Chapter 201 Do you have someone in mind
Shen Ruke had no idea that Xiao Wujin and Luneng were already lamenting and sighing next door.

Or because she spends money lavishly.

She is still looking at how to arrange things in the space reasonably.

In the end, she could only sigh that it was great to go out alone. Xiao Wujin and Luneng were really in the way.

The two people next door who were disliked by Shen Ru were also sighing at this moment.

"Sir, if you want to marry Miss Shen, you can only live in the Governor's Mansion. You have no other house in Liangzhou."

Xiao Wujin was heartbroken. There were many public servants in the Governor's Mansion. If he stopped serving in the future, wouldn't he have nowhere to go?
"Sir, I heard that when wealthy families in the capital marry their daughters, they must first have enough betrothal gifts before the heroine can get married in a grand manner. Miss Shen's identity, Shili Hongzhuang... is not too much!"

Xiao Wujin was stabbed again. He had never seriously considered such a thing before.

"Also, Sir, I heard that Miss Shen is looking for a son-in-law. How about... Sir, I think it would be nice to come to the Shen family to treat people."

Every word Luneng said was like rubbing salt into Xiao Wujin's heart. Listed one by one, he was not worthy of Shen Ru.

If you really like someone, how can you let her live a simple life with you?

But if he wants to use Shen Ru's money, it will undoubtedly make him unable to pass his own level.

In the end, Xiao Wujin and Luneng looked at each other, both seeming a little frustrated.

At meal time, Shen Rulai asked Xiao Wujin to eat. She knew that Xiao Wujin was poor. If she hadn't mentioned it, he might have been eating dry food in the guest room!

"Yes, the three of us will have four dishes and one soup."

Shen Ru familiarly ordered food from the waiter at the same store, and felt Xiao Wujin's eyes that seemed to be full of resentment.

"What is bothering you two, and it has something to do with me?"

The waiter retreated, and Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin and Luneng seriously.

"Don't use excuses to deal with me, there's something wrong with you two!"

Xiao Wujin closed his mouth and stopped talking. Luneng's eyes also looked elsewhere, not knowing how to speak.

"Well, Miss Shen, have you ever thought about what kind of husband you will find in the future?"

Luneng, who had been kicked by Xiao Wujin, asked bravely.

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, it really had something to do with her.

"have not thought."

After regaining consciousness, Shen Ru said simply.

"How could it be possible? There is no girl here who has never thought about getting married. Miss Shen, sir and I are actually afraid of delaying your important life events, so we..."

Lun Neng said with a guilty conscience and did not dare to look at Shen Ru.

"Ha~" Shen Ru smiled a little carelessly.

If I was really afraid of delaying her, I wouldn't ask her to go to Ganzhou!
"I'm... rich, I mean my family is rich and I have a special status. It's too difficult to find this man, so I won't look for him!"

Shen Ru simply said: "I prefer making money than getting married."

"There is no conflict between making money and getting married. Didn't you say you wanted to find a son-in-law before?"

Xiao Wujin asked at the right time.

Shen Ru chuckled and motioned for the two of them to come forward.

"Excuse, do you understand the excuse? If anyone asks me about getting married, I will just say that I want to find a son-in-law."

"Anyway, I've already recruited one before!"

Shen Ru's words reminded Xiao Wujin of Shen Ru's son-in-law who died young, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"I've heard very little about that person, do you still remember?"

Xiao Wujin asked tentatively.

Shen Ru shook her head, she had almost forgotten.

To put it bluntly, her impression of Lin Shian had long since faded away.

"I only remember that he came from a poor family. After he came to Beijing, he met my father by chance. He was in a pinch, so my father funded his scientific examination and he volunteered to marry me. Later, when I fell into a coma from a horse and he passed the exam, he passed the exam and passed the exam. My father wanted him to get married to me in advance, as a way to celebrate my marriage. You should know what happens next."

Shen Ru said very calmly, it had been so long, Lin Shi'an was more like a paper man to her, she only knew that if Lin Shi'an got away, he would become a powerful minister, and the Shen family would be retaliated against.

"How could you fall into a coma after falling off a horse with such skill?" Xiao Wujin asked with some confusion.

"Yeah, I'm so powerful, how could I fall off my horse? So maybe someone in the capital wants to kill me!"

Shen Ru followed Xiao Wujin's words and found an imaginary enemy for herself.

"The horse stumbles. After all, there are unforeseen circumstances, but aren't I just risking my life and surviving?"

Xiao Wujin could only feel lucky for Shen Ru. The Shen family could be exiled, but there was no guarantee that there would be no enemies in the capital.

"If you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later. When you arrive in Liangzhou, no one will plot against you."

"I think so too, ha, look how comfortable I am now!"

Shen Ru laughed and the waiter also started serving food.

"Eat, eat, I didn't expect you men to be so talkative."

Shen Ru deliberately teased, wanting to end the topic.

"That's because of you." Xiao Wujin blurted out.


Shen Ru was puzzled for a moment and looked at Xiao Wujin.

"Nothing, just eat."

Xiao Wujin naturally didn't dare to let Shen Ru understand what he was thinking. He still didn't know how to like Shen Ru and how to give her a clear future.

Shen Ru always felt that Xiao Wujin was weird. Seeing that he had no intention of saying anything, she simply stopped thinking about it. It was important to eat.

The night in Shazhou is very refreshing. Summer has not yet begun, so it is the cool season.

Lying on the bed in the inn, she read the diary of the great thief ancestor again.

When Daduan was first established a hundred years ago, the country was closed to the outside world. This ancestor outside the customs could only continue to do the job of his original body before traveling through time.

From being afraid of blood at the beginning to becoming a murderous robber later, this journey is really complicated.

"Boom!" There was a knock on the door.

Shen Ru was shocked and immediately hid the diary in the space.

"Who is it!"

"it's me!"

There was Xiao Wujin's voice outside the door.

Um?If he doesn't sleep at night, what does he do to himself?
Shen Ru got dressed and opened the door.

"Master Xiao, why don't you sleep?"

"Seeing the candlelight in your room was on, I guessed that you weren't asleep either. You have some ideas. Why don't you tell me how to buy salt when I go to Ganzhou this time?"

Xiao Wujin said seriously.

Shen Ru wanted to roll his eyes. Is it necessary to say this here?

"Go to the roof!"

Shen Ru looked around, wondering if the wall had ears.


This time it was Xiao Wujin's turn to be surprised.

"Go, I'll take you up."

Shen Ru took Xiao Wujin and sat down on the roof, looking at the stars in the night sky with a lot of emotions.

"What I never tire of is the night sky. It is indeed very beautiful!"

Shen Ru looked up at the stars happily and said, "Mr. Xiao, when you are busy, stop and look at the night sky. The vastness of the stars can give you some relief from your worries?"

Xiao Wujin raised his head, the night breeze was blowing, the stars were dazzling, and Shen Ru was beside him, which really made him feel uneasy.

"Shen Ru, do you have someone in mind?"

Xiao Wujin asked out of nowhere, was she attracted to him?
(End of this chapter)

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