Chapter 215 Isn’t it true that there is a mine at home?
When Luneng entered the room, he saw his lord and Shen Ru locked eyes, and immediately stepped back with an aunt's smile on his face.

"Master, the food will be served soon!" Luneng reminded from outside.

"Come in." Xiao Wujin's calm voice came out, as if nothing had happened.

Luneng entered the room and saw Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin sitting next to each other. Their expressions were as usual, which made Luneng wonder if he was dazzled just now.

"Miss Shen, there are people watching at the door of the restaurant. I think they are people from the government."

"I know that there are people watching over at the inn. Generally speaking, they all suspect that I didn't come alone."

Shen Ru said: "It's just that I don't dare to follow closely. If I are really hit, I can go around. Then Wei Xiaozhi has got into money."

"It will take a few days to get ready. You can't keep me waiting at the inn every day."

Yes, it was really heart-wrenching to let him know that Shen Ru was in the same city and yet not able to see each other.

Xiao Wujin couldn't help but look at Shen Ru, his heart filled with tenderness.

"Well... I'd better go outside and keep an eye on them in case anyone disturbs them." Luneng said knowingly, and then left Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin alone.

"Let Wei Xiaozhi go faster."

Xiao Wujin said: "We will leave Ganzhou when their goods are shipped."

"Okay!" Shen Ru responded. Following Luneng's shout outside the private room, the door opened and the waiter came in to serve the dishes.

Even when the food was served, Luneng didn't want to come in. He was really a dedicated subordinate.

The two of them always had endless things to talk about together, and Xiao Wujin felt satisfied just looking at Shen Ru.

"Master Xiao, your idiotic eyes make me a little scared!" Shen Ru couldn't help but joked, she never thought that Xiao Wujin had this attribute!

"What are you afraid of me for?" Xiao Wujin lowered his voice and said.

"Once an old man is in love..."

"I'm old?"

Xiao Wujin's expression was a little stiff.

"Bah, bah, bah, slip of the tongue. Once this iron tree blooms, tsk tsk tsk..."

Shen Ru teased, but still stretched out his hand and clasped Xiao Wujin's fingers, smiling like a spring breeze.

Xiao Wujin's more than twenty years of etiquette upbringing made him become more passionate and stop at etiquette. He was forbearing and affectionate.

When Shen Ru left, she also settled the bill. Outside the restaurant, she saw the person following her. She stepped forward generously and said:

"Why, I'm coming to a restaurant to have a meal, and you guys want to watch?"

"Actually, I just said it directly, I can't afford to have guests."

"Miss Shen misunderstood. In fact, the master wanted to hold a banquet in the house, and he specially ordered me to invite Miss Shen. I happened to see Miss Shen coming out to have dinner in this restaurant. I was afraid of disturbing Miss Shen's enjoyment, so I waited for her to come out. .”

The one who was following him was also a man, and he said to Shen Ru with a smile.

"Oh, let's have a banquet, when? What delicious food does you have in Ganzhou? I think this restaurant is just mediocre."

"Don't worry, Miss Shen. Your Excellency will definitely treat you with the best in Ganzhou. Miss Shen, are you going back to the inn now?"

"No, just wander around. Ganzhou is much richer than Liangzhou, and there are many things that Liangzhou doesn't have. You came at the right time, come with me, and pick up things for me."

Shen Ru ordered unceremoniously.

The person following was named Yuan Fu, who was considered the elite guard of the governor's office. Hearing Shen Ru's words, the corner of his mouth twitched, but he didn't refuse.

"I'm willing to serve Miss Shen." Shen Ru walked around the street and bought what he liked. He was very generous. Soon, Yuan Fu behind him was covered in bags and bags.

Yuan Fu thinks this is impossible if the family has no mines. Who can buy things like this?

Moreover, Shen Ru was very energetic. By the time she had finished shopping, Yuan Fu was almost exhausted!

"Miss Shen, okay, are you okay?"

Yuan Fu said bitterly: "Don't you have these honeydew melons in Liangzhou?"

"No, the land in Liangzhou is really poor. We don't have enough water in Ganzhou, so we can't grow anything. In the past, when we were in the capital, we had everything we wanted, hey!"

Shen Ru sighed: "Okay, that's it. I'll have to hire a carriage to transport it back."

You're the only one who spends so much money like this!
Yuan Fu slandered, but he didn't dare to say that Shen Ru was wrong. He just speculated about Shen Ru's net worth. He must have a mine in his family!
After tossing Yuan Fu for a while, Shen Ru felt relieved. After Yuan Fu moved her things into the guest room and left, she put the things away in the space.

Wei Xiaozhi was hosting a luncheon tomorrow, and Shen Ru naturally agreed to attend.

"Luncheon, when did I say there was going to be a banquet?"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Wei Xiaozhi from the Governor's Mansion complained a little: "You are hosting a banquet for a little girl, and you are still selling private salt. Are you afraid that others will not know?"

"Sir, I was caught red-handed by Miss Shen, so this is all I can say."

"Sir, it's just a table. It's not convenient to talk outside, but it's really more convenient to talk in the house."

The confidants also said: "My lord, I have almost prepared the salt. Her money..."

"Yes, okay, let's do it at noon tomorrow! Yuan Fu, you and Han Teng will pick her up then!"

Wei Xiaozhi thought for a while, nodded and said.

The next day, Shen Ru followed the two of them to the Governor's Mansion with a small box.

Wei Xiaozhi had a flattering smile on his face. In Shen Ru's opinion, the smile was not because of her, but because of the money in her hand.

"Miss Shen, the goods are almost shipped. The payment for the goods..."

Wei Xiaozhi is not particular about money at all. When meeting, he talks about money.

"According to the previous price, a pound of coarse salt is 10 yuan. I have prepared 5000 taels here. After the goods arrive in Liangzhou, I will send the remaining 500 taels plus the escort fee of [-] taels. , what do you think, Mr. Wei?"

Okay, of course, 10 taels of banknotes, even those with a denomination of 1000 taels are still a thick stack!

Looking at the box next to Shen Ru, Wei Xiaozhi almost drooled.

10 taels, Shen Ruxin is also bleeding. She has spent some of the money in the Hou Mansion's warehouse this time, but [-] taels per catty of coarse salt, after being refined into fine salt, can be nearly ten times as valuable. Profits are truly huge profits!
"The money is here, Mr. Wei, I have to see the goods."

"That's natural. Miss Shen, don't be in a hurry. Let's eat first. These are our Ganzhou specialties. Does Miss Shen drink? If not, it doesn't matter..."

Wei Xiaozhi's attentive look made his men reluctant to look at him, but who could resist 10 taels of silver!

Shen Ru's unmoving expression made people feel even more mysterious.

After having enough wine and food, Shen Ru went to the salt mine to look at the salt, and it was indeed almost loaded.

"Miss Shen, the fastest is tomorrow, the later is the day after tomorrow, it can be transported."

Wei Xiaozhi was very earnest, "Don't worry, Miss Shen, she is definitely a reliable guard and will definitely help you get to Liangzhou."

"Okay, after arriving in Liangzhou, station yourself in the woods outside the city and send someone into the city to inform me, and I will have someone respond."
I’ll send you the last chapter first. The author is going to pick up the baby. There will be an update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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