Chapter 241 Two children always have to make choices

"I, Shen Ping, have learned music, chess, calligraphy and painting since I was a child, and am good at working as a female worker. I am used to fine clothes and fine food, and I won't give in!"

Qian's slap seemed to clear up Shen Ping's consciousness.

"Why don't you let me fall to the bottom? Why do you let me live such a life of neither getting up nor getting down? Why do you want me to watch Shen Ru's family become as rich as before, but I have to work so hard? I don't accept it. God is unfair!"

Shen Ping yelled hysterically, and then started throwing everything in the tavern on the ground.

"Or just throw me into the quagmire and make me unable to stand up for the rest of my life. Why do you want me to live such a life of being unable to breathe? I don't accept it!"

Listening to Shen Ping's words, Qian felt that she was just pretending to be drunk, and asked Mulqin: "Please help me take Ping'er home, I can't let her make such a noise anymore!"

"Shop, how much does it cost, I'll pay."

Mr. Liu, who had designs on Shen Ping, felt frightened when he saw the powerful Mul Qin and left angrily.

Without saying a word, Mulqin directly carried Shen Ping on his shoulders and let Shen Ping punch and kick him. Halfway there, he heard another sound of vomiting, and then smelled the smell. Mulqin wanted to Just lost the person!

"Mulqin, thank you, thank you!" Qian was also afraid that Mulqin would lose Shen Ping, so she immediately thanked her profusely.

With a look of disgust on his face, Mul Qin carried Shen Ping back to the door of the west courtyard, handed her over to Qian, and left quickly!
Seeing her daughter like this, Mrs. Qian burst into tears. Is it wrong to be protected by someone?
After struggling to clean up the dirty Shen Ping, Qian saw her son Shen Feng standing at the door.


"Mom, can we not live here anymore?"

Shen Feng's face was a little worried and disappointed.

"Uncle's family treats Feng'er very well, and Feng'er doesn't want to leave."

The tip of Qian's nose felt sour, and she knelt down and hugged her son.

Moving out doesn't mean you need money. If you don't become a home, you don't know how expensive rice, oil and salt are.If her daughter keeps acting up like this, she... she will just let her go and let Feng'er grow up well!

"Don't worry Feng'er, you didn't do anything wrong, so you don't have to leave here. You can just study in peace!"

"Then what happened if my sister did something wrong?"

Shen Feng asked worriedly, "Are you going to be kicked out of the house?"

"No one kicked her out, but if she doesn't want to stay anymore, no one can lock her in!"

Qian said firmly: "Feng'er, go back to the house."

After Qian accompanied her son back to the house, Cuixi also came over and invited her to the living room.

Both Shen's mother and Shen Ru were waiting for Mr. Qian.

"Sister-in-law, Aru, do you have anything to do with me?"

Qian asked timidly: "I know Ping'er has brought you trouble, and I will discipline her well."

"Ms. Qian, you can stay in this home as long as you live in it. We won't drive you away."

Shen's mother said: "But I will tell you clearly about the embroidery workshop."

Qian was stunned and asked anxiously: "Sister-in-law, what do you mean by this?"

"Only now do I know that Ping'er has such a big opinion against me. You are all busy in the embroidery workshop, and I have never embroidered anything. It is really inappropriate to ask about the embroidery workshop."

Mother Shen sighed, "I won't beat around the bush. I don't want the embroidery workshop in the future. I don't want your share, but whether it's your rent, the embroiderer's wages, or buying cloth or thread, I don't want it either." I don’t care. From now on, I, Yu Hui, and the embroidery workshop will owe nothing to each other!” “Sister-in-law!” Qian was shocked, wouldn’t she have to pay for everything in the future?
"Don't say anything else. If this embroidery shop can't be responsible for its own profits and losses, I don't think there's any need to keep it open. Isn't the purpose of doing business just to make money?"

Mother Shen said it so simply that Qian didn't know how to respond for a moment.

"Second Aunt, I think this is fair. You can't be disgraced by my mother's money, right?"

Shen Ru added, "I have had a good talk with my mother, and I think I am not bad to you. But obviously Shen Ping is very dissatisfied with me, but don't we have the utmost benevolence and justice?"

"Aru, stop talking, you are so good to us!"

Qian was in the wrong and thought that he didn't want to break up with Dafang. The current situation was best for the Shen family.

"Second Aunt, although these words are a bit unpleasant, I think the old saying is right, brothers will settle accounts. However, we don't care too much if we live under the same roof and have a few more pairs of chopsticks."

Shen Ruen's kindness and power made Qian unable to say anything, so she could only respond submissively.

"Second Aunt, you go find Shen Ping, and you don't have to worry about having dinner. There is still some food in the kitchen. I asked Chunfen to heat up some food and let the kitchen deliver it later."

"Thank you Aru."

"Ping'er is drunk. I'll ask the kitchen to make some sobering soup, and I'll send it to you when the time comes. Ping'er will ask you to take more care of yourself."

"Thank you, sister-in-law. This is what you should do. Thank you very much."

Qian's posture was low and timid, and finally he made an excuse to see Shen Ping leave.

"Aru, if you say this, will she be dissatisfied?"

"Mom, as long as we do things according to our own hearts, it will be fine. After all, there are not so many things in this world that are comprehensive."

Shen Ru comforted Shen's mother, "I think the second aunt is smart. She doesn't have only one child."

Mother Shen was silent for a while, and finally nodded. She has been the daughter-in-law of the Hou family for decades, so how could Mrs. Qian really not understand her clearly?
Shen Ruye would not be surprised by any of Qian's actions.

She didn't know much about this second aunt, but if a man could give up his husband for the sake of a child, then it wouldn't be a surprise to give up a child with a deviant temperament for another child!
Drunk Shen Ping woke up the next day with a splitting headache and no memory of how she got home.

"Mother, mother, Feng'er?"

After walking out of the room, she shouted several times to the next room, but there was no one there. She squinted her eyes and looked at the sun. It was three o'clock in the sky. Her brother went to school, and her mother went to the embroidery workshop!
She hit her head and her stomach growled again, but there was no maid in the west courtyard, so she couldn't even call someone if she wanted to.

Fortunately, there was still water for washing in the room. After Shen Ping tidied herself up, she walked out of the west courtyard and prepared to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"It's Miss Ping. What are you doing in the kitchen?" Aunt Mo couldn't help but asked when she saw Shen Ping's haggard face.

"Anything to eat?"

Shen Ping's throat was also extremely dry and hoarse.

"There is still some white porridge, but the side dishes are gone. If Miss Ping doesn't mind, can I serve you a bowl?"

Shen Ping nodded, she was so hungry.

But when she really drank the white porridge, she felt a little uncomfortable.

On the kitchen table, she saw meat, a basket of eggs, and various green vegetables on the shelf. There were so many things in the kitchen, but she could only drink plain porridge. Is this the feeling of being under someone else's roof?
Shen Ping, how could she be reduced to this? She might as well just move away!

(End of this chapter)

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