Chapter 170 There are ghosts!
Looking at Shen Ru's face, Yan Shaoqing always felt that Shen Ru knew something.

"Then, put them all back?"

"Yeah!" Shen Ru nodded.

Soon, Yan Shaoqing and others put the books back, and then watched Shen Ru close the lid.

"and then?"

Yan Shaoqing asked again.

"I don't know, then... which way do you choose to go up?"

Shen Ru asked tentatively.

Before Yan Shaoqing could answer, the people from Innocence City had already spontaneously gone to explore the way.

"City Lord, it's bad, the corridor is blocked!"


The city lord of Innocence City immediately ran to the edge of the corridor.

While everyone's attention was attracted, Shen Ru kicked the oil lamp down deliberately and accidentally. As the water under the oil lamp poured in, the lamp went out.

The entire stone room suddenly fell into darkness.

"Ah!" Kasili's scream was particularly harsh in the darkness, and soon someone lit it with a fire stick.

"The box, the box is missing!"

A scream kept echoing in the stone room, and everyone's faces showed horror.

The box that was there just now was suddenly gone and disappeared out of thin air. Apart from them, who else was there in this huge stone room?
"Father, father, if there is a ghost, there must be a ghost!"

Kasili's whole body was focused on the city lord, and her face turned pale with fear.

Yan Shaoqing also felt horrified. How could a good box disappear?

Shen Ru secretly put the box into the space, deliberately pretending to be panicked, and lit the oil lamp again with the light of the fire.

"It's gone. How could it be gone? There must be no ghosts here!"

"The forty thieves died in this castle. It must be because they didn't want anyone to take away their belongings."

Shen Ru trembled and said, "Yan Shaoqing, I...I feel very uncomfortable."

"Who isn't!" Yan Shaoqing gritted his teeth and said, he has seen people with evil intentions, but he has never seen a ghost!
But it was a box, a big box that could hide people, and it was just gone?
"You said that the corridor is blocked and there is only this extremely narrow passage."

Shen Ru lowered his voice and said deliberately: "Did they starve to death in this castle in the end? Therefore, by leaving such a narrow corridor, would anyone who comes in be starved to the skin and bones... Yan Shaoqing, what do you think? What should we do!”

Shen Ru's words seemed to be hypnotic, making it easy for those who heard them to accept them.

The castle was swallowed by quicksand, and the people inside might have been able to hold on for a while, but in the end they couldn't get out. All the food in the castle was eaten, and everyone ended up...

Shen Ru didn't know what the others were thinking, but by the light of the oil lamp, she saw the panic on everyone's faces.

"Are we going to starve to thin skin too?"

Yan Shaoqing gritted his teeth and said, "These thieves really have evil intentions!"

There was an uproar at the place, with shouts and curses everywhere, and they still wanted to see if they could go up the tunnel that came down.

Shen Ru squatted against the wall and curled up as if he was afraid of a ghost.

She was afraid that her expression wouldn't hold up, so she simply held her head and shrank.

Hey, she was so happy thinking about the babies in her own space!

"Shen Ru, you can get out through the narrow passage."

Yan Shaoqing walked to Shen Ru and said comfortingly.

"But I'm scared. If something comes out of that narrow passage, what...what should I do?"

Shen Ru said aggrievedly, the tears she struggled to squeeze out, coupled with the fearful look on her face, made Yan Shaoqing beside her tremble inexplicably.

Shen Ru also has moments of vulnerability!

There was a lot of noise in the stone room for a while, and then gradually everything became quiet.

Shen Ru heard what was being said in the innocent city.

"The city lord asked a thin man to take off his coat and go to the narrow passage for an interview."

Yan Shaoqing said to Shen Ru, "Kasili refused to go, so she let the guard go."

"No matter how thin a man is, it's probably going to be difficult for him if his frame is there." Yan Shaoqing's meaning was naturally filled with concern for himself.

"Shen Ru, if there is no other way, you must try it."

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment and did not answer for a moment.

"I'm sorry for dragging you in."

Yan Shaoqing's apology made Shen Ru feel slightly embarrassed.

"How about we take a look at the map again, just in case!"

Shen Ru suggested that she wanted to work harder and come together and go together.

The map was with the city lord. After Yan Shaoqing heard this, he got up and asked the city lord to come over.

Shen Ru approached the oil lamp and looked at the map again.

The oil lamp printed with the map reflected shadows on the ceiling of the stone chamber.

Shen Ru looked up at the enlarged shadow and was suddenly a little surprised. He felt that the top was not very flat!
"Yan Shaoqing, look above."

Shen Ru asked, pointing to the roof.

Yan Shaoqing raised his eyes and saw nothing.

"It's just a shadow. What else are you thinking about?"

Shen Ru twitched the corner of his mouth and was a little speechless. Is she pretending well?

"I want to say that maybe we can find a way out from above. Don't ask me why, I just feel it."

Yan Shaoqing was stunned. He looked again, why couldn't he see anything?
"Chen Mo, go and have a look."

Yan Shaoqing ordered his men.

"Sun Ping, come here and put a shoulder on my shoulder."

The guard whose name was called by Yan Shaoqing called others.

Soon, he stepped on his companion's shoulders and reached the roof.

Knock it here, push it there, and you will really feel the difference.

Chen Mo stabbed upward with the hilt of his sword, and there was a click, and he heard the movement above.

"There's a hole here."

Chen Mo pushed the stone away with more force, and when he held it up with both hands, the dark hole appeared in front of him.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised by this discovery. Everyone seemed a little excited when they thought that they didn't have to go through that narrow passage.

Because it was Yan Shaoqing's bodyguard who discovered it, the lord of Innocence City pretended to be generous.

"My dear nephew, since you discovered it, you should go up and take a look first."

"Then we'll go ahead."

Yan Shaoqing did not shirk, and with the help of the guards, he also went up.

"Miss Shen, you should go up first!"

Shen Ru did not hesitate and got into the cave with the help of the guards.

Soon, everyone went out of the stone room and discovered the stone stairs leading to the exit of the castle.

"City Lord, we don't want to cause trouble and are preparing to leave. What about you?"

The box that disappeared out of thin air made Yan Shaoqing feel nervous. When he saw the chance to get out, he didn't want to find any more treasures!

The city lord of Innocence City is unwilling to do so.

"If my nephew wants to leave, I won't stop him, but we still have to continue searching."

"Then... there will be a period later."

After Yan Shaoqing and others said goodbye, they took their guards and Shen Ru and climbed the stone stairs out.

Climbing up the stairs, I don’t know how long I walked, and finally I saw the entrance of the cave.

"What a waste of energy."

As soon as he went out, Yan Shaoqing said angrily, said a few words to the guards of Innocence City who were guarding outside, and then led them back to Innocence City!

(End of this chapter)

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