Chapter 18 You must share the food with us
The exiled team continued to move forward, and the disappearance of Fang Dazhu did not attract much attention.

Chen Qing and others pretended to be deaf and mute, and the prisoners who heard what happened last night did not dare to say anything. The official, who knew Fang Dazhu, suspected that Fang Dazhu could not bear the hardship and ran back.

That's the end of the matter.

Shen Ru did not mention this matter to her family. At noon that day, a strange woman ran up to her.

"Miss Shen, please save me, please save my child."

"Who are you!" In broad daylight, Shen Ru really didn't recognize who this woman was.

Unkempt hair and dirty clothes, most of the women here are like this.

"I am the woman you rescued from the officials that night. I am Xu Ding, my mother-in-law is your father's aunt, and my husband is the fourth son of the Xu family."

Shen Ru was a little dizzy. She knew exactly who the nine tribes in the Anguo Hou Mansion were.

Shen Yan on the side listened and helped Shen Ru explain:
"My aunt has been dead for nearly 20 years, and my uncle from the Xu family remarried. My father was very angry at the time and broke off all contact with her."

No wonder she doesn't even remember having such a relative!

"What do you want me to help you with?"

Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Miss Shen, they all said that you have food, so please give some to me. My child is only six years old and is so hungry that he is all skin and bones."

Xu Ding cried and said, "If there is no food, my husband will push me out again."

Shen Ru was speechless, what kind of man is this? !

"Aru, then give her all the steamed buns we got."

Shen Yan said, they don't lack this kind of steamed buns.

Xu Ding was stunned and seemed a little surprised.

Shen Yan called Mother Shen and Aunt Lian to bring over the steamed buns.

"Steamed buns?" Xu Ding looked at about a dozen steamed buns and was a little surprised, but didn't pick them up.

Shen Ru saw the problem and asked:
"What's wrong with the steamed bun? Aren't you hungry? The steamed bun is hungry."

"But... but they say you have a lot of food here, steamed buns... steamed buns, we also have steamed buns!"

Xu Ding's voice became softer and softer, and finally lowered her head.

Shen Ru was speechless. If she really needed food, she would give it to her!

But the others are all exchanged for real money. If you are not weak, you should get it for free.

"Either steamed bun, if not, we can keep it for ourselves."

Seeing that Xu Ding didn't take it, Shen Ru added.

"Steamed buns, you'd better not want any steamed buns!"

Xu Ding said, turned and left in despair.

Shen Ru and her parents looked at each other. How can such a hungry person be so picky?

Xu Ding's family was a little far away from Shen Ru and the others. Shen Ru didn't care about what happened next.

"Everyone, be energetic and leave quickly. If you delay staying at the inn any longer, you will suffer a lot!"

The official shouted to the prisoners to hurry up and leave.

At noon the next day, there was a beach near where the group stopped to rest.

Shen Ruxing stood up and greeted Chen Qing.

"Master Chen, can we go fishing? There should be fish in this large river beach!"

"Fish?" Chen Qing sneered, "Miss Shen is ignorant and ignorant. It has not rained in this area for three months. Did you see that the river used to be at this position and is now almost at its bottom?"

"Mr. Chen, there is no fish, there may be other things. Today's steamed buns are not steamed!"

Shen Ru said, "It's okay to let everyone go down to the river and touch something for themselves!" Yesterday at the inn, the coordinator said that the money allocated by the court was not much, and it had not rained in this area for almost three months, so people suffered losses. It's too big, and the schedule for the next ten days or so can only provide food for their official duties.

These nearly 800 prisoners should just eat some bark, tree roots, etc. In short, just don't starve to death!
"Don't talk about today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the next ten days. I won't have anything to eat, but I think you, Miss Shen, won't be hungry."

Chen Qing deliberately revealed that he just wanted to see how many things Shen Ru had here.


Shen Ru was shocked. Although she had heard such rumors before, hadn't she been given steamed buns all the time in the past few days?

"You have also seen that there is a drought here, taxes have been reduced, and the imperial treasury has been tightened. As for you..."

"The life of a prisoner is not life, right?"

Shen Ru understood.

"Then let everyone rest where they are. We have been walking all morning, how tired we are!"

"Other people are tired, but you Shen family are not tired, are you?"

Chen Qing asked back.

"If you want to go to the tidal flat, go ahead. It will be a waste of effort and nothing will be gained."

Chen Qing had money, but he had no money to spend, so he could only eat dry steamed buns. He was quite angry to see Shen Ru and his family.

With Chen Qing's words, Shen Ru spoke to her family and immediately ran towards the beach.

"Aru, be careful!" Shen's mother immediately shouted, what good things are there in this tidal flat!
Shen Ru took the lead, and upon seeing this and hearing the officer's instructions to rest for a while to burn incense, other prisoners also went to the beach.

There were really no fish left, but Shen Ru saw shrimps, wild shrimps!

“It’s really nice to have this kind of river delicacy in this little puddle!”

Huh, what is this?
Shen Ru saw another river clam, half in the mud and half exposed in the air.

Still alive!
Shen Ru picked up the clam and found that it was still squirming. She was delighted. Sprinkle some salt, cooking wine, chopped green onion and minced garlic on this thing. It would be absolutely delicious!
There was no one around, so Shen Ru immediately put all these things into the space.

"That's her, she is the eldest lady of the Shen family."

Behind him, several women's voices came.

Shen Ru turned around and saw Shen Ping, Xu Dingshi, and some unfamiliar faces.

"Shen Ru, all of us are implicated in your family. It was Marquis An Guo who colluded with Prince Jing to rebel. How come you and your family can still live so well, and we have to suffer."

Shen Ping was the first to accuse.

"No matter how much food you bring, you should share it with us."

"Yes, Shen Ru, we were all harmed by your family."

One, two, three... Shen Ru counted the number of people. It was not easy. Shen Ping actually brought eight people here. What's the matter, these eight people don't like her?
"Oh, you mean, the food I bought with money should be shared with you?"

Shen Ru sneered, "What's the matter, just because you are hungry, are you still thick-skinned?"

"Shen Ru, I am your cousin. You don't even try to help one of your own. This shows how cruel you are."

Shen Ping complained, "You must hand over the food, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

Shen Ru sneered, "Do you want to gang up on me?"

"Miss Shen, to you it's just some food, but to us it's life-saving!"

Xu Ding said, "If you don't give us food, we will have no choice but to attack you."

"Do it? You guys?"

Shen Ruqi smiled, "I can give my things to whoever I like, and no one can take them away. Come on, I haven't moved my muscles for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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