Chapter 187 She just feels unwilling

Shen Ru ignored Shen Ping's displeased look and ate happily with her parents, aunt and younger siblings. Dunzhu told interesting things about the prairie, which made Shen Xuan and Shen Nian couldn't help but chase Dunzhu and continue to ask about interesting things about the prairie. .

Shen Ping ate her dinner in a dull mood. She imagined that Shen Ru might be tired and tired after returning from a trip to the Western Regions, but it was obvious that she was overthinking it.

Shen Ru gave them jade pendants, which were indeed excellent jade, but this made Shen Ping feel even more uncomfortable.

She and her mother worked day and night on embroidery, making numerous handkerchiefs and sachets for only a few taels of silver.

Why can Shen Ru do so well wherever she goes? Doesn't she have anything to worry about?
After dinner, Shen Ping, mother and son left the table first.

"Ping'er, why are you trying to find something wrong with Shen Ru? Don't forget that we are still living in the Shen family!"

Qian looked at Shen Ping worriedly, her daughter was not like this before!
"Mom, look at my hands!"

Shen Ping stretched out her calloused hands and said sadly: "Mom, our embroidered fingers are stained with blood, so we can't buy such a jade pendant. But Shen Ru could easily take out three pieces, plus she gave them to her uncle. How many of them do you still know?”

"Tell me, how much money do they have?"

Shen Ping said quietly, "With how much money you have, you can support a family without having to do anything, but you and your mother have to work hard every day."

"Ping'er, what do you want with this?"

Qian frowned and looked at Shen Ping: "Do you think it's hard? But if you think about your father, the days of hard labor must be thousands of times harder than ours!"

Shen Ping knew it and looked at Qian quietly.

"But, don't people all want to climb up? Mom, under the same roof, they are like a palace, but we are working so hard, I... I feel unhappy!"

"My child, in this world, everyone has his own destiny, you have to recognize it!"

Qian accepted her fate and felt that her current life was very satisfying and comfortable.

She doesn’t want to accept her fate!

"But what does Shen Ru mean by placing a foreigner in the west courtyard?"

"Do you think we are just guests and want to drive us away?"

"Ping'er, why do you think about the worst all your life? You... Mom doesn't know what to say to you. If you think your life is miserable now, why don't you go and see what your father's life is like!"

Qian was a little angry and said: "We make money with our own hands, there is nothing to be ashamed of. We are not inferior to others. It's time for you to calm down and live a good life!"

Shen Ping pursed her lips and said nothing.

She understood everything Qian said, but she just couldn't control the dissatisfaction and unwillingness in her heart!

Dunzhu was too embarrassed to go back to the house immediately.

"Sister Shen, did I choose the wrong house?"

"It's okay. There are so many empty houses at home, aren't they just for living in?"

Shen Ru comforted Dunzhu and said, "However, what her mother said was true to her heart."

"It's time to build a yard for yourself!"

After Shen Ru's mother expressed this idea, she thought of the south-facing courtyard in the second courtyard, and Shen's mother immediately agreed.

"Aru, just do your thing and don't worry about anything. Mom will help you clean up the yard."

Shen Ru was about to get busy, so she left the matter to Shen's mother and Aunt Lian, and took Dunzhu and Anqiao out the next day.

"Dunzhu, when you come to Liangzhou, you naturally do as the locals do. You can wear my clothes first, and we will buy you a few sets of changes of clothes first."

"An Qiao, let's go to the workshop next. Are the stone candles and oil lamps sold?"

"Miss, we spent so much money, how could we not sell it?" An Qiao said excitedly: "You just came back yesterday, and we didn't tell you. At first, we sold it in Mr. Chen's incense and candle shop. But then, you know who bought more?”



An Qiao smiled and said: "Originally, it was just a scholar from the academy who bought it for night reading, but later, the entire academy wanted it!"

"And the Yan family next door. Didn't they give some as a trial gift before? Later, when you were away, they came to buy some more. The Yan family bought a dozen of the fifty-cent candles."

Yan Shaoqing never mentioned it.

"In addition, the candles in the house were also changed, but Madam didn't even notice."

"No matter what, compared to what we invested before, it would be difficult to make back the money by selling it at zero."

Shen Ru said: "We have to discuss this with Yan Shaoqing later. There will always be people in Daduan who want these stone candles and oil lamps."

Listening to what Shen Ru said, Dunzhu couldn't help but curiously asked: "Sister Shen, are you doing any business?"

"You will know in the future, following me is not just free rice!"

Shen Ru said calmly, and soon he went to the clothing store and picked out some clothes for Dunzhu.

Before going to the workshop, Shen Ru asked An Qiao to take him to the tooth shop.

"Girl, you want to buy a field? We don't have a lot of fields in Liangzhou."

The people at Yaxing are very enthusiastic. They don’t know Shen Ru, but they know An Qiao!
When An Qiao and the others came to Liangzhou before, they were looking for a dental shop and visited many houses.

"There aren't many fields, so what's the big one?"

Shen Ru asked back, "I want a place to grow cotton. You can pick a few places for me. The price is easy to negotiate."

Cotton, those who grew cotton before in Liangzhou had a lot of shortages!
The people in Yaxing were surprised when they heard this, but they still agreed with a smile.

"Miss, do you really want to grow cotton?"

After teething, Anqiao asked in surprise, "Why did you think of growing cotton?"

In her opinion, cotton is not as edible as grain.

"I didn't know until I went to the Western Regions this time. One of the Yan family's businesses is to bring cotton from outside the customs into the customs. These cottons can eventually be woven into cotton cloth and supplied to some wealthy people. The best ones are also sold into the capital. ."

Shen Ru explained: "Since cotton is so useful, why don't I grow it?"

An Qiao also felt that what he said was reasonable, and couldn't help but echoed: "Miss, if we have a large cotton field ourselves, won't we no longer have to buy cloth at home in the future?"

"Let's see this when the time comes!"

From cotton to cotton cloth, the process is complicated. Someone has to twist the cotton into thread, then use shuttle needles to wind it, and the textile machine weaves the cloth. If you want to have color, you have to find a dyeing shop to customize it. If you do it all by yourself, how many people will it take? Workshop!

At this moment, another uninvited guest came to Shen Ping's embroidery workshop.

Shen Ping looked at the dignified and quiet Yan Zhenshan with lingering fear, and immediately thought of the snakes in the Yan family.

"The second young lady of the Yan family came to my little embroidery workshop. Do you have any advice?"

No matter how scared she was, Shen Ping still had the courage to entertain.

"A bearded girl moved into your house yesterday?"

Yan Zhenshan asked directly, "Bring that woman out to me, and I will reward you with a lot of money!"

(End of this chapter)

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