Chapter 235: Should I accept the pillow mat you recommend?

Yan Zhenshan left. Mother Shen couldn't help but smile when she saw Shen Ru's cheerful expression.

"Wu Ya, you said you were going to give them a gift, why are you so polite?"

Mother Shen felt that Wu Ya had been wronged, and there was a condescending air in Yan Zhenshan's words. If Wu Ya was really Yan Shaoqing's person, she would not be made things difficult for her when she entered the Yan family!

"Mom, just leave it alone, Wuya has her own way."

Shen Ru said slyly: "Wu Ya, Dunzhu, let's go back!"

Shen Ping was following behind, and Shen Ru didn't know it. When she passed by Shen Ping, she stopped.

"You have to fight for what you want. Let me tell you again, Wuya, Dunzhu, and Yan Shaoqing have nothing to do with each other."

"Besides, don't forget who I am with Yan Zhen for."

Shen Ping bit her lip and said nothing. Even if the Yan family was a dragon's den and a tiger's den, she still wanted to enter!

"Shen me to see Yan Shaoqing. Whether you live or die is my business, just take me there!"

Just as Shen Ru continued to walk forward, Shen Ping said.

Shen Ru turned around, frowned at Shen Ping, and said clearly every word: "Impossible!"

"Shen Ping, if you want to jump into the trap, I won't push you, but I won't stop you either!"

Let her take Shen Ping to tell Yan Shaoqing about this. Wouldn't Yan Shaoqing be concerned about her existence?
Shen Ping didn't have the courage. She needed someone to push her, but Shen Ru just didn't want to.

She looked at Shen Ru, Dunzhu and Wu Ya walking in front, and felt irritated. When she turned around, her eldest aunt also walked away. This Shen family is Shen Ru's home, not hers!
That night, the courtyard where Yan Zhenshan was located was in chaos.

The snakes in the greenhouse all crawled out for some unknown reason, and there was a burst of howling and howling in the Yan family courtyard at night.

"Have you heard? There was a snake disaster at Yan's house next door last night. We went to the doctor early in the morning and many people were bitten."

Aunt Mo in the Shen family's kitchen was talking to her apprentice Chunfen and the waiter Shunwang about the Yan family next door.

"I heard that when I went to buy groceries in the morning, many people were saying that the second young lady of the Yan family likes to raise snakes. I don't know what happened last night. All the snakes that were kept escaped."

When Shen Ping came to get breakfast for the three of her family, she heard what was said in the kitchen. Her heart sank, remembering what Shen Ruwuya said last night.

"I seemed to hear someone yelling last night, are you sure it was the Yan family?"

Shen Ping interjected.

"Definitely, the doctor came in and out this morning, and it's spread all over the place."

Shen Ping felt uneasy while holding her breakfast. Who was that Wu Ya? Did the snake disaster have anything to do with her?

After breakfast, his younger brother Shen Feng was going to school with Shen Xuan and Shen Nian, and would be sent there by Mul Qin. Shen Ping was walking to the embroidery workshop with her mother Qian.

When passing by Yan's house, Shen Ping met Yan Shaoqing.

"Mom, you go first. I have something important to talk about with the young master of the Yan family."

Shen Ping felt a surge of energy in her heart and whispered to Qian. After speaking, she quickly walked towards Yan Shaoqing.

"Mr. Yan, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Shen Ping called out to Yan Shaoqing.

"What's the matter?" Yan Shaoqing was upset. There was such a commotion at night. No one died, but there were quite a few people bitten by snakes.

"Did all the second lady's snakes escape last night? If I said that all this was controlled by someone, Mr. Yan, would you believe it?"

Yan Shaoqing was stunned for a moment, and when he met Shen Ping's overly eager eyes, he looked at Shen Ping playfully.

"Do you know who it is?"

"Yes, I know who it is." Shen Ping took a deep breath and whispered: "Mr. Yan, this is Wu Ya, the foreign woman from the Western Regions. Last night, the second lady came to the Shen family to look for her, and there was something in her words. Soon, she will take revenge on the Yan family!"

"Wuya!" Yan Shaoqing's voice was long, so it's not surprising.

"Mr. Yan, this girl is of unknown origin, possesses sorcery, and has a withdrawn temperament. The second young lady just said a few words that offended her, and she did such things. Mr. Yan, she..."

"Shen Ping, I sent Wuya to the Shen family. Do you think I don't know her origins?"

Yan Shaoqing said jokingly: "Second sister was also instigated by me. She offended Wu Ya. She should be taught a lesson. This is what she deserves."

"You know, the way you are snitching now..." Yan Shaoqing did not continue, but the cold look in his eyes shocked Shen Ping.

How could Yan Shaoqing be like this?He looks so dignified and noble, how could he plot against his own family?

Various emotions surged through Shen Ping's heart. She was not stupid. She felt that Yan Shaoqing looked at her like a clown.

Staggering forward, Shen Ping lowered her head in embarrassment and said, "I was the one who said too much!"

After saying that, she ran away immediately. Qian was waiting for Shen Ping in front. Seeing her daughter's lost state, she asked with concern:
"Ping'er, what did you say to Mr. Yan? What happened?"

"It's okay, mother, I'm okay!"

Shen Ping was very confused, and all the words Shen Ru said before came to her mind.

Yan Shaoqing assigned the woman who admired him to a groom; Yan Shaoqing was not a gentle person at all...

"Ping'er, it's not my mother who talks too much. A wealthy family like the Yan family is not a good match."

Qian looked at Shen Ping worriedly, and she felt a little suspicious when her daughter took the initiative to talk to her husband.

"The Yan family is complicated, Ping'er, if you are lucky enough to find a well-off family, mother will be relieved."

"If Shen Run can match the governor, why can't I even marry a merchant?"

Shen Ping whispered coldly: "Mom, in your eyes, is your daughter so useless?"

"Ping'er, why do you have to compete with Shen Ruqu? You... don't be so stunned!"

Qian said in a low voice, they all depend on the Shen family for their current well-being!

Shen Ping snorted coldly and walked forward quickly. It didn't matter if Yan Shaoqing was not a good match. What she wanted was money. She no longer had to get up early and be greedy at night, and she didn't have to accumulate the money she earned every penny!

Yan Shaoqing was about to go out, but after Shen Ping said this, he wanted to go to Shen's house to see Wu Ya.

In addition, this Shen Ping might have taken a fancy to him. I wonder if Shen Ruzhi knows that he doesn't have such a good temper when it comes to women who come to his door!

Shen Ru hadn't gone out yet, so she wasn't surprised at all when she learned that Yan Shaoqing was coming. There was quite a lot of movement last night.

"Shen Ru, was it Wu Ya's fault last night?"

Yan Shaoqing asked directly without beating around the bush.

"What, what did you say, what happened last night?"

Shen Ru pretended to be stupid and said, "Yan Shaoqing, are you here to ask questions?"

"Huh?" Yan Shaoqing sneered, "Shen Ru, stop pretending, your cousin came up to me and said it."

"I don't know what Shen Ping said."

Only a fool would admit it, Yan Shaoqing didn't know what he was doing, and Shen Ru would not betray Wu Ya directly.

Yan Shaoqing looked at Shen Ru's cleverness and burst into laughter.

"Your good cousin looks like she is recommending herself as a pillow. Shen Ru, do you want me to accept her or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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