Chapter 225 Xiao Wujin shows weakness and sells out
Xiao Wujin, who was disliked by Shen's mother and Aunt Lian, did not look unhappy. He glanced at Shen Ru and admitted:
"It's true that I surpassed Aru."

Mother Shen had a sullen face and took the lead to walk to the living room. She really found it difficult to accept it for a moment.

Shen Yan, who was called out of the study by Cuixi, was still a little confused and waiting in the living room.

Seeing his wife coming angrily, he immediately stood up and went to meet her.

"Madam, what happened?"

"Hey, why is Master Xiao here?"

"Sit me all down!"

Mother Shen shouted, her face really looked like dark clouds.

Shen Yan looked confused, but he still sat down as he was told, and even his aunt sat down next to Shen's mother.

"Madam, aunt, what's going on? Aru, why are you standing with Mr. Xiao?"

"Master, Aru and Master Xiao... are... together!"

Lian Auntie said with a very angry look on her face. How could Aru, who was so good in their eyes, fall in love with the governor?
"Uncle Shen, Aunt Shen, Xiao really loves Aru and wants to marry her. I also asked my uncle and aunt to marry Aru to me!"

As Xiao Wujin spoke, he bowed to Shen Yan and Shen's mother.

Shen Yan was stunned, his eyes wandering on the faces of Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin, and finally looked at Shen Ru in confusion.

"Aru, is what he said true?"

"Dad, it's true. I like him too. We are together."

Shen Ru responded calmly, "However, the matter of getting married should be taken slowly and there is no rush."

"Huh?" Shen Yan and Shen's mother said in unison.

" don't have to be so anxious to think about getting married, right? Dad, Mom, don't you want to keep me for a few more years?"

Shen Ruqian smiled and said, "Well, Xiao Wujin and I are together. We may get married in the future, but we really have no plans to do so right now. If my mother hadn't bumped into me today, I wouldn't have said anything."

"You guys, men and women live together in the same room in broad daylight, Aru," Mother Shen was so angry that her daughter, who was so good, was going to be raped by a pig.

No matter how you look at it, this Xiao Wujin is not a good match!

"Aru, since you also like Mr. Xiao, why don't you talk about marriage? Isn't it just teasing..."

Shen Yan had a different opinion. Xiao Wujin was a clean figure, and he admired Xiao Wujin's way of serving as an official.

"It doesn't matter, even if Ah Ru played tricks on me, I have no regrets."

Xiao Wujin said with a smile, looking very humble.

Shen Ru stared at Xiao Wujin, this was wrong. Why did she feel that Xiao Wujin was silently accusing her?

Mother Shen and Aunt Lian were also stunned. Could it be that Shen Ru flirted with Xiao Wujin first and then didn't want to marry?

"I know that I have been an official for several years, but I have no savings, and I have no family to rely on. I am alone. I am not a good match."

Xiao Wujin whispered, showing a bit of self-deprecation and helplessness.

"I am lucky to be favored by Aru. All I can do is listen to Aru. If she wants to marry, I will spend all my money to marry her. If she wants me to wait, then I will wait. A’ru has had enough fun and then gets married.”

"I will always marry Aru!"

"Xiao Wujin!" Shen Ru gritted his teeth and whispered, if he didn't play like this, he would be in trouble!

Xiao Wujin's statement silenced the Shen family.

There was nothing he could say if he wanted to suppress Xiao Wujin. He had already lowered himself so low that it seemed...there was really nothing he could say.

"Although I am the governor of Liangzhou, I am also a scholar. I am not as powerful as the descendant of Aru. Indeed, I, Xiao Wujin, am not worthy of Aru!"

"You...can't say that. You...are an honest official and have the iron and blood to manage Liangzhou, so you're not bad at all."

Shen Yan felt that Xiao Wujin was quite rare, so he spoke.

"Aru, you...could it be that you bully Mr. Xiao on weekdays?" Mother Shen was also a little surprised and asked in a lowered voice. This matter...seems like her daughter is being unreasonable.

You have all been deceived by Xiao Wujin!Shen Ru screamed in his heart, but after all, he couldn't bear to suppress Xiao Wujin in front of his parents!
"Didn't you all see it? Anyway, I don't want to get married right now. He wants to see you when he comes back, but I don't want to."

Shen Ru simply broke the pot and firmly established his reputation as a bully of Xiao Wujin.

"Inviting him here today is really for official business."

Shen Yan and Shen's mother looked at each other. What their daughter did was a bit too much.

"Nothing, Aru, I will always wait for you."

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru lovingly, looking humble.

"Aru, can you bully Mr. Xiao?"

Shen Yan felt guilty, this was the Governor!
My own daughter can’t use her beauty to commit murder!

"Aruna is not bullying me. Last time I went back to Ganzhou, Ahru protected me all the way."

"What, you went to Ganzhou together?"

Shen's mother Huo De stood up, which meant that her daughter had been with Xiao Wujin for more than a month. What happened in this month?
She really didn't know that Xiao Wujin had such a talent for acting!

Shen Ru almost rolled his eyes.

"I asked Aru to go to Ganzhou. I thought about it and felt uneasy, so I went with her. I also met gangsters and some acquaintances on the way. Thanks to Aru, I was able to avoid any harm."

Xiao Wujin said with a sincere look.

In other words, his daughter was seen by many people along with Xiao Wujin.Are there any acquaintances among them? !

The Shen family members keenly captured the meaning of Xiao Wujin's words.

"Father, mother, you don't have to worry about this."

Shen Ru lay down, and she could tell by the look in her parents' eyes that they had compromised!
"Aru, if that's the case, are you... really not ready to get married right away?"

Shen Yan asked worriedly, "This is Mr. Xiao, so getting married is naturally impossible."

"Father, mother, don't worry, Xiao Wujin and I will never do anything deviant."

Shen Ru immediately expressed his position, "When the time is right, we will get married!"

“What does it mean when the time comes?”

Mother Shen couldn't help but look at Shen Ru's belly, "Aru, you..."

Why is it getting darker and darker? Shen Ruji looked at Xiao Wujin immediately. At this time, don't pretend to be dumb!
"Uncle, don't worry aunt, I will definitely work hard to save money to hire you."

Xiao Wujin could remember what they said before, saying that he was poor and stingy.

Shen's mother thought that Shen and Xiao Wujin had been traveling together for more than a month. They didn't know what happened during this period.

They don't want to do anything like beating mandarin ducks with each other.

"Master Xiao, in that case, we don't object to what you two are doing."

Mother Shen thought for a while and said, "Master, what do you think?"

"If Ah Ru likes it, we really don't have to object."

Shen Yan sighed, Xiao Wujin was not a good son-in-law in his mind, but Shen Ru liked him, and it seemed that he could be manipulated by his daughter, so he reluctantly agreed.

"It's just Mr. Xiao, you can't let our Aru be wronged. If you two meet each other in the future, you should give Aru an identity."

"It's natural. How about I introduce Aru's identity to a banquet with celebrities from Liangzhou?"

Xiao Wujin suggested.

"No!" Seemingly remembering what happened before, Shen Yan, Shen's mother and Shen Ru stopped him in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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