Chapter 222 Xiao Wujin, where did you get the money?
Under Shen Ru's gaze, Xiao Wujin still ate some. When he was busy, he often didn't care about eating or drinking.

"Aru, when would you like to visit your parents?"

Xiao Wujin asked.

"No, my mother is scolding you. If you ask me to go to Ganzhou, I will lose weight."

Shen Ru immediately stopped him and said, "Let's finish the things at hand first. Take your time and don't be in a hurry."

"Well, if you look at the case files, there are indeed a lot of them. I'm afraid I won't have time to look for you these days."

Xiao Wujin nodded and said, "I hope you won't be angry."

"Do I seem to be someone who makes trouble unreasonably? My reputation in your governor's office will be ruined!"

Shen Ru said sadly, "Why don't Luneng stay outside?"

"It's okay. The house will only treat you as Mrs. Xiao in the future."

Xiao Wujin consoled her: "The mothers should be urging me to marry you as soon as possible. If I don't be more active, they will say that I am callous."

"Then...see you outside later?"

Shen Ru thought for a while and suggested.

"Do you want to have a private meeting with me outside?"

Xiao Wujin joked, "Don't worry, people in the house won't be so arrogant. As for outside, if you are not afraid of being bumped into, I'll be fine with you."

"You..." Shen Ru was still worried about Xiao Wujin being arranged, but hearing his tone, she felt discouraged.

"I'm going to do something. Since you're so busy, I won't cause trouble for you."

Shen Ru was really busy and was ready to leave.

"Aru, you are not causing trouble."

Xiao Wujin called to Shen Ru, "You are here to help me relieve my lovesickness."

It’s so...glib!Shen Ru raised a smile on her lips and quickly pecked Xiao Wujin on the face.

"I'm leaving!"

Xiao Wujin stretched out his hand to grab Shen Ru, but failed. He watched Shen Ruxiao leave cunningly, knowing that Shen Ru did it on purpose.

The days were long, and he knew that Shen Ru didn't want to disturb him. Looking at the pile of case files piled on the desk, he really had to get busy first!
"Hey, Miss Shen is gone?"

Luneng came back and asked with some surprise when he saw that Xiao Wujin was the only one in the study.

"Where did you go?"

Xiao Wujin suppressed his smile, "Mother Lin just bumped into Aru. She was shy."

"Ah? Well, when people have three urgent needs, my subordinates will..." Luneng scratched his head and said with a naive smile.

"But sir, Granny Lin and the others have been saying this for a long time. Sir, didn't you have someone wash Miss Shen's clothes?"

Xiao Wujin was stunned for a moment, and then he looked a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said, "Tell them, please don't be too eager when Aru comes in the future. Aru will be shy because of his thin face."

Luneng didn't think that Miss Shen was thin-faced, but he still agreed.

"Sir, is there any happy event coming soon in the house?"

Luneng asked with a smile: "Everyone is looking forward to it."

"Do you think I can have enough money to marry Aru now?"

Xiao Wujin asked back?
Luneng was stunned for a moment, then sighed. His family was too poor, even poorer than him.

"You go to Yan's house to find Yan Shaoqing and tell him that I have something important to ask him."

Xiao Wujin gathered his thoughts and said seriously: "It's a very important matter."

When Shen Ru returned to the ranch, Huang Yunru had already gone home, but Manager Fei was still there.

Seeing that everything was in order, Shen Ru thanked Guanshi Fei again.

"Cui Xi, An Qiao said that cotton has been planted in the purchased field. Please take me to see it."

Yesterday, An Qiao told Yaoyao that Zhuangzi had bought all the land. She had read the land deed and it showed that there were thirty acres of land.

Cuixi naturally knew where it was, so she took Shen Ru to the cotton field. "Miss, Zhuangzi also buys ready-made ones. When you were away, Mulqin helped hire some fellow villagers. Uncle Fu has considered them together and they are all honest and capable people."

Walking on the loess road in the fields, Cui Xi reported.

With Uncle Fu and Cui Xi and the others here, Shen Ru felt relieved.

They are better at these trivial matters than I am.

"Uncle Duan, this is the eldest lady, everyone's boss."

Cuixi took Shen Ru into Zhuangzi and said to an older man.

"Miss, Uncle Duan's family of five are all in Zhuangzi."

Shen Ru greeted everyone kindly, and under the leadership of Cui Xi, met everyone in Zhuangzi.

Knowing that Shen Ru wanted to go for a walk in the fields, Duan Qing immediately took the lead.

"My boss, the old man has planted cotton before. Hearing that the seeds this time were brought back from the Western Regions, he decided to plant [-] plants per acre. Although cotton is drought-resistant, it also needs rain. There are some in the ground. A well..."

Shen Ru didn't know much about farming, so she could only nod when listening to Uncle Duan's introduction.

"Uncle Duan, you are an expert. It's up to the people in your village to decide. From my side, if you encounter any problems, I will find a solution."

Shen Ru said patiently, "On weekdays, if I am too busy, you can go to the city to find Mul Qin."

Shen Ru was patiently looking at the cotton in the thirty acres of land.

In the Governor's Mansion, Yan Shaoqing, who had a foul expression on his face, sat in front of Xiao Wujin, looking very angry.

"Why, you are so proud that you specially summoned me to show off?"

Xiao Wujin was not angry, and joked: "It's been two nights, and you still haven't calmed down? Or do you think I have to find you a wife?"

"Bah, Xiao Wujin, look at your face, the iron tree is blooming, it's so vulgar!"

Yan Shaoqing said disgustedly: "You'd better have something important to do, otherwise don't blame me for not paying attention to you, the governor."

"Someone in Liangzhou City has transported something unknown and wants to use your Yan family's caravan to transport it out of the customs."

Xiao Wujin stopped beating around the bush and spoke directly.

"Who? Who is so bold?"

Yan Shaoqing immediately shouted, "A plot against our Yan family?"

Xiao Wujin told Yan Shaoqing what Shen Ru said.

"That woman from the Cui family?"

Yan Shaoqing frowned. In his impression, Cui Ti was a woman with a brain disorder. It was hard for him to imagine that Cui Ti had the courage.

"Want to compete with my Yan family for business outside customs?"

"Since they can find out that the Yan family will have a caravan leaving customs in half a month, please be careful!"

Xiao Wujin reminded, "In addition, I need someone from your Yan family to do something."

The Yan family has always been the first to know about the troubles in Liangzhou City. Why is Xiao Wujin better informed than him this time?

"what's up?"

Yan Shaoqing put away his awed expression and asked seriously.

"One hundred thousand kilograms of coarse salt will soon arrive at the outskirts of Liangzhou. When the time comes, your people will transport the things back to the city and hand them over to me."

Xiao Wujin looked calm, but Yan Shaoqing's eyes widened.

"Xiao Wujin, one hundred thousand kilograms of coarse salt, how did you get so much money? Twenty yuan per kilogram of coarse salt, you should know how much it costs!"

Facing Yan Shaoqing's question, Xiao Wujin smiled slightly.

"Well, I know, 12 taels, plus the 5000 taels transported, the total is 500 taels."

"So, where did you get the money? I don't believe that fat guy Wei Xiaozhi would give it to you on credit."

Yan Shaoqing looked at Xiao Wujin with a cold expression, his expression extremely gloomy.
Today’s second update is here. As for the price of salt, the author assumes that fine salt is rarely refined. Please don’t go too far!
(End of this chapter)

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