Chapter 211 Tell him how to not be tempted

Xiao Wujin looked a little annoyed and guilty, but he immediately said firmly:
"Aru, she is an old acquaintance, but she is really not my old friend."

"I've been kindly invited, but if you don't go up, wouldn't it be disrespectful to others?"

Shen Ru pretended to be angry, and she naturally believed Xiao Wujin, but it would be nice to go and meet the beauty above!
In order to prevent Shen Ru from misunderstanding, Xiao Wujin really had no choice but to go up and meet an acquaintance.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, you are a rare visitor. You are really a rare visitor. You are here to see Xiangyun. This is..."

When the madam saw Xiao Wujin, she looked like an acquaintance, but she was very puzzled by the fact that he was bringing a woman to visit a brothel.

"Aru is my unmarried wife. Well, she wants to meet Xiangyun."

Xiao Wujin said something a bit cryptic.

Shen Ru glared at Xiao Wujin, who was her unmarried wife? They had just confirmed their relationship!

I don't know what the madam was thinking, but seeing the strange look in Shen Ru's eyes, she still let the turtle slave take Xiao Wujin upstairs.

The air in this place smelled of powder, and Shen Ru sneezed twice in a row.From time to time, there were voices of men and women laughing around him, and women of all kinds made Shen Ru look around.

"Is it that pretty?"

Xiao Wujin couldn't help but joke, the daughter of a noble family in the capital is still interested in brothels?

"It looks so good, otherwise why would you men love it so much?"

Shen Ruli responded confidently, leaving Xiao Wujin dumbfounded.

Before he could say a few words of comfort, he had already arrived at Xiangyun's house. Gui Nu called inside, and the girl he had seen before came out to greet him with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao, do you think you have forgotten me, or have you left your old love behind when you have a new love?"

Xiang Yunqiao said with a smile, and after introducing the person into the back room, her expression changed.

"Master Xiao, if he bumps into this girl, Xiangyun will be guilty of a serious crime."

"Aru, when I was working on a case, I got to know Miss Xiangyun through her help. She is not what you thought."

Xiao Wujin then explained to Shen Ru, "Only Xiangyun knows my identity, and no one else in this building knows it."

"Okay." Shen Ru replied, seeming to feel a little regretful.

"Master Xiao, when you come back to Suzhou, is there another case?"

Xiangyun poured tea for the two of them and said softly: "If you still need Xiangyun's place, just ask Mr. Xiao."

Shen Ru looked at Xiangyun curiously, what was he trying to do with being so eager?

"There's no case. We'll leave tomorrow. I'll just accompany Aru around."

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru and said, seeing her secretly looking at Xiangyun, he felt a little funny and felt a little excited in his heart. Is Shen Ru jealous?

"Why does this girl look at me like this?"

Xiangyun also noticed that Shen Ru was looking at her, so she asked directly.

"Of course it's the beautiful sister!" Shen Ru answered generously. "Sister must be good at helping Wujin, but unlike me, she just pesters him to play with me."

Xiao Wujin was startled, Shen Ru was...

"My sister must be very important in Mr. Xiao's heart if I can be accompanied by Mr. Xiao who is so serious in words."

Xiao Wujin sounded like something was wrong with this sister and sister!

"Hey, that's right. I'm young after all, and he's so much older than me. If he doesn't play with me, I'll think he's boring!"

As Shen Ru spoke, she looked at Xiao Wujin, was he stupid? If this girl hadn't been interested in him, would she have thrown sachets at him on the street?Didn't you see him shopping with you?
"Aru, do you think I'm old?"

Xiao Wujin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was a little older than Shen Ru, but Shen Ru's opinions and behavior almost made him forget that she was not even twenty yet! "No, no, I said it with my mouth, but I didn't mean it in my heart." Shen Ru immediately shook his head.

"Master Xiao, this little girl of yours is very cute. I don't know which lady can be so favored by Master Xiao."

Xiang Yun said softly, her eyes also moving around Shen Ru.

"It is my great fortune to be favored by Aru."

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru and said, "Xiangyun, I have said before that you have done something good for me. If you are willing, I can redeem your life and send you to a place where no one knows you."

Xiangyun laughed at himself and said: "Master Xiao, with just this tacky trick, if we leave this place, if we can't carry it on our shoulders or pick it up with our hands, I'm afraid we will starve to death."

"If we poor people like us are lucky, we will be redeemed and taken into the back room as concubines or something."

Oh, this is a clear hint!
Shen Ru knew it well and looked at Xiao Wujin. She didn't believe it. Xiao Wujin couldn't understand the meaning behind this girl's words.

"Since Miss Xiangyun believes this to be the case, Xiao can only wish the girl to meet her sweetheart soon. If she needs help deporting herself, Xiao will definitely help if she can."

Xiao Wujin didn't know if he was pretending to be stupid, but his reply was sincere.

"Does this satisfy your curiosity?" Xiao Wujin turned to look at Shen Ru again, "How can any girl be curious about this?"

"Yeah, just so so." Shen Ru smiled, sensing Xiao Wujin's intention to leave. "There's really nothing interesting to do. It's better to go shopping elsewhere."

"But I feel sorry for delaying my sister's business. I hope my sister will accept this little thought."

With that said, Shen Ru took out some broken silver and placed it on the table.

"Master Xiao, I know that you are not rich, so you should take back this money."

Xiangyun's eyes were a little disappointed, but he still said with a smile on his face.

"This is Aru's money. Xiao is ashamed, he is really short of money."

Xiao Wujin was not afraid of losing face and said with a smile.

"Let's go, Aru!"

Seeing the two of them getting up, Xiangyun could only get up and say goodbye to each other, and opened his mouth, but Shen Ru looked over and swallowed it.

This must be a lady from a famous family, the eldest daughter of a wealthy family. Why should she compare herself to others?

"Master Xiao, see you later."

"Xiao will probably have heavy official duties in the future. If Aru still wants to travel, I will accompany her for a walk."

Xiao Wujin declined. He probably wouldn't be able to set foot here again in the future.

Shen Ru was quite satisfied and left the brothel.She couldn't help but lean against Xiao Wujin.

"Xiao Wujin, this is the goddess Youxinxiang Wang Wumeng!"

"Don't make fun of me. I met her with Luneng before and I never heard her talk about her."

Xiao Wujin was not stupid, he heard Xiangyun's intention to be his concubine.

"You, on the other hand, really think I'm old?"

"How can it be possible? We, Mr. Xiao, are in our prime!"

Shen Ru joked: "Besides, he is mature, steady, scholarly, and scolding Fang Qiu. This is the best age."

Xiao Wujin sighed in his heart, Shen Ru's mouth could always speak to his heart, so how could he not be tempted by her?

(End of this chapter)

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