Chapter 217 What did you do behind my back?
People who are deeply in love can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Luneng watched his master and Shen Ru exchange flirting glances at that moment, and consciously rode a long distance ahead on his horse.

"Xiao Wujin, I've been thinking about this all night. It's better not to let my parents know about this..."

Shen Ru muttered: "When we arrive in Liangzhou, how about we keep a low profile?"

Xiao Wujin raised his eyebrows, "What, you just thought of leaving me behind in Liangzhou?"

"How can you not? You said it yourself before. You may not have time to accompany me in your busy schedule, and I am also busy myself."

Shen Ru hurriedly said that it was because she knew that returning to Liangzhou would be too inconvenient that she cherished the time spent together on the road!
"You silly girl, did you take advantage of me for nothing?"

Xiao Wujin joked: "I have been kissed and hugged. I must take responsibility."

"Aren't you afraid that my parents won't agree?"

Shen Ruye joked: "Although you appear to be talented and hold a high position, in the eyes of my parents, I am the best."

"In my eyes, you are also the best. Aru, if my uncle and aunt don't agree, I will try my best to make them agree."

Shen Ru is not afraid of her parents disapproving. As long as she likes it, her parents will agree.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Wujin is poor, it's not like the Shen family can't afford it.

As long as she said a word, it was okay not to marry into another wife. Shen Ru knew that her family would always support her.

It's just...she's afraid that her parents will force her to get married!

Not to mention that Xiao Wujin is already twenty-five years old, but she is also already eighteen years old. In this era, is she not allowed to get married?

I won't talk about it if there is no partner, but once it is known that she and Xiao Wujin are in love, can the family not urge her to get married?

"You are not afraid of being laughed at by your colleagues. After all, I am the daughter of a guilty minister."

Shen Ru said deliberately, naturally convinced that Xiao Wujin was not afraid.

"You are not afraid of dealing with a poor scholar like me, so what should I be afraid of?"

Xiao Wujin teased: "Aru, why do I think you look like the kind of woman in a storybook? Well, when you're done, just brush off your clothes and leave no leaves behind...Have you...enough fun?"

"Xiao Wujin!" Shen Ru's voice was louder, and she stared at Xiao Wujin, very angry.

"What nonsense did you read? You... got an advantage and acted like a good boy. You... I didn't want you to concentrate on your official duties."

Xiao Wujin smiled, looked at Shen Ru, and continued driving.

"Aru, just leave everything to me, okay? In the past, others misunderstood that you had an affair with me. From now on, I will definitely make this matter true, right?"

"I should let everyone know that it is I, Xiao Wujin, who loves you, Shen Ru."

Shen Ru felt sweet in her heart, but she also remembered that in Liangzhou, the prefect and the county magistrate seemed to have mistakenly thought that she had a close relationship with Xiao Wujin.

In the past, she had more or less used this gust of wind to show off her power.

"Speaking of which, there will be a little trouble coming from Yan Shaoqing."

Immediately, Shen Ru heard Xiao Wujin speak again.

"Huh? Why, you two have an unusual relationship? Will he be jealous?"

Shen Ru asked jokingly.

"Absolutely!" Xiao Wujin said with a smile: "Yan Shaoqing's temperament is quite complex, and he is sincere towards his friends. In the past, both of us felt that it was difficult to fall in love in this life. He always felt that there was no woman in the world who could match his appearance and family. I'm better than him; I also feel that a person with a clear mind like me won't be emotional. If he knew that you and I were together, I'm afraid he would cause a scene."

Shen Ru smiled and recalled the scene when he and Yan Shaoqing traveled to the Western Regions. Isn't Yan Shaoqing a complicated person?

" know his temper, why would you want to make our relationship public?"

"Can't I get married just because he has a bad temper?" Xiao Wujin asked, "Let's just let him lose his temper. Just coax him away!"

Listening to Xiao Wujin's words, Shen Ru was thoughtful and inexplicably felt that Yan Shaoqing would explode this time back!
The journey back to Liangzhou was faster than when we arrived, and I wanted to arrange everything before the coarse salt arrived.

The trafficker's family in Shita Village was empty. After asking the neighbors, they said they had been arrested by the government and their children were sent to relatives for foster care.

After entering Shazhou, I went to the official road again, but I didn't see the person who paid for the road. I don't know whether it was because I had collected enough money, or because I was scared after being beaten by Shen Ru last time.

After another four or five days of traveling day and night, we finally arrived in Liangzhou.

Shen, like Xiao Wujin, is tired of the world and has a tired look on his face.

"Let's find an inn to stay at tonight. Aru, you are tired too."

Xiao Wujin gently brushed Shen Ru's hair in front of her forehead, and felt very distressed when she saw the tiredness in Shen Ru's brows and eyes.

"Well, my parents will definitely be worried if I come home like this. I should leave the salt team far away."

Shen Ru agreed, "I really want to take a hot bath!"

Xiao Wujin responded, feeling regretful in his heart.

Shen Ru must have been tired from her previous trip to the Western Regions. He was damned, how could he let her go to Ganzhou without stopping for a few days!

The three of them went down the official road and entered a small town in Liangzhou.

"Shen Ru, Xiao Wujin!"

Just when Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin entered the inn, the sound of Yan Shaoqing's gritted teeth suddenly came from behind.

The two of them turned around and saw Yan Shaoqing glaring angrily.

"You actually carried me out of Liangzhou. Where have you been and what have you done for more than a month?"

Angry and suspicious looks appeared on Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin, and Yan Shaoqing felt that the two of them were very close.

"Mr. Yan, why are you here?"

After parking the carriage, Luneng came in with his luggage. When he saw Yan Shaoqing, he was also surprised and spoke.


Yan Shaoqing's eyes turned from Shen Ru to Xiao Wujin, and then to Luneng.

"You must give me an explanation!"

"Later, I'll book three guest rooms first."

Shen Ru said smoothly and asked the shopkeeper for a guest room.

"Cook up some more side dishes and give us a private room. We need to talk about things."

"Yan Shaoqing, don't look at me like that."

Behind him, Xiao Wujin said with some confusion, "I don't have to tell you everything, do I?"

Yan Shaoqing was very busy. When he had some free time, he was told that Shen Ru next door had gone away.

Can Shen Ru travel far away? It was naturally Xiao Wujin's request. When he went to the Governor's Mansion, he was told that the Governor had also traveled far away. How could such a coincidence happen in this world?
Today he came to see his village to check the accounts. He was late back in the city. He wanted to spend the night in the town first, so he bumped into Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin. There were so many mixed emotions in his mind!

"Don't even stand, go sit in the private room!"

Shen Ru greeted and followed the waiter as he walked over first.

"Let's go!" Xiao Wujin also said to the cold-faced Yan Shaoqing, he was really afraid of what he was doing.

Yan Shaoqing pursed his lips, looked coldly, shouted back the men behind him, and followed Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru into the private room. He wanted to see what these two people were doing without telling him!
(End of this chapter)

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