Chapter 21 Encountering refugees and wolves

Shen Ru's family sitting in the carriage did not know what was going on outside.

"Sir, madam, eldest lady, the team has stopped."

Uncle Fu's voice came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the officer's words also reached Shen Ru's ears.

"If you encounter refugees on the road ahead, whoever dares to think of escaping will sit down with your family. Think about the consequences for yourselves!"


Shen Ru pushed open the carriage door and walked out. There was a prison carriage in front of her, but the officials were blocking it, so she couldn't see clearly.

"Uncle Fu, let me go and take a look."

Shen Ru walked to the front and saw that all the officials were very cautious.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, when a refugee meets a refugee, do you think there will be any sparks?"

"Miss Shen, please don't joke and don't have other thoughts."

Chen Qing said seriously, refugees don't want to meet people from the government, but people who are extremely hungry, who knows what they will do?

There are indeed some refugees who secretly want to escape among the refugees.

However, not to mention the shackles on the felons, all the refugees are wearing prison clothes, so it is almost impossible to blend in among the refugees.

"Are you in charge of the food?"

I don’t know who it was, but suddenly said something, and then something magical happened.

"Master, please take me with you. Just take care of the food."

"My lord, and I, as long as you have something to eat, you can go anywhere."

"Go away. Escort the prisoners. Keep away from idlers. Go away quickly."

The official immediately called for help, but the refugee did not escape, but the refugee wanted to come and beg for food.

But the prisoners couldn't even eat steamed buns, and there weren't many wild vegetables in this area. The prisoners were all hungry!
Just like a farce, in the end the refugees were whipped by the officials before leaving unwillingly.

Because of such a delay, they missed staying at the inn that day, so the large team had no choice but to sleep in the wild.

The prisoners, who had not eaten for a day, began to shout and make a commotion.

"Miss Shen, you are the only one who still has some food on hand!"

Chen Qingyi said with a hint.

"Yes, no, Shen Ming sneaked into our carriage last night. He looked for it, but there was nothing to eat."

Shen Ru opened his eyes and told lies, his expression was very serious.

"On this day, you ate the wild vegetable porridge in the morning. Why, aren't rice and wild vegetables for food?"

Chen Qing asked sharply.

Rice is stored in your own space. To be honest, if you take it out, everyone's hunger problem can be solved.

But she was a little unwilling!
"Well... Mr. Chen, since you know it, I won't hide it from you. I am willing to give out the remaining rice under the condition that we ensure that no one in our family is hungry."

After thinking about it, Shen Ru still said that it was not good to live alone, and that their family's treatment could only be obtained by paying off these officials.

Chen Qing was surprised to see Shen Ru being so righteous.

"Then please ask Miss Shen to help everyone get through this difficulty!"

The rest of the Shen family really didn't go through the box, but now they all looked at Shen Ru after hearing Chen Qing's words.

"I'll get it."

Shen Ru said, climbed into the carriage, and after a while, took out a bag of rice.

Chen Qing looked at the bag of rice with some confusion.

With such a big bag of rice, is Shen Ming blind?
"To be honest with Mr. Chen, this bag of rice is the only one we have left. If Mr. Chen doesn't believe it, you can check it yourself."

Shen Ru said seriously, "When we get to the next jurisdiction, please allow Mr. Chen to go into the city with me to buy some supplies!"

"Good to say."

Now that Shen Ru brought out the food, Chen Qing's attitude became much more relaxed.

"Brothers, come on, set up a pot and light the fire!" "Aru, are we really gone?"

Shen Yan said worriedly.

"Father, mother, no one has anything to eat right now, and there are no official errands. If we still have enough to eat at home, there will be public outrage."

Shen Ru comforted his family and said, "There is no rice. We still have some dry food, so we won't be hungry."

"It depends on whether these officers and soldiers have any conscience."

Officials ate while prisoners drank porridge. Chen Qing was still somewhat humane. As the aroma of food wafted out, there seemed to be something vaguely more in the forest.

There were more and more green eyes in the dark night, and along with the long howl, everyone was shocked!
"Wolf, there are wolves!"

"It's a pack of wolves!"

There were sounds of panic among the prisoners.

All the officers immediately picked up their weapons, but looking at the approaching wolves, many of them had weak legs.

Hungry wolves are more terrifying than weak prisoners.

The women and children all screamed in fear, but Shen Ru was a little excited. She did it again!
"Father, mother, aunt, please take Xuan'er and Nian'er into the carriage quickly."

"Old madam, you and the young master should go in too!"

"Everyone, stand down!"

Chen Qing also shouted, what can the old, weak, sick and disabled do?
Prisoners can hide, but they cannot.

"Brothers, pick up your weapons and add some meat!"

"Master Chen, let me help you!"

Shen Ru immediately shouted, "Give me a knife!"

Chen Qing glanced at Shen Ru. He also wanted to see what Shen Ru's skills were.

The scene of a hairpin inserted seven inches into the snake that night still left him with lingering fear.


As the wolves attacked, the officials also raised their swords to chop them down.

Shen Ru knew that if the wolves rushed into the prisoners, many prisoners would be injured.

Shen Ru, who was holding the knife and had a strong posture, used a move to flatten the wolf and disembowel it directly at the wolf that rushed towards him!

Looking back at the official officers facing the enemy, she felt a little disdainful. This official officer was not very good at it!
Seeing Chen Qing still fighting with a hungry wolf, Shen Rufei jumped up, put his strength on the knife, and cut off half of the wolf's head.

"Master Chen, why don't you thank me?"

Shen Ru said something and immediately went to rescue other officials.

With a pack of less than twenty wolves, nearly a hundred official officials, and Shen Ru joining in, it took nearly half an hour to kill all the wolves.

Moreover, many of the officials were injured. The wolf's claws were so sharp that even a piece of flesh would be peeled off with one claw.

Chen Qing also had a wound on his body, and while he was enduring it, Shen Ru stepped forward and took out the golden sore medicine.

"Master Chen, please bring some medicine. I bought this when I went shopping last time."

last time?

Chen Qing felt a little disgusted for some reason. Wasn't that the time when he bought that thing?
"Thank you!"

After taking the medicine, Chen Qing became more wary of Shen Ru. Shen Ru's kung fu was so powerful that if she wanted to leave, they couldn't stop her at all.

"Master Chen, how are you going to deal with so many wolf corpses?"

Shen Ru asked again.

"What do you think Miss Shen has to say?"

"The wolf meat can be dried and eaten, and the wolf skin can keep out the cold. This wolf is really a treasure!"

Chen Qing nodded and just shied away: "But we are injured, we can't do this skinning thing."

"There are so many people. The more you work, the more you get. As long as Mr. Chen promises benefits, I think there are still people who are willing to contribute."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "As a girl, I obviously don't tolerate such bloody things."

(End of this chapter)

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