Chapter 237 I don’t allow you to say anything bad about him
Shen Ru learned about the process of handing over the coarse salt from Wu Ya's mouth. Ganzhou officials escorted him, but there was no risk along the way. After receiving the money, he handed over the things neatly and turned back to Ganzhou. They didn't want to enter Liangzhou City.

"Everything has been dragged to the backyard of the Governor's Mansion."

Wu Ya said: "As a governor, I sell private salt, but in such a large amount, where are you going to sell it?"

"This depends on the Yan family."

Shen Ru didn't say anything more, but asked Wu Ya with great interest: "What else do you want to do next?"

"Just take a look."

Wuya has no purpose either.

"Oh, by the way, Wuya, do you have money on hand? If not, from my side..."

"Need not."

Wu Ya refused directly.

"In the past, I killed people, and each head cost ten taels of gold."

"Oh~" Shen Ru understood, Wuya was also a little rich woman.

"That's alright, just take care of yourself and look around. If you need anything, just come to me."

Shen Ru also had a lot of things at hand. After chatting with Wu Ya for a few words, Mul Qin came to report that a man named Fang was looking for her outside the door!

The person named Fang must be Fang Jin, right?
Seeing that Shen Ru had a guest, Wu Ya walked away first.Soon, Fang Jin was brought in by Mul Qin.

"As you wished, our goods failed to clear customs."

Fang Jin said straight to the point, "Shen Ru, I'm here today because I want to tell you something about Xiao Wujin."

What could happen to Xiao Wujin?Shen Ru was surprised, but still took Fang Jin into the flower hall.

"There's no one here, just tell me."

"Today, a batch of goods was transported into the Governor's Mansion by people from the Yan family. Shen Ru, the Governor of Liangzhou may not be as honest as you have seen. Do you know what Xiao Wujin is doing in private in collusion with the Yan family, officials and businessmen?"

Fang Jin said seriously: "You and I have met each other. I know your character, Shen Ru. I don't want you to make a mistake sincerely."

Shen Ru looked at Fang Jin. She didn't want to guess what Fang Jin's mentality was when he told her this.

"What if I said, I know?"

Shen Ru said slowly: "Xiao Wujin and the Yan family are indeed colluding with officials and businessmen. The Yan family makes money, so taxes are high. Apart from the money paid by the court, part of this money is kept in Liangzhou. Do you think he is not like this? Can we dig a river channel?”

"The salary from the imperial court has not been distributed for a long time, and who is providing the food and grass for the border officers?"

"Fang Jin, I don't want people to misunderstand him. Don't I know if he has enriched himself?"

Shen Ru's appearance of defending Xiao Wujin made Fang Jin feel very sad.

"Also, go back and tell that person that his family's ability to live a stable life in Liangzhou is inseparable from the changes Xiao Wujin has made for Liangzhou."

"What was Liangzhou like before Xiao Wujin came to the future? You can go and find out how the former governor died. It cannot be said that Liangzhou is able to settle down now because of Xiao Wujin's own efforts, but what Liangzhou looks like now, his contribution It’s a must.”

Fang Jin looked at Shen Ru talking and was silent for a while.

"Shen Ru, you trust him so much!"

"Yes, I believe him!"

Shen Ru said firmly, "If there is nothing else, please come back!"

"With this farewell, maybe we will never see each other again."

Fang Jin didn't really want to continue working for Pei Wenjing.

"There is no end to the banquet in the world, and there will be no end to it."

Shen Ru said simply.

Fang Jin always felt a little regretful, but now that he had no words to say, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"and many more."

Shen Ru suddenly called out to Fang Jin.

"Did Cui Ti use the Fang family's money to fund the uprising?"

Fang Jin was stunned for a moment and replied, "She's very happy with it." "That's great!" Shen Ru nodded, "Let's go slowly without seeing you off."

She wouldn't feel embarrassed at all about cheating Cui Ti.

Fang Jin didn't know why, but he left anyway.

Mother Shen and her aunt happened to come over and were stunned for a moment when they saw Fang Jin.

Fang Jin greeted the two of them and walked towards the door.

"He seems to be the guard of the Cui family!"

Aunt Lian recalled, "Yes, that's him. Why is he in Liangzhou?"

"He comes to find Aru."

Mother Shen was also thinking about it and saw Shen Ru walking out of the flower hall.

"Aru!" Shen's mother called to Shen Ru.

"Mom, aunt." Shen Ru called sweetly.

"Aru, your new yard is ready. If you don't want to go take a look, Mom has asked someone. The third day of the lunar month next month is an auspicious day, which is suitable for moving. I will move you to another house then."

Mother Shen said, "You can invite Mr. Xiao to have a casual meal with us."

"Mom, don't go to such trouble."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "He is very busy."

"Aru, that one just now was the Cui family guard, right? You are now with Mr. Xiao, and the other men..."

Aunt Lian said cryptically, but Shen Ru still heard what Aunt Lian meant.

"Oh, mother, aunt, don't you think that Fang Jin and I..."

"The way that boy looked at you, we knew it when we were in the exile team. There was a loud maid beside him yelling. Do you think we are deaf?"

Shen's mother complained angrily: "Although I don't know why he came to Liangzhou, if you meet alone, my mother would like to remind you that although Mr. Xiao is not the best, you have made up your mind and you can't change your mind."

"Ha, mother, are you underestimating me? Although Fang Jin is not bad, in my opinion, Xiao Wujin is the best!"

Shen Ru laughed and said, "He came to say goodbye to me. We may not be able to meet each other again after we met him."

"That's best. By the way, Aru, something happened at the embroidery workshop. I've been so busy that I forgot to tell you."

"Mom, what happened to the embroidery workshop?"

"That's Ms. Yu. After half a year of training, she has regained her former appearance. Well... there is a guest who wants to marry her as a step-mother. Your second aunt told me that Mrs. Yu is unbearable and wants to ask someone to find a way to make that person People give up this idea.”

Pei Chongguang’s mother!
This shows how good the Yu family's people are. None of the female relatives before Prince Jing's Mansion came from a glorious family background!
"She was afraid that the old lady would be worried, so she didn't tell her family?"

Shen Ru guessed, "Second Aunt wants me to ask someone to persuade that guest to leave, right?"

"The Pei family are all women and children, so we can help if we can. The Yu family doesn't want to encounter such a thing."

Mother Shen sighed, "Aru, go and have a look!"

Shen Ru agreed, put aside what he was doing, and went to the embroidery workshop alone.

There were many more people in the embroidery workshop than before. When Shen Rula came, he happened to see a middle-aged man courting Mr. Yu.

"Madam Yu, I have a small property in my family and a couple of children who are already married. If you follow me, you will not suffer. Even your family, I can take care of them."

The middle-aged man is not short and fat, with a medium build and an ordinary appearance, but Shen Ru can see Yu's forbearance and dissatisfaction.

"Aunt Yu, have you seen the light of day recently?"

Shen Ru stepped forward: "He is working very hard at the governor's office, but he also misses his family. If Aunt Yu wants to see Chongguang, I will take you there!"


Mrs. Yu stood up in surprise. Of course she missed her son. Not only did she think about it, but the old lady at home also thought about it!

"Chongguang is a disciple of the Governor. He works hard and will definitely become a great person in the future. But if he is separated from his family for a long time, I'm afraid he will feel sad. After all, he is still a child!"

Shen Ru said that she didn't know if this man knew Yu's identity, but she just wanted him to know!
(End of this chapter)

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