Chapter 161 Who needs Young Master Yan when you have a sister?
Shen Ru couldn't sit idly by, so she immediately put on her clothes and left the tent with Dunzhu.

The torches outside were brightly lit, and everyone from the Xilin tribe's camp came out and negotiated with a group of people on the opposite side.

"Dondup, what are they talking about?"

"They are from the Boji tribe. They said that the tribesmen did not return from hunting. They suspected that it was the people from our tribe who were responsible."

Dunzhu explained to Shen Ru, "But I know this is all their excuse. They have been coveting our land."

As soon as the two parties disagreed, they started to fight. Dunzhu also directly joined the battle with a knife.

Shen Ru suspected that the missing person was the group killed by Yan Shaoqing, so no matter what, he should help!
Yan Shaoqing's bodyguards also joined the Dunzhu tribe to start a fight with the other side. Naturally, Shen Ru couldn't be at a disadvantage.

With their help, the Dundup tribe repelled the Bozier tribe with force.

But before retreating, there was another chatter over there.

Dunzhu's grandfather, the chief of the Xilin tribe, expressed his great gratitude to Yan Shaoqing and his party.

"Dear guests from afar, thank you for your help in repelling the Boji tribe."

Shen Ru understood, he was speaking in Daduan Mandarin.

"Everyone should go back and rest first. Tomorrow our tribe will hold a feast to thank you."

It was really late at night, and although the matter was resolved, it was time for everyone to rest.

Shen Ru returned to the tent with Dunzhu. Seeing Dunzhu's worried expression, she asked.

"Dundup, what did they mean when they left?"

"They said they have surrendered to the Yuezhi tribe and will eat our tribe sooner or later."

Dunzhu said worriedly: "The Yueshi have recovered countless tribes, large and small. I heard that they will unite with the Western Regions and invade Liangzhou. Sister, maybe when you come back from the Western Regions, we will either be conquered by the Yueshi or move away. Gone further afield.”

"Hasn't it been almost ten years since there was a war? Why has the Yuezhi tribe suddenly become stronger?"

Shen Ru asked in shock, wondering if this was what Pei Wenjing had done!

"I don't know. It seems that the people of the Yuezhi tribe got help from the masters of the Western Regions. They fought together and recovered many small tribes."

Dunzhu said worriedly, "Sister, I'm really scared!"

Shen Ru wondered in her mind whether Pei Wenjing went to the Western Regions a few years ago and persuaded the ruler of some country to send people to help the Yuezhi tribe in the grassland, hoping to gather the power of the grassland to attack the border?
In any case, the Western Regions and grasslands are a hidden danger to Liangzhou!

"Sister, I hope I can wait until you and Mr. Yan come back."

Dunzhu said melancholy, telling Shen Ru to go to sleep.

In the dark tent, Shen Ru couldn't sleep for a while. She didn't need to know this, but she followed Yan Shaoqing on a trip to the Western Regions. Is this a sign of God's will?
The next day, the people of the Xilin tribe held a grand ceremony of thanks to Yan Shaoqing and his party.

They brought out some unique highland barley flour cakes and sheep milk wine unique to the tribe, and also killed a few sheep to make roasted mutton.

"Master Yan, you are our lucky star. The Boji tribe has come to harass our tribe many times. This time they just found an excuse."

The old leader raised his glass to Yan Shaoqing and smiled boldly.

Yan Shaoqing said that everything was done with a little effort and also said some words of gratitude.

Shen Ru was a little distracted, looking at the faces of these Xilin people who were filled with happiness. Even though there was the possibility of relocation and annihilation, they still had a positive attitude towards life.

"Shen Ru, Shen Ru!"

Yan Shaoqing suddenly called Shen Ru's name.


Shen Ru raised his head and saw a kind woman holding a bowl of milk wine to toast him.

"Sister, this is my grandmother."

Dunzhu introduced from the side. "Girl, thank you for your help last night. I am also from Liangzhou. Meeting the girl is like meeting a family member."

"Old man, you are too polite."

Seeing this, Shen Ru quickly stood up and took the milk wine from the old woman's hand.

"Well, it's delicious."

"If you like it, girl, then eat more and drink more. There is nothing else on our grassland, but wine and meat are enough."

Shen Ru was surprised by such earnestness, but he responded kindly on his face.

After three rounds of drinking, the women in the tribe who were good at singing and dancing even specially performed a dance for everyone.

"Girl, I have a heartfelt request, please help me."

The old woman came to Shen Ru who was watching the dance at some point and said softly.

Shen Ru was startled and immediately said in panic: "The old lady is serious. I am just a woman and only a follower of Young Master Yan. How can I help Madam?"

"Among my many children, Dunzhu is the one who yearns for Liangzhou the most. When I saw the girl's heroic appearance last night, I suddenly had an idea. Why don't I let Dunzhu follow you?"

"Old woman, this... this is absolutely not allowed. I am just a servant!"

Shen Ru quickly declined. Did she want Dunzhu to marry Yan Shaoqing through her?
"Girl, don't refuse. We, Dunzhu, can take you across the grassland, but by that time, we may have moved. It will definitely be difficult for a girl from Dunzhu to find someone on this prairie, so girl, can Do you want to take her back to Liangzhou? If I still have family members alive, let her go find my family members!"

What the old lady said was reasonable, but Shen Ru also knew that she had agreed, and Dunzhu would be her responsibility.

How could she watch a 16-year-old girl be alone and helpless in Liangzhou City!
"This...if Mr. Yan agrees, I will agree, and I will take care of Dunzhu on the way."

Shen Ru took a step back and pushed the question to Yan Shaoqing.

The old lady nodded, and after saying thank you to Shen Ru, she looked at Yan Shaoqing aside.

Yan Shaoqing was drinking with others in the tribe.

"Girl, I'll excuse you now."


It depends on what Yan Shaoqing says.

This meal of singing and dancing, good wine and meat, continued until the afternoon. Shen Ru discovered that Yan Shaoqing was drunk and carried back to the tent.

"Sister, what did my grandmother say to you?"

Dunzhu ran to Shen Ru with a blushing face and asked enthusiastically.

"Looking at your appearance, you probably already know it!"

Dunzhu nodded and pulled Shen Ru into the tent.

"My grandfather, grandmother, grandma, father, and brothers all told me this morning and asked me to take you out of the grassland."

"My grandfather said that he married a girl from Liangzhou and now he is giving a girl back to Liangzhou."

Shen Rule was delighted, what he said was really justified!
"Then if you come back to Liangzhou with us, what do you want to do? Marry Yan Shaoqing?"

"That's no. If sister can take me back to Liangzhou, why should I get married? Sister, can I be with you?"

Dunzhu looked at Shen Ru with starry eyes: "Sister, I knew when I saw you take action that you are different from other women. You must be very powerful. Moreover, you are different from the other guards of Mr. Yan."

"The little girl's eyes are quite bright, but I came here with Mr. Yan. It depends on whether your family can convince Yan Shaoqing!"

Shen Ru smiled, she quite liked such a straightforward girl.

(End of this chapter)

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