Chapter 152 The affair between two grown men
"What's your reaction? Even if my sister is rude and Xiao Wujin doesn't agree, forget it. Shen Ru, what do you object to?"

"Do you have any grudge against him?"

Shen Ru pointed at Xiao Wujin and asked Yan Shaoqing.

"Of course not." Yan Shaoqing replied immediately.

"Do you need me to tell you about your sister's virtues?" Shen Ru said with disapproval: "Marry a virtuous wife."

Yan Shaoqing, however, didn't take it seriously. He just looked at Xiao Wujin and said, "Xiao Wujin, you can think about it. My sister is old. If anyone can marry her, she is willing to marry her. Well, the dowry will be expensive."

Shen Ru was startled and immediately looked at Xiao Wujin. He was short of money!

"According to the law of this dynasty, dowry is given by a woman's natal family before marriage. Even after marriage, it belongs to the woman."

Xiao Wujin said without changing his expression: "You want me to pledge myself to you, but you can only look at the Yan family's dowry and not move?"

"It's hard to say. If my eldest sister is sincere, she can probably give her her heart and lungs, but the dowry is of course not a problem."

Yan Shaoqing said it seriously, as if he was trying to protect a matchmaker.

"It's shameful for a man to use a woman's dowry to refuse!"

Shen Ru was very surprised when she heard Yan Shaoqing and Xiao Wujin talking seriously about the dowry for women. Why did these two people look so scheming?

Shen Ru reminded aloud: "Did you two forget that there is also me?"

"Guest officer, the food is served!"

The waiter's voice also came from outside.

Xiao Wujin and Yan Shaoqing stopped talking.

"This matter is absolutely impossible!"

However, Xiao Wujin paused for a while and then spoke.

"Miss Shen, your treat is a bit perfunctory, just three dishes and one soup?"

When the dishes were all served, Yan Shaoqing spoke again.

"Yan Shaoqing, if you want to eat, add more vegetables. If you don't want to eat, just shut up!"

Xiao Wujin scolded.

There were vegetables, meat and soup, which was countless times better than what he had eaten at the Governor's Mansion. Only a businessman like Yan Shaoqing thought the food was not good enough!
Yan Shaoqing really didn't want to eat, so he looked at Yan Shaoqing and Shen Ru until they felt uncomfortable.

"Yan Shaoqing, if you don't want to eat, you can go out."

Xiao Wujin couldn't bear it and said, "I have never seen Yan Shaoqing so shameless in the past. What does this mean today?"
"I said you two, are you really silent? What's the point of that? Or are you deliberately silent because I'm here?"

"Yan Shaoqing, there is something in your words. If you want to say anything, just say it directly."

Shen Ru felt that Yan Shaoqing was weird, as if she had intervened between the two people.

"If you act like this, I really feel that you treat Mr. Xiao as everything you own. Well, just like a child, you are not allowed to play with others if you make friends with yourself."

"Are you saying that I act like a child? Oh, I am the eldest young master of the Yan family, and I am in charge of the eighteen stewards of the Yan family."

Yan Shaoqing immediately said: "It's you. Although you have saved my life, if you have anything to do with Xiao Wujin, you will affect his career. Do you understand?"

Shen Ru was stunned. After all, did Yan Shaoqing still care about Xiao Wujin?

"Oh, you are so lenient!"

Shen Ru said angrily, "You said you are not a child. Isn't this the same as protecting food?"

Xiao Wujin didn't say anything. Food was precious and he had to eat before he could talk.

"Shen Ru, I only warned you directly because you are my neighbor and have helped me save my life."

Yan Shaoqing said it with some sincerity.

"Your peace is hard-won. Being so close to him has brought you convenience, but do you know how many people you will become a thorn in the side?"

"Thank you. I doubt even more that your intention is with him. We are all adults. Well, there are some things you can say directly."

"Shen Ru, can you please stop talking about other things?"

Yan Shaoqing said a little angry.Shen Ru had saved him, so he was telling the truth. There were too many uncertainties around Xiao Wujin and dangers abounded, and he didn't want Shen Ru to end up badly.

In addition, he did have the feeling that Shen Ru had intervened between him and Xiao Wujin.

Xiao Wujin ate his food slowly. When he was almost done eating, he raised his eyes to look at Shen Ru and Yan Shaoqing.

"Have you two quarreled enough?"

"Yan Shaoqing, Shen Ru is very important to me."

"Huh?" Shen Ru couldn't help but look at Xiao Wujin. Is she important?
"Shen Ru also contributed a lot to the plan to re-excavate the river."

Xiao Wujin said with a straight face: "If Shen Ru were a man, she would definitely become my most powerful right-hand man."

"Xiao Wujin, are you serious?"

Yan Shaoqing looked at Xiao Wujin and said unhappily.

"She is more important than me, more powerful than me?"

"Pfft!" Shen Ru laughed. Yan Shaoqing was jealous!
"Why are you laughing? You don't know that before you came, I was his right-hand man!"

Yan Shaoqing said fiercely: "He is a scholar who came to Liangzhou to be the governor. He is poor and has nothing. What's the use of ambition? I have been helping him with money and people."

"Well, you said that he owes you a lot of money!"

Shen Ru nodded.

"Yan Shaoqing, what do you mean?"

Xiao Wujin was a little angry. He actually told Shen Ru that he owed him money?

"The fact is, didn't you also write an IOU?"

Yan Shaoqing doesn't think there is any problem with this.

"Anyway, Shen Ru, don't think that just because you are a woman, you can be different."

"How can you help him? Do you know his ideals and ambitions?"

"I know, he wants the people of Liangzhou to have enough food and clothing!"

Shen Ru said calmly: "If officials had this consciousness, no people would be displaced in the world!"

"Of course, I don't have the ability to help you achieve what you want, but, well, you know."

She had already contributed her private salt refining method, and she had also given her own to Xiao Wujin. No matter how much he took out of it, he would still be able to make money!

Then, she refined all the oil on the mountain, which would benefit the government to some extent.


Xiao Wujin nodded in response, which drove Yan Shaoqing beside him crazy.

"What do you mean? What do you know? Did you do something behind my back?"

Look at this angry look, Shen Ru was speechless. Did Yan Shaoqing really regard Xiao Wujin as his personal close friend?
"Don't tell you!"

Shen Ru said deliberately angrily to Yan Shaoqing.

"Shen Ru!"

Yan Shaoqing looked at Shen Ru angrily, and finally took a deep breath.

"You can join if you want, but if you have anything, you must let me know."

"Xiao Wujin, as I said, you will be a good official for you, and I will do my best to help you live in peace in Liangzhou."

Shen Ru looked at Yan Shaoqing and Xiao Wujin with amusement. They really didn't have an affair?

"Well, I will also protect your Yan family and inherit it for a hundred years. I will remember all these."

Xiao Wujin's calm answer made Shen Ru suddenly speechless, and she couldn't help but feel a sudden realization in her heart.

Isn’t it just for mutual benefit and reciprocity that government and businessmen collude?
(End of this chapter)

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