Shen Ru told where his home was, General Zhao nodded.But then, Zhao Gongming was heard speaking to Xiao Wujin.

"Master Xiao, what you said is absolutely impossible. My army of one hundred thousand is not a vegetarian."

"The spies are in the prison. Mr. Zhao can go and ask himself."

Xiao Wujin said with a stern face, "Stubborn and arrogant!"

"You...hum, I won't believe you!"

After General Zhao finished speaking, he walked away directly.

"Shen Ru, what do you want from me?"

Xiao Wujin's tone wasn't very good either, and that stinky face was quite off-putting to look at.

"Master Xiao was so angry that I just wanted to say, today is not the right time to come, please come another day!"

Shen Ru excused himself and prepared to leave.

"No, just say it."

Xiao Wujin took a deep breath, and his expression relaxed a little.

"Shen Ru, you don't need to leave, I can still calm down and listen to what you have to say."

Seeing Xiao Wujin change his mood so quickly, Shen Ru became curious.

Looking at Xiao Wujin with her eyes, she couldn't help but say:
"You...are you not angry anymore?"

"Angry? Ha, it's the self-righteous old man like Zhao Gongming who makes people angry."

Xiao Wujin sneered and said: "The spy said that before last year, someone lobbied all the countries in the Western Region to attack Yumen Pass together and promised huge profits. This spy came to Liangzhou to find someone to contact him, but he has not yet contacted him. We were caught.”

"Zhao Gongming doesn't believe that anyone can do this. Why not? Shen Ru, do you still remember the auction in Ganzhou?"

Xiao Wujin spoke, and Shen Ru knew that Pei Wenjing had done something!
"Then...are we going to have a fight?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Zhao Gongming relied on an army of [-] to suppress the formation. He believed that Yumen Pass was indestructible. If he was not careful, it would lead to chaos."

Xiao Wujin was very worried in his words.

Shen Ru remembered that there was no border rebellion in the original work. The rebels fought from the south to the capital.

However, the original book did not write about Liangzhou’s affairs in detail. Why Liangzhou’s [-]-strong army did not come to the capital to protect the emperor was probably because of the threat from the Western Regions!

"What do you want from me?"

Xiao Wujin suddenly asked again.

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, then asked tentatively: "Um, did Yan Shaoqing sell those salts?"

"It's going on. What do you want to know?"

"If I say... I have hundreds of kilograms of fine salt on hand, who do you think I should ask to sell it to?"

"Shen Ru!" Xiao Wujin's voice suddenly rose, "Selling illegal salt, do you know it is a serious crime!"

"But...don't you do the same?"

Shen Ru naturally knew.

"Am I doing this for myself? What am I doing for the whole of Liangzhou? What about you?"

Xiao Wujin paced back and forth in the study irritably. He should directly take down Shen Rucai, but he couldn't.

"Well, Mr. Xiao, everything is easy to discuss. In the worst case, I will donate more money to Liangzhou, but this way of making money cannot be cut off!"

Shen Ru said bravely: "You and I are not fighting for the same piece of fat. I want to sell it to the southwest. Who do you think can help me sell it?"

Xiao Wujin took a deep breath and looked at Shen Ru quietly.

"Master Xiao, don't look at me like this, it makes people feel bad."

Shen Ru was embarrassed, "Um... I trusted you so I told you!"

(End of this chapter)

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