Chapter 15 Who threw stones into the latrine?

This person... is really stubborn, she was going back and forth for half an hour. Who can use the toilet for half an hour?

Shen Ru was a little speechless. She was thinking about how to change it back. Wouldn't the person who used the toilet for her have numb feet when squatting?

It’s really… nerve-wracking!
"Hey, kid!"

Shen Ru glanced at the child squatting in the corner and said hello.

"Sir, what did you call me for?"

The kid was the kid of the restaurant owner, and he was playing in the restaurant when he had nothing to do.

Shen Ru gave a few pieces of silver, and then whispered a few times in the child's ear.

"Sir, this is not good!" The child took the money and looked at Shen Ru with wide eyes and disbelief.

"If you want the money, go ahead and take the money. It doesn't matter. You're young and others won't see it."

Shen Ru felt that he was suspected of coaxing the child, but in the current predicament, this was the only way to do it!

The child who took a few taels of silver probably struggled a bit in his heart, but finally went for it.

After a while, angry voices came from the pit.

"Who is so wicked as to throw stones into the pit?"

Immediately afterwards, both the male and female guests ran out shouting.

The following officers only felt the smell of shit coming towards their faces and subconsciously avoided it.

"Someone has fallen into a latrine, get some water quickly!"

Shen Ruze stood in the backyard aisle and deliberately shouted at the top of his voice.

"People are going to the lobby, hurry up and splash water!"

How could a restaurant owner hear this? A waiter immediately brought water and ran to the backyard.

"Who, who fell into the trap?"

As several people with shit on their faces came over, the waiter took water and poured it on them.

That scene was really unbearable to watch. The officer who was watching him ran away immediately, as if if he walked slower, he would be stained with the filth.

"Oh no, sir, Miss Shen has fallen into a trap!"

As soon as he entered the private room, the official shouted to Chen Qing.

Most of the food on the table was gone, and the chopsticks Chen Qing was holding couldn't move down for a while.

"What, what did you say?"

Chen Qing stood up suddenly, "You stared at her for half an hour, but she fell into the latrine, did you see it?"

"Lu Yi, you shouldn't be misjudged, right? If someone runs away in half an hour, they can run out of the city."

Another officer joked.

"It's impossible. I kept a close eye on her. She went in but didn't come out."

"It's said that women are troublesome. I can't follow her if she goes in."

The officer named Lu Yi had a solid heart, and Chen Qingcai had told him to go, but now he looked a little bit short-sighted.

Chen Qing immediately walked out, but as soon as he walked out of the box door, he saw Shen Ru, who had changed his clothes.

He didn't know if it was because of Lu Yi's words, but Chen Qing still vaguely smelled the smell.

"Lu Yi said you fell into a trap?"

Chen Qing looked closely and asked, "You said you were squatting in there for half an hour?"

Shen Ru looked embarrassed.

He hesitated and said: "That... that... my period is coming!"

As soon as she said this, the men in the room immediately shut up.

"I changed my clothes because I was stained with filth. Well...have you finished eating? I paid for it, so I won't share it with you!"

Shen Ru's words played into Chen Qing's heart.

"Boss, I haven't eaten yet!" Lu Yi said a little aggrievedly.

"Then you can eat by yourself. The others will go shopping with me first." Chen Qing said, then looked at Shen Ru.

"Can you still leave?" Shen Ru nodded immediately, "Well, can I buy some things too?"

"What do you want to buy?" Chen Qing asked.

"The menstrual belt."

Immediately, Chen Qing shut up. What was he asking? It was bad luck!
Women's menstruation is something that men cannot avoid.

Shen Ru looked embarrassed, and Chen Qing and others also looked disgusted, so they stopped asking questions.

Next, Shen Ru entered the clothing store in a grand manner. Officer Lu Yi watched from a distance and did not dare to step forward.

Chen Qing and the others bought some things they needed and didn't let Shen Ru follow them.

Shen Ru, who was happy and at ease, took advantage of her menstrual period to buy a lot of things without hesitation.

Until she returned, Chen Qing and others kept a distance from her.

"Dad, Mom, come here, the sesame seed cakes I bought are made with scallion oil."

"There is also this walnut cake, which can be stored for several days, and this cloud cake, which is delicious."

"Aru, did anything happen after entering the city? Then Tai Sui..."

"Sell it for 1000 taels of silver." Shen Ru said nonchalantly.

"1000 taels!"

Mother Shen and Aunt Lian were a little shocked.

"Aru, then Chen Qing didn't blackmail you?"

Aunt Lian asked in confusion.

"Oh, I said I was menstruating, and they avoided me like the plague. I told them to go to the drugstore to buy some medicine, but they didn't follow me and just watched from afar. Of course they didn't know I was too old."

After Shen Ru said this, everyone in the carriage looked shocked.

"Mom, what is menstruation?" Shen Nian tugged on Shen's mother's sleeve and asked curiously.

"Children, don't ask so many questions. Then, Aru... you..."

"No, it's fake."

Shen Ruying said simply, "If you don't say so, how could these gentlemen fool you?"

Mother Shen looked at Shen Ru with difficulty in speaking. How could she talk about her daughter's family so casually?
However, I have been on the road of exile for a month, and this menstrual matter...

"In order not to expose myself, I also bought some menstrual belts. Mom, aunt, don't worry, we won't be afraid if it really comes."

Shen Yan on the side looked embarrassed. His son didn't understand, but he knew!
"Uh-huh, um... Otherwise, I'll go outside to catch the car with Uncle Fu."

"Go and take Nian'er with you." Mother Shen said directly.

"Mom, why, I want to eat peach cake."

Shen Nian, who still had peach cake stuffed in his mouth, said he didn't understand.

"Get out!" Mother Shen pushed.

"Tell me, counting the days, is it time?"

Aunt Lian said.

"When you encounter a big change, your mood is unstable, and your menstruation will be affected."

"Mom, aunt, don't worry. Anyway, I have prepared everything. I also grabbed some medicine at the pharmacy."

Shen Xuan looked at the adults in confusion. She knew something about it, but she had not experienced it yet.

"Sister, why don't men like women when they are menstruating?"

"Uh...because they're superficial!"

Shen Ru paused for a moment and then said, "This happens to every woman every month after she becomes an adult. It is a normal physiological phenomenon. Anyone who thinks this is unlucky or unclean is being narrow-minded."

"Xuan'er is still young, Aru, please don't lead her into trouble."

Shen's mother complained, "When a woman enters the moon, her bad fluids are fishy and filthy, so a gentleman should stay away from her. She is unclean and can damage the yang and make her sick. Although we have become prisoners, Xuan'er has also been reading poetry and books since she was a child. , Don’t lose what you have learned just because you have to work hard in Liangzhou.”

"Mom, don't tell Xuan'er this. We still don't know how we will live in the future?"

Shen Ru didn't want to be a hard laborer in Liangzhou for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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