Chapter 271 My man doesn’t need you to tell me
Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin walked on the ridge of the farm, watching the long-term workers on the farm working in the fields.

"After the cotton is collected, all the cotton stalks need to be pulled out. The cotton stalks can be used as firewood." Shen Ru felt that she was quite uninterested, so she discussed with Xiao Wujin where to go, and arrived at his village.

"Is the cotton harvest going well?" Xiao Wujin looked at the large field of cotton stalks and asked casually.

"It's not bad. The seeds come from Gaochang Country, and there are always people from the Agriculture Department to check for pests and diseases. This year, the time and place are good."

Shen Ru has great confidence in this cotton pad. No woman can lack that.

"You haven't told me yet, what happened to the assassin last night?"

Xiao Wujin talked about the person last night, and then analyzed it himself: "The person who came here concealed it very well. His face and voice were deliberately concealed, and his purpose should be to refine the fine salt."

"I guess he'll come again."

Shen Ru was a little worried. She looked at Xiao Wujin and said, "What should I do? Otherwise, you can stay at my house!"

"This is inappropriate." Xiao Wujin laughed, "It is inconvenient for me to handle official business."

"That's it, I thought you were worried about others saying you were married into a wife!" Shen Ru deliberately said in a relaxed tone, just because she didn't want Xiao Wujin to be too worried. "Didn't you say that this is the last stroke? Then I suggest that we just make the method of refining fine salt public to the public!"

"That's how to make it public!" Xiao Wujin said calmly: "Should it be dedicated to the court or to whom?"

"First of all, salt cannot be sold privately. If ordinary people get this method, it will lead to private salt sales; secondly, with the war going on right now, Aru, I'm actually not sure who will be the final winner."

"Then who do you think the person coming is from?" Shen Ru asked tentatively. She felt that the person who could enter and leave the governor's mansion without alerting the guards was probably Pei Wenjing.

If he were someone from the imperial court, he would have come to question him long ago!
"I don't know, but the other party won't kill me."

Xiao Wujin said with certainty.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Aru, I have escaped from life and death many times, so I know what murderous intent is."

Xiao Wujin smiled nonchalantly, "Looking at you, a long-term worker busy in the fields, I feel more at ease. The unhurried look on the faces of the people is the meaning of my official existence."

Shen Ru glanced at Xiao Wujin and did not refute him, although as the governor, what he should do was supervise the Liangzhou officials.

"Let's go and sit on the farm. I'll let them grow some vegetables."

Shen Ru took Xiao Wujin's hand and said, "Also, as I said before, I will give you a new set of robes. I remember that they are made from cotton fabrics produced in my own land. !”

Xiao Wujin's heart moved, she actually still remembered.

"Aru, you..."

"I'm moved. Just a few new clothes can move you!" Shen Ru smiled, "I'm not as selfless as you. Apart from the money I got from my family before, I'm also rich!"

What Shen Ru meant was that the 12 taels of silver belonged to the Shen family, not hers. Xiao Wujin understood this.

However, the remaining 5000 taels belong to Shen Ru!
For example, Shen Ru, who has a huge fortune, and Xiao Wujin, are indeed poor.

At the farm, Uncle Duan's family was very respectful to Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin.

"Master, these are the vegetables we picked in the morning. Take them back with you when you leave!" Duan Tugen, Duan Bo's son, said, holding a large basket of vegetables.

"Okay, do you have enough for yourselves?"

This is not the first time for Shen Ru. She doesn't come every day, but every time she comes, she brings back a basket of vegetables.

"That's enough. God will give us food this year. It will rain when it comes, and it will be sunny when it comes. The harvest in the fields will be good."

"As for the cotton, it needs to be dried thoroughly in the sun while the weather is fine, so that it can be stored easily." Xiao Wujin watched Shen Ru tell the people in Zhuangzi what to do, and looked at Shen Ru with interest.

Who would have thought that a daughter of a noble family could be so friendly to the people?

After coming out of the village, Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin were riding horses in the countryside and walked leisurely, just looking at the scenery.

As they walked to a bamboo forest, suddenly, a man covered with body coverings blocked the way.

"It's him." Xiao Wujin said, "The person who attacked me last night."

It's him!

Shen Ru could tell just by looking at his figure. It was Pei Wenjing, the leader of the rebel bandits, so why was he so empty? It had only been more than a month since he was last in Liangzhou!
"What do you want to do?" Shen Ru stopped in front of Xiao Wujin on horseback.

"Why, is Mr. Xiao a man hiding behind women?"

Pei Wenjing lowered her voice and said with mockery.

"Shen Ru, don't you have a good eye for picking men?"

As soon as Pei Wenjing said these words, Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru in the wrong way. This man... seemed to be familiar with Shen Ru!
Alarm bells rang in Shen Ru's mind, and she was conflicted about whether to say it or not.

"You don't need to know who I am, but Shen Ru, I know you and what happened to your Shen family. Do you know what Mr. Xiao, the gentle breeze and moon beside you, is doing in private?"

Pei Wenjing's words made Shen Ru step down.

He did not reveal his knowledge of his identity.

"Do you need your Excellency to tell me what kind of person my man is?"

"The dignified governor of Liangzhou, but secretly he is colluding with officials and businessmen to sell private salt and make profits from it. Shen Ru, guess how much money you, Mr. Xiao, have hidden secretly?"

Pei Wenjing has been trying to find out where the illegal salt came from in Liangzhou, but finally it was traced to the governor of Liangzhou. It would be a lie to say it was not ironic.

"If he is guilty, then let the imperial envoys of the imperial court make the decision!" Shen Ru said calmly, "not someone like you who dare not even reveal his true face."

"You know me, but you don't dare to show your face. I think you are from the rebels!"

Shen Ru said deliberately suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm here to cooperate with Mr. Xiao. Since there is a method for refining fine salt, why not share it?"

"There are many salt mines in the southwest, and this does not conflict with Mr. Xiao's business."

"It's too despicable for you to involve Aru in this matter between you and me."

Xiao Wujin was the first to speak, not wanting the other party to know that Shen Ru knew about Xiaoyan.

"I followed Mr. Xiao all the way. I only watched you two quarreling with each other. Hey, Mr. Xiao, I'm afraid you have forgotten Shen Ru's identity. Or are you bullying prisoners in the name of an official?"

"Fuck your shit!"

Shen Ru didn't know what Pei Wenjing wanted to do. Was it to make her and Xiao Wujin suspicious?

"Master Xiao accidentally found the method of refining fine salt, and he has sent it to the court in a secret message. He is the governor of Daduan. If you want to get it, just intercept it halfway!"

Shen Ruxin said nonsense, "If you appear in front of Mr. Xiao again, I will tear off the black cloth you are covering up to see who you really are!"


Pei Wenjing was stunned and looked at Shen Ru suspiciously. Did Xiao Wujin really send a secret message to the court?
(End of this chapter)

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