Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 245 Is this because I am short of money and want to make money?

Chapter 245 Is this because I am short of money and want to make money?
As spring passes and summer solstice comes, Liangzhou becomes increasingly hot, making the prisoners and the people who dug the river miserable.

The prisoners frequently suffered from heatstroke, and in serious cases they almost died, so the officials in charge of the matter had to report the matter to their superiors. From the county magistrate to the prefect, and then to the governor, five people had already died due to the intense heat.

Xiao Wujin was furious when he saw the letter.

"Prevent heatstroke and prevent heatstroke. Didn't I explain it clearly? How could I let something like this happen?"

Prefect Hou Wenzheng had a grimace on his face, suffering from Xiao Wujin's anger. When Xiao Wujin finished scolding him, he said, "Then... I wonder if there is any way to escape the summer heat. Does Mr. Xiao have any suggestions?"

"Are all the pharmacies in the city closed?"

Xiao Wujin said angrily: "There are specialties in the art, you go to the medicine shop and ask the doctor."

"Sir, but the funds..."

Having no money is the most difficult thing. Liangzhou's funds have never been enough, but every time they can get some from Xiao Wujin. This is also the reason why Hou Wenzheng came to submit a letter despite Xiao Wujin's anger.

Xiao Wujin looked at Hou Wenzheng. He knew the thoughts of the people below. Not all officials were for the people, but some were for wealth.

He allowed the people below to make a little money while doing things for the people.

There is not much money in Liangzhou. Most of the people who serve as officials in Liangzhou are unsuccessful. Those who want to be exiled sincerely work for the people, so naturally they will be given some benefits.

"500 taels of silver can be transferred from Hucao in Liangzhou to be used to fight the heat this time."

Xiao Wujin picked up the pen and wrote a note calling for 500 taels, and asked Luneng to give it to Hou Wenzheng.

"I have been busy recently and have not gone to inspect the river. But if I find that there are no anti-heat measures next time, Hou Wenzheng, you know!"

"Your Majesty knows, and your Majesty will handle this matter well."

After Hou Wenzheng left, Luneng complained: "Sir, I am bothering you with such a small matter."

Xiao Wujin smiled and said no more.He is the governor, which is supposed to be a supervisory function. He is the royal censor of the imperial court, inspecting and questioning the performance of Liangzhou officials.

However, Liangzhou was bitterly cold and the officials were incompetent. After he took office, he single-handedly controlled the Six Cao Cao of Liangzhou. Instead of being a supervisor, he became the agent of Liangzhou!
At the beginning of this year, even the functions of the military governor of the border army were taken over by him. Originally, the military governor was responsible for food and grass matters, but the court refused to do so and finally asked him to do so.

"Those who can do more work!"

Xiao Wujin said. "By the way, didn't Da Sinong send someone to Aru's cotton field? What should I say?"

Luneng was stunned for a moment, and then asked weakly: "Then... my subordinates are going to invite Da Si Nong?"

Xiao Wujin glanced at Luneng, too. How could Luneng know about farming?

Xiao Wujin nodded. It must have been almost three months since Aru's cotton field was planted. This hot summer is a good time for cotton to grow.

The fine salt has been refined and has been sold by Yan Shaoqing's caravan in batches. Calculating the time, there will be profits in another month.

There is still talk about the relocation of the villages along the river, but Hou Wenzheng is silent on this matter today!

Xiao Wujin sorted out the things at hand, but he was still a little overwhelmed. In short, there was not much money left in Cao Cao's account!

Isn’t it time to think of a way to make a fortune from the wealthy businessman in Liangzhou!

Shen Ru wandered around the pasture, cotton field, and stone candle workshop. That day, he ate and chatted with Dunzup and Yu on the pasture.

Dunzhu is in charge of people and Yu is in charge of accounts. The two have become very familiar with each other.

"Sister Shen, I think it's okay to live here at the ranch?"

Dunzhu said: "Here, it makes me feel like I'm back on the prairie."

"This is just a piece of grassland. It's not as vast as the prairie!"

Shen Ru smiled and said, "It's not impossible if you live here, but don't you miss me?"

"Sister Shen, stop teasing me. If I miss you, of course I will go back to the Shen family to see you!"

"If you are in charge of people, if you encounter problems, you are a little girl. If they disobey, you have to talk to me." "Sister Shen, don't worry, I can tame horses, shepherd sheep, and I can ride on the horse." Put down those who look down on me.”

Dunzhu said proudly, "I am a child of the grassland!"

The little princess of the grassland tribe does have the ability to manage people!
Shen Ru looked at Dunzhu admiringly and asked Yu.

"Aunt Yu, is there anything wrong with the accounts?"

Mrs. Yu paused and then said directly: "Miss Shen, I've looked at this account, but every day the accounts are paid out and nothing is received!"

"If this keeps going on like this, won't it mean that we're always in the red?"

Shen Ru smiled, this is indeed a problem.

So, if she wants to raise sheep, she still has to open a mutton restaurant in Liangzhou?Or do you go door-to-door to sell your own sheep?

She currently takes goat milk home and gives it to her family, so it still needs to be promoted?
With all these things to be solved in front of him, Shen Ru was silent for a while as he picked up the food.

After eating, she said: "Take your time, I can afford the loss."

Returning home from the ranch, Shen Ru heard her parents discussing something.

"Father, mother, what's the matter?"

"Look, Xiao Wujin is short of money again. He held a prayer meeting. In the hot summer, he prayed at the Dragon King Temple. He said he was praying to the Dragon King to bless Liangzhou for good weather and no more droughts. Why do I feel like this? Gotta pay.”

Mother Shen looked at the invitation and said to Shen Ru.


Shen Ru took the invitation and looked at it and was happy. According to her understanding of Xiao Wujin, this was 100% a conference for rich people in Liangzhou to donate money.

If you go to the Dragon King Temple, you will probably save money on the banquet.

"That should be it. Let's just pay 200 taels! I will have some other ideas then."

Shen Ru immediately thought about it. If the rich bring their families, wouldn't it be the best way to promote it?

"Have all the invitations been sent out?"

At the governor's office, Xiao Wujin asked Luneng.

"Sir, they have all been sent out, and they all said they would arrive."

Luneng felt that his master was too talented. Who dared not to come to pray for Liangzhou?
Thinking that the Shen family had also received it, Xiao Wujin wanted to know Shen Ru's reaction, but why didn't she come to the Governor's Mansion to see her?

The day of prayer was scheduled for three days later. Xiao Wujin had many things to do, so he thought he would be able to see them then, so he did not go to the Shen family to see them.

On this day of prayer, it was a rare cloudy day. Rich people from Liangzhou gathered in front of the Dragon King Temple and spontaneously gave gifts to the guards who signed in.

Shen Ru followed her parents, Cui Xi and An Qiao, and attracted everyone's attention as soon as she appeared.

The woman's face is like cream, her eyebrows are like mountains, and her lips are moist and red. This woman from the Shen family is so beautiful!

"Aru, you...you are so beautiful!"

Huang Yunru looked at Shen Ru and was shocked, "What's going on? It doesn't look like you dressed up specially today. Your face is so translucent, it doesn't look like you've put on powder!"

"And your mother is so beautiful, and even your two maids are so smart. Does your Shen family's Feng Shui keep you beautiful?"

"It's not that Feng Shui is good for the skin. When we were in the capital, we had the habit of drinking goat's milk. There was a cheese house in the capital that was exclusively for the royal nobles to drink. Doesn't this goat's milk have the effect of beautifying the skin? Don't you know?"

Shen Ru pretended to be puzzled and asked: "I thought Liangzhou was mostly herdsmen and they all knew that drinking goat milk was good for the body?"

(End of this chapter)

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