Chapter 195: Sent to exile to dig a river

The night was dark and windy, and the whole inn was quiet.

Shen Ru hasn't slept yet, waiting for the big fish to take the bait, then close the door and beat the dog!
The sound came from the window, and Shen Ru couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

As expected, he is a soft-headed person. If there is a door, he will climb out of the window.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this bitch is rich and not bad looking. She kidnapped people and sold them to Tianxiangyuan."

Hearing that there was more than one person, Shen Ru wanted to take action immediately.

"How beautiful it is. If it looks good enough, how about brothers...hehehehe..."

Accompanied by the man's lewd laughter, Shen Ru opened her eyes.

"Hey, the beauty is awake!"

The one walking in front holding a lantern was the shopkeeper's son. Seeing that Shen Ru was awake, he looked even more excited.

"Don't move, just hand over the money."

As the man spoke, the dagger in his hand was already pointed at Shen Ru.

Shen Ru stood up leisurely without shouting, looked at the three people who came in, and said slowly:

"Anyone else?"


"She must be stupid, what does she mean?"

The man following behind muttered.

"What I mean is, I will beat up those who come and rob me, and I will make you regret your life!"

As Shen Ru spoke, she took the dagger from the man's hand with a backhand move.

Then, she opened her bows to the left and right, and there were three flower stands, which could not be seen at all in her hands.

"You want to steal money and sell me to Tianxiang Tower? I'll beat you lightly. After the beating, I'll report it to the officer. I'll see if you can get through the jail!"

The noise in Shen Ru's house naturally woke up Xiao Wujin and Luneng next door.

By the time they pushed the door open, Shen Ru had already beaten the three men who broke into her house until they fell to the ground.

"Shen Ru, keep someone under your command!"

Seeing the three men lying and groaning, Xiao Wujin immediately shouted.

"Don't worry, I have counted."

Shen Ru shook his fist and didn't make any real moves to deal with these little thieves.

"If you want to play, play big. These three people robbed me in the middle of the night and wanted to sell me to Tianxiangyuan. You can tell where it is as soon as you hear it. Mr. Xiao, are you in jail or a exile?"

Xiao Wujin was stunned at first, and then understood.

"Luneng, take people to the county government overnight. Liangzhou still lacks coolies to dig rivers. If anyone steals or sells women in the future, they will be thrown to dig rivers!"

Luneng just asked the post station to deliver a letter to the prefect of Liangzhou. This attitude was like asking him to go to the county government office!

"Okay, sir, I will take the person to the county government office right now."

Luneng responded immediately and stepped forward to kick a few people.

"Get up, if you don't get up, I will drag you away!"

It's not that they don't remember it, it's that they really can't get up after being beaten!

Luneng urged them several times, but when they saw that the three of them could only hum, they actually dragged them away.

The innkeeper and his wife were also alerted. When they saw their son being dragged by Luneng, they hurriedly stepped forward.

"Stop, strong man, this... this is my son. Why has he offended the strong man? Please be noble and let my son go!"

"Your son collaborated with others to steal money."

Luneng said with a straight face: "You go to the county magistrate to ask for someone. These three people must see the official."

"No, strong man, I only have a single seedling in my family. You must not report him to the official. If you do, he will be finished."

The shopkeeper's wife immediately stopped in front of Luneng and said.

"If he doesn't send him to the official, he will spend the rest of his life screaming!"

Shen Ru walked out with a cold face. "Now that he has learned how to break into and rob a house, and threaten him with a knife, he also oppresses his parents, and treats his neighbors like slaves. Aren't you afraid that he will die outside that day?"

"In other words, what he is like now is because you, as parents, are overly pampered and pampered? Don't you yourselves know what is right and wrong?"

"But, he...he is our son!"

The shopkeeper looked distressed. He saw that Shen Ru and the others had unusual status, so he didn't dare to compete too much.

"Can you let him go this time? No matter how much it costs, we will pay him."

"Is this a matter of money?" Shen Ru sneered: "If you don't teach your own son, there will always be someone to teach it for you! Luneng, send him to the official position!"

Xiao Wujin hid in the darkness, listening to Shen Ru's sharp words, and admired in his heart, she was right.

If you don’t teach your own children, people outside will teach you a painful lesson in the future.

Luneng pushed away the shopkeeper and his wife, and dragged them out with one hand and two feet.

"My son, my son!"

The shopkeeper's wife was supported by the shopkeeper and burst into tears.

"Mother, let's... let's go see him in prison. I hope he can have a longer memory!"

The waiter who was woken up and the guests who stayed overnight also went back one after another.

In the lobby of the inn, the wife of the innkeeper was sobbing and crying. She was pulled back to the backyard by the innkeeper, and she also said something broken.

Shen Ru turned around and saw Xiao Wujin standing in the darkness at the door.

"Shen Ru, you are amazing."

Xiao Wujin said sincerely.

"That's right, I've never been afraid of anyone in a fight!"

Shen Ru proudly replied, asking her to fight three bastards is already considered bullying!

"No, with every word you said, you revealed the fact that the shopkeeper and his wife indulged their children as if they were killing them."

"Ha, this is common sense. Since ancient times, a filial son emerges from the stick. It makes people angry to see the shopkeeper and his wife being angry and afraid to speak against their son during the day."

Shen Ru said embarrassedly: "Ye Shen is here, isn't Mr. Xiao still asleep?"

"Your house is messy, can you still sleep?"

Xiao Wujin asked: "If you don't mind if it's an eyesore, can we change it?"

"No, no, as long as the bed doesn't collapse."

Shen Ru is not that squeamish. How can someone who has been on the road of exile dislike a messy room?
Xiao Wujin was a little disappointed, Shen Ru was too strong!
The next morning, Shen Ru got up refreshed, opened the door, and saw the door of Xiao Wujin and Luneng's room open. The two seemed to be talking about something.

"Good morning!"

Shen Ru said hello generously.

"Miss Shen is here. Sir, should we set off directly, or should we go to the government office to have a look?"

Luneng asked.

"Have you explained everything? If there are no problems, let's set off directly."

Xiao Wujin also wanted to keep a low profile when he went out this time. If he showed up, all the officials below would definitely want to keep him.

In the past, it was okay to pluck out some hair everywhere, but with Shen Ru, he didn't want to do that anymore!

"Shen Ru, after breakfast, let's set off!"

Shen Ru responded and went back to the house to pack his luggage.

While having breakfast, Shen Ru didn't see the shopkeeper and his wife, so he asked the waiter and found out that they went to the government office to meet their son early in the morning.

"They say a loving mother often loses her son, and I think this shopkeeper is the same."

Shen Ru muttered: "If the shopkeeper could be stricter with his son since he was a child, he wouldn't be like this!"

"We have to leave quickly. If they know that our son can't get out of prison and will send him to Liangzhou City to dig a river, they will definitely come back and beg us!"

Luneng said: "Let's go quickly. I don't like being held in my lap and crying."

Shen Ru laughed. How many times has Luneng experienced this?

(End of this chapter)

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