Chapter 232 I have someone more capable

The relationship between the Shen girl and the governor spread like bamboo shoots after a spring rain among the wealthy people in Liangzhou.

On this day, Huang Yunru came to find Shen Ru in the place of questioning.

"Shen Ru, I worked hard on your ranch in Liangzhou, but you actually communicated with the governor in private, and you... you didn't tell me!"

Seeing Huang Yunru's angry face, Shen Ru smiled with a guilty conscience.

"'s hard to show off this kind of thing. I can't hide it. No, you still know it."

"My mother knew it before I did, and even scolded me, saying that I was too old and still refused to get married."

Huang Yunru said aggrievedly: "Can this kind of thing be compared? Shen Ru, tell me honestly, when did you and Mr. Xiao start?"

"On the road to Ganzhou."

Shen Ru said generously: "Anyway, don't ask any more questions. I know you are curious, but there are some things. What's the use of being curious. If you are jealous, just find one yourself!"

"Shen Ru!" Huang Yunru was extremely curious, "That's Mr. Xiao, a man who is unsmiling and makes money extravagantly. What do you like about him?"

"Is he good-looking?" Shen Ru asked with a smile.

Huang Yunru nodded, "It looks good, but it's a bit dark to have a straight face every day."

"That's not black, that's a healthy wheat color." Shen Ru couldn't help but corrected.

"But he is the governor!"

Huang Yunru still couldn't imagine it, "Shen Ru, I only said this when you were a good sister. He is a senior official. You..."

"Relationships are a matter between two people. If they are not suitable and regret to separate in the future, it does not mean that no one will suffer or let down the other."

Shen Ru knew what Huang Yunru meant, so she said patiently: "When we are together, be honest and sincere, and you will not feel let down."

Huang Yunru's eyes widened. This seemed wrong. Shouldn't it be the matchmaker's words to marry a man to a woman?
"Aren't you aiming to get married?"

"When you get married, it's time for the relationship to mature. You need the right time, right place, and right people. You can't rush it."

Shen Ru said: "Well, of course, he wants to marry me, but that's not the time yet!"

Such novel words, Huang Yunru looked at Shen Ru curiously, and couldn't help but ask: "Are all the girls in the capital so wise?"

"No, everyone has their own way of dealing with feelings, Xiao Yunru, you will know when you meet the person you like!"

"I'm not young!" Huang Yunru muttered, suddenly seeing Wu Ya, she was stunned.

"Shen Ru, you are so beautiful. You have such a beautiful person in your family!"

Shen Ru followed Huang Yunru's eyes and said, "Her name is Wu Ya. She is from outside Guan. She is my friend."

"So beautiful, she is so beautiful, Shen Ru, I have never seen such a beautiful girl!"

Huang Yunru held Shen Ru's hand tightly with excitement, with a look of amazement on her face.

Wu Ya stepped forward and couldn't help but be confused when she saw Huang Yunru's appearance.

"What's up with her?"

"I'm so beautiful by you." Shen Ru said with a smile, "This is my good friend Huang Yunru. She is a straightforward and unconcerned girl."

"Oh." Wuya responded coldly, "I want to do something, what do you think?"

Shen Ru was stunned, counting the days, the salt should have arrived!
"There is something. Please wait for a few days and I will confirm it."

"Okay." Wu Ya responded, looked at Huang Yunru again, and walked away.

"Shen Ru, she is so cold and cold. She is just like the fairy in the moon palace."

Shen Ru was amused by Huang Yunru's straightforward words.

"Don't worry about her temperament. You will have more contact with her in the future. Well, I remembered that I had to go to the Governor's Mansion for something important. You..."

"Is this an excuse to date your lover? Shen Ru, you have changed. You have become more interested in sex than friends!"

Huang Yunru's expression changed very quickly, from being amazed by Wu Ya just now to accusing Shen Ru now. "I will play with you in the future." Shen Ru coaxed, "Really, I will take you to see my cotton field."

Huang Yunru was obviously still unhappy, but she still pretended to be generous and said: "Okay, okay, I know you are inseparable, I'm leaving!"

Shen Ru sent Huang Yunru to the door, and then went back to the room and collected twenty-five thousand, five hundred taels of silver notes from the space. If she didn't come forward, the money would have to be given to Xiao Wujin first!

A few days later, when she arrived at the Governor's Mansion again, Shen Ru felt that the people in the Governor's Mansion looked at her with more kindness.

"Xiao Wujin, I've sent you money!"

As soon as he entered the study, Shen Ru closed the door smoothly.

"Send money? Isn't it because you want to see me?"

Xiao Wujin smiled and asked, "I thought you were like three autumns to me after not seeing you for a day."

"That's true, but I know you're busy and the salt is coming soon. I'll give you the money."

Shen Ru chuckled and said, "How about I arrange someone for you?"

"Huh?" Xiao Wujin smoothly pulled Shen Ru into his arms.

"Who from the Yan family will come forward, is it Yan Shaoqing?"

Shen Ru sat in Xiao Wujin's arms and asked, "Wu Ya wants to do something, and since my money is going in, I can arrange for one of my people to accompany him!"

"Wouldn't that just reveal your connection with this incident?"

Xiao Wujin asked, "Or do you want Yan Shaoqing to know that you paid for this money?"

"That's right!" Shen Ru felt like she was losing her mind, "Then when you confirm the date, I'll let Wu Ya keep an eye on it secretly, just don't let Yan Shaoqing know!"

"I have sent Wang Yang to contact us, and Yan Shaoqing has also agreed to spare manpower to contact us."

Naturally, Xiao Wujin did not take this matter lightly. He did not ask Shen Ru for the remaining silver coins, naturally because he had not yet received the goods.

"Then it's settled, just hide it from Yan Shaoqing for now."

Shen Ru thought for a moment and said, "I'm afraid that if he knows, I will threaten his position as the richest man in the Yan family in the future."

"The ambition is not small, are you sure you can do it?"

Xiao Wujin asked with a smile.

"everything is possible."

Shen Ru said, "You have to have confidence in me."

Shen Ru's current property is a ranch that is not too big. The production capacity of sheep and cattle is not very impressive when Xiao Wujin thinks about it.

As for cotton, when the harvest is harvested in autumn, it will be sold to China through the Yan family's caravan, and the Yan family may make the majority of it.

As for the stone candles and oil lamps, they were already in the hands of the Yan family. Xiao Wujin thought about it, maybe the fine salt would pay more dividends!
"Aru, keep up the good work. You don't have to think about surpassing the Yan family, as long as you can make money."

Xiao Wujin thought for a while and said.

"Oh, you don't have confidence in me!"

Shen Ru refused, "Don't look down on me, I will make great achievements!"

"Don't look down upon me. Everything you have done has impressed me. Aru, you are very capable, beyond my imagination."

Listening to Xiao Wujin's praise, Shen Ru felt as sweet as honey in her heart.

"I have someone more capable, do you want to know?"

Shen Ru spoke cunningly to Xiao Wujin, and the slightly raised corners of her lips made Xiao Wujin's throat move.

"Can I know?"

The suddenly lowered voice was somewhat hoarse, and Shen Ru was stunned for a moment. Xiao Wujin had already lowered his head and kissed her lips...

(End of this chapter)

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