Chapter 190 I am serious about my career
After dinner, Shen Yan was stunned for a while after hearing what Shen Ru said.

"Aru, why did you buy so many sheep? Do you want to herd them?"

"Dad, how can I herd sheep? I need to hire someone!"

Shen Ru didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Dad, there are so many cattle grazing in Liangzhou, so my daughter can join in the fun."

"One thousand, five hundred taels, eight hundred sheep, a sheepfold, a house, and a place for the old herdsman mother and son to live in. Aru, why do you think this is not a good deal?"

Although Shen Yan didn't understand buying and selling, things in Liangzhou were very cheap. Shen Ru spent such a large sum of money, but he always felt that it was too much.

"Dad, please help me write this deed!"

Shen Ru pestered Shen Yan and said, "I can't write it myself."

Shen Yan paused and finally agreed.

"Aru, do you have enough money? If not, dad..."

"That's enough, dad, you don't have to worry about money."

Shen Ru immediately said, her parents' combined money is not as much as hers!
When Shen Yan saw this, he didn't say much and sent Shen Ru back to rest while he went to the study to help Shen Ru write the deed.

As Shen Ru was busy himself, he also felt that the whole family was busy.

Mother Shen and aunt are really helping to clean up the yard, and the younger brothers and sisters still have to go to school.

The next morning, Shen Ru went to the Governor's Mansion alone.

"You want to know where in Liangzhou City there are more broken houses and fewer people?"

After hearing what Shen Ru said, Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru in confusion.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"Build a career!"

Shen Ru said directly: "Master Xiao, I will help you renovate the old city to accommodate the people who moved to the river village. How about you help me open some convenient doors?"

Xiao Wujin was stunned. As Shen Ru said before, is it true that there are tens of thousands of rooms in Guangsha?
"Shen Ru, do you know how much it will cost?"

"The money invested is almost a bottomless pit, you know?"

"Then it's up to you, Mr. Xiao. I want to use the land to grow cotton, and I've asked Ya Xing to look for it. If there is any unowned land, I will give you as much as you can."

Shen Ru said with a smile: "This is called replacement, Mr. Xiao, do you understand?"

Xiao Wujin frowned and looked at Shen Ru. As far as he knew, among the mountains with bubbling water and the workshops that made stone candles and oil lamps, which one was not money?
"Shen Ru, are you rich?"

Xiao Wujin tentatively asked what he had always suspected.

"It's okay, what's wrong, Mr. Xiao?"

Shen Ru's intuition told her that Xiao Wujin wanted to borrow money!
"The demand for fine salt is huge. I borrowed the money from Yan Shaoqing to buy coarse salt."

Xiao Wujin said it bluntly: "Those you provided were also sold to Yan Shaoqing. Shen Ru, we need more coarse salt."

"so what?"

Shen Ru asked, do you want to borrow money?
"It's impossible for Liangzhou to purchase so much coarse salt at once, so Shen Ru, you should go to Ganzhou for a trip!"


Shen Ru said in surprise, "I will go to Ganzhou and use my money to buy coarse salt. Is this what you mean?"

"Then...why should I share the money with you?"

Xiao Wujin was stunned by Shen Ru's words.

Shen Ru buys salt and Yan Shaoqing sells salt. What does he do?
"Didn't I help you make fine salt?"

Xiao Wujin said shamelessly.

"Who provided the method for making fine salt, so... Mr. Xiao, do you think I still need your hands?"

Xiao Wujin was speechless, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"However, Mr. Xiao, the confidentiality of the private residence is not as tight as that of the Governor's Mansion, so let Mr. Xiao refine the fine salt!"

Shen Ru sold Xiao Wujin a huge bargain.

"If you take a fancy to the unowned land in Liangzhou and use it for farming, I can make a special case for you." "Master Xiao is wise."

Shen Ru smiled, what a pleasant cooperation!
"I've been very busy recently. I have to negotiate with people about the sale of hundreds of sheep in the afternoon."

Shen Ru then said, "Also, I just came back from the Western Regions, and my parents can't bear to leave me. If I go to Ganzhou now..."

"Buying a sheep? Why are you buying a sheep?"

"Grazing, didn't I say that before? I just happened to encounter a family of herdsmen who wanted to sell their property."

Shen Ru told the story of the herdsman family. Seeing the hidden hurt in Xiao Wujin's eyes, she couldn't go on.

This family is definitely not the only poor people. There are too many poor people in Liangzhou.

"Shen Ru, if you have money, just do it. Remember, hire more workers."

Xiao Wujin was quiet for a while and then spoke.

"Speaking of which, I am far less useful as a governor than a businessman. Many people in Liangzhou City rely on the Yan family for their survival. In the future, Shen Ru, I hope you can also give many people the opportunity to do things and make money. Doorway.”

"Whether I am grazing cattle or growing cotton in the future, water is the key. Mr. Xiao, your biggest contribution is to dig the river!"

Shen Ru said it truthfully, "There are still village relocations and convicts. As the number of people in Liangzhou increases, they will eventually find a way to survive by clearing wasteland and farming."

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru, his heart racing. Shen Ru was right. With more people in Liangzhou, plus the Yan family, and people like Shen Ru, things would get better gradually.

"You really surprised me!"

Xiao Wujin couldn't help but laugh.

"Want to see where the poorest and least populated place is in Liangzhou? I'll take you there!"

Xiao Wujin stood up and spoke.


Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru kept a low profile and went to the ruined area of ​​Liangzhou City in a carriage driven by Lu Yi.

"Drought and fires, this is what happened here the year I came here!"

In the northern corner of the city, Shen Ru saw an extremely desolate scene, with broken walls and ruins everywhere he could see.

"What about people?"

"230-eight people died that year, and this place has been reduced to scorched earth ever since."

Xiao Wujin said sadly: "It's true that there are no survivors, but our belongings are gone and we can't rebuild our homes, so we can only go far away."

“Do you want me to build a new house here?”

Shen Ru asked back: "It's not impossible. Are there any survivors at that time? If so, we still have to buy this land from them!"

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru. She seemed to be talking about money, but she was obviously not greedy for money.

"Really decided?"

Xiao Wujin wanted to give Shen Ru a chance to repent.

She would feel uneasy if she didn't spend four boxes of gold, silver and jewelry!
"It's okay here, but how about the government stepping in to find craftsmen, masons, etc.?"

"The foundation of my Shen family is not stable. Wealth should not be exposed. Master Xiao should understand."

Is this... what allowed him to gain this reputation?

When Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru again, his heart really changed a thousand times.

"You only provide money and don't want fame?"

Xiao Wujin asked again.

"Well, our Shen family is a family of outlaws after all, so we really can't be too ostentatious about it."

Shen Ru humbly said that if Xiao Wujin became the best parent official among the people of Liangzhou, Daduan would no longer exist and the new dynasty would be established. Who would be more suitable for the current status of governor than Xiao Wujin?

The Shen family and others no longer have the status of exiles, and it will not be too late for them to gradually become famous.

(End of this chapter)

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