Chapter 268 Are you here to beat the autumn wind?

The grain and grass were put into the warehouse, and by the time the rectification was completed, it was already late at night.

Zhao Gongming went from being sleepy to now full of energy, with the corner of his mouth grinning up to the sky.

"Master Xiao, Lao Zhao, I have to admire you for this matter. Liangzhou is indeed lucky to have you! Don't worry, Lao Zhao guarantees you that our 20 soldiers will defend Liangzhou to the death!"

"General Zhao, what I do is for the stability of Liangzhou. There is no need to be polite, General Zhao."

Xiao Wujin said calmly, "It's late at night. Mr. Zhao wants to have a good rest and recharge his batteries."

"It's easy to talk to, eldest niece, the Shen family is interested." Zhao Gongming thanked Shen Ru.

After Shen Ru said a few polite words, she left with Xiao Wujin.

The stars in Liangzhou are so brilliant and brilliant that they feel like looking at the stars in the distance and say:

"You can pick up the stars with your hands, but you dare not speak loudly for fear of frightening the heavens!"

"Aru, is this missing a sentence?"

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru with approval. Didn't he say that he was not good at poetry and calligraphy? This sudden idea was really amazing!

"Hmm, I didn't write it, so I can't remember it all! You see, it really feels like the starry sky is very low, as if I can touch it if I stretch out my hand." Shen Ru said, holding one hand The god of reins points to the sky with one finger.

Such Shen Ru showed some childishness, and Xiao Wujin laughed: "This poem is really exquisite, I don't know who wrote it."

"I don't know, I read very miscellaneous books."

Shen, like Xiao Wujin, did not go with the large army escorting the grain and fodder. The two rode horses side by side, not looking like they were eager to go home at all.

"Aru, after the food and grass are in place, the crisis in Liangzhou is temporarily relieved. Tomorrow, I will go to inspect the river. Refugees are pouring in and the number of people digging the river has increased, so we can speed up the process."

Xiao Wujin said: "At the same time, the county government is already recruiting people to bulldoze the land."

"So, regardless of the war outside, Liangzhou must mobilize in all aspects. Aru, I will be very busy."

"I know, well, you can just go about your business. If I'm free, I'll come to you."

Shen Ru was busy herself, so she could understand Xiao Wujin.

"I'll take you back first. You'll be busy tomorrow, so go back and rest early."

Shen Ru urged: "There is a long way to go. When it's time to work hard, everyone must work hard together!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru with deep emotion in his heart. He did not doubt Shen Ru's feelings for him. She was supporting him in her own way.

Under the bright night sky, the two rode horses forward. By the time Shen Ru returned home, they could already hear the crowing of cocks!

Mulqin, the gatekeeper, opened the door for Shen Ru, and she returned to her yard without disturbing anyone else.

"Wuya, are you...are you awake or not asleep?"

Shen Ru was surprised to see Wu Ya in the yard.

"I went next door." Wu Ya said, "You just came back too?"

There is a situation!Shen Ru looked Wu Ya up and down.

"Next door...Yan Shaoqing's place?"

Wuya nodded, but didn't say anything else.

"I'm going back to the house to rest. If nothing happens, can you tell others not to come to me?" "Me too." Shen Ru didn't ask further questions. She yawned. It's been all night!
Everyone in the Shen family knew that Shen Ru slept late, and no one came to disturb them in the yard at dawn.

In the front yard, Mother Shen looked at Mrs. Qian who was crying. She also saw what happened yesterday. Mrs. Qian came so quickly.

"Sister-in-law, if I hadn't been unable to survive, I wouldn't be so shy as to beg to come to your door."

Qian's eyes were red and swollen, "Ping'er is working hard to teach girls how to read. I don't know who is jealous and throws dirty water on Ping'er."

"We even made trouble at the embroidery workshop. We made several bad orders and asked Ping'er to refund the money."

"Sister-in-law, Ping'er also taught me something. If I want to refund the money, can I get back the words I learned? These people are unreasonable and block the door every day. Sister-in-law, isn't Aru very close to the governor? Can you let Aru come forward..."

"Ms. Qian, I don't like hearing what you are saying. We, Aru and Mr. Xiao, are in love with each other. It's Shen Ping's business. No matter who is right or wrong, how can we ask Aru to ask for an official position?"

Shen's mother thought that if she came to ask for money, she would treat her as a relative, and she wouldn't feel bad if she gave her only ten or eighty taels.But asking Shen Ru to ask Xiao Wujin to settle things would be too much!
"But those unscrupulous people are just bullying our family Ping'er. Look at us orphans and widowed mothers. We don't have a man to head the family. We Feng'er are still so young..."

"Ms. Qian, that's enough. You can decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong. Since Shen Ping has chosen this life of preaching and receiving vocations, she must be able to withstand the test of her parents." Shen's mother interrupted Qian's words, "You can go. Isn’t it very straightforward at that time? If you cause trouble, please come to your door. Isn’t it because we were too easy to talk to in the past? "

Mother Shen's sudden toughness made Mrs. Qian stunned.

"Sister-in-law, but, we are blocked!"

Qian said weakly: "When I send Feng'er to private school in the morning, I always go through the back door."

"So what, you lived here well before, who drove you away?" Mother Shen said with a cold face, "Now that you're gone, you should handle everything by yourself. For this little matter, why don't you come to the door?" Come on. You guys are going to have a hard time, it’s just a little bit of relief, but if you ask Aru to hire an official, do you want to slap Aru in the face?"

"Sister, I think Shen Ping thinks this is too much, so she doesn't dare to come."

Aunt Lian helped: "To put it bluntly, although everyone said the surname is Shen, the family has been separated a long time ago! In the past, it was a matter of friendship, but now that we have moved away, we have to live our own lives behind closed doors. Got it!"

"Ms. Lian, you..." Mrs. Qian didn't dare to talk back when Mother Shen said it, but when Aunt Lian opened her mouth, she became a little angry.

The concubine of the first wife also had a good life, and her life was even more glamorous than that of the first wife of her second wife!
Mrs. Qian saw that Aunt Lian's expression was not so good, but she only glanced at her.

"Sister-in-law, if we can't ask Aru to come forward, then... Uncle Fu..."

"Uncle Fu is so old, do you still want him to quarrel with those women? Qian, what do you think?"

Mother Shen immediately interrupted Qian's words.

"I would say, if you don't think you are at fault, then be tougher. If you are really wrong, then apologize sincerely. If you are a sincere person, you won't have those difficult things."

"Ping'er is right, who is wrong!"

Qian said: "Sister-in-law, for the sake of the Shen family, please help us!"

"How to help? You should tell me how to help. Do you want me to help you quarrel?"

Mother Shen said sarcastically: "Don't even think about asking Aru to hire an official."

"If there is a dispute between neighbors, just ask the official. You can figure it out."

When Mrs. Qian saw Shen's mother's strong attitude, she cried like a coward.

"But... but the business of the embroidery workshop is not good either. How will we live in the future?"

Mother Shen hesitated, she couldn't find anyone who wanted to fight against the autumn wind!

(End of this chapter)

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