Chapter 283 Let her suffer the consequences
"Here, come in quickly." Yan Shuhui said.

"Everyone has drunk too much. What's the state like? Let the store quickly bring you some hangover potion."

Luneng was guarding the door, as was Yan Shaoqing's bodyguard Yu Tai. After hearing what Yan Shuhui said, he immediately went to call the waiter.

Soon, the hangover potion came, and Luneng was the most cautious and stopped Xiao Wujin from drinking it.

"What, are you afraid that I will poison you adults?"

Yan Shuhui sneered, picked up the flask containing the hangover soup, poured herself a bowl, and drank it all.

"Yutai, go and give Shaoqing a bowl."

"Miss, how about... I take the young master back!" Yu Tai suggested as he didn't dare to let Yan Shaoqing take hangover medicine.

"Whatever!" Yan Shuhui responded casually.

"Then...I will take the adults back as well."

Luneng said immediately, but when he saw Shen Ru, he thought for a moment and said, "Miss Yan, I'm going to call a carriage right now. If anything happens to Miss Shen, it will all be blamed on you."

Yan Shuhui sneered and said in a disdainful tone: "The door is open and there are many people outside. What can I do to this girl?"

Luneng walked out doubtfully, and soon no one stopped him.

"You are Miss Wuya!" Luneng wanted to resist, but when he saw who was coming, he was stunned.

"Don't panic if anything happens, I'll keep an eye on it." Wu Ya whispered, but after saying that, she walked into a room, as if she just passed by Luneng.

Monk Luneng Zhanger was confused and wanted to go outside to find a carriage, but someone else bumped into him, a pregnant woman with a bulging belly.

"Ah yo, ah yo, my belly, you... where did you come from, this reckless man, you..."

"Madam!" Soon, a man and a group of boys gathered around and held Luneng back!

Inside the room, Yan Shuhui asked the waiter she had bribed to add the medicine to Xiao Wujin's bowl.

"Hurry up and let him drink it. Someone will hold Na Luneng down outside."

Yan Shuhui urged the waiter, "Yu Tai really helped me a lot and brought Shaoqing home. It's better not to let Shaoqing be present for this kind of thing."

"Then, what about her?"

The waiter looked at Shen Ru and asked.

"She...does whatever she wants!" Yan Shuhui glanced at Shen Ru with disgust, "However, the amount of the drug is not much. She should wake up soon. I plan to let her watch how I steal her man."

"Why is it so hot? Just light it up and feed it quickly!" Yan Shuhui said, feeling hot in her heart and couldn't help but tug at her collar.

"Ah, what's going on?" Shen Ru didn't want to pretend anymore, especially after hearing Yan Shuhui's malicious words.

"What do you want Xiao Wujin to eat? Yan Shuhui, have you done anything?"

Shen Ru used mujiangzi to stimulate her taste buds, and she became more energetic. Although the drug still made her feel a little uncomfortable, she wanted to protect Xiao Wujin's innocence!
While talking, Shen Ru quickly stepped forward and knocked over the bowl in his hand.

"The Governor dares to plot, is your restaurant going to rebel?"

"Shen Ru, you..." Yan Shuhui felt her heart beating very fast, and her voice came out with a charming gasp, which immediately made her panic. She... was hit!

Shen Ru also discovered Yan Shuhui's abnormality, and immediately knew that Yan Shuhui had been poisoned by her own medicine. Okay, she had to take Xiao Wujin away quickly.

"Get away!" Shen Ru pushed the waiter towards Yan Shuhui and patted Xiao Wujin's face. Seeing that he hadn't woken up yet, he simply picked him up and left the private room quickly.

"Be brave...go away!" Yan Shuhui's push was weak, and her words of reprimand were breathless.

Shen Ru closed the door. Well, not locking it was already her greatest mercy.

"Luneng, you came just in time, take your adults back." Seeing Luneng sweating profusely, Shen Ru shouted quickly.

Luneng revealed his identity and got rid of the entanglement of the crowd. Before he called the carriage, he felt that this matter was a bit strange and wanted to go back and see Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru. "Miss Shen, are you okay?"

"I'm a little dizzy, but there's nothing wrong with it. Your master is drunk and confused. I'll take him back to the Governor's Mansion with you!"

Shen Ru said that she always felt unsafe if she didn't send people back.

When Lun Neng saw this, he immediately stepped forward to help Xiao Wujin.

"Miss Shen, where is... Miss Yan?"

"How do I know? Everyone is drunk and she is the only one who is sober. Don't you think there is a problem?"

Shen Ru asked back: "The eldest lady of the Yan family will never be alone when she goes out. Let's go quickly!"

If she didn't leave, she would see Yan Shuhui's slutty look. She was afraid it would hurt her eyes!

Luneng said "oh" and immediately helped Xiao Wujin to walk out of the restaurant. Just then, Wu Ya drove over in a carriage.

Xiao Wujin woke up after getting on the carriage. He looked at Shen Ru in confusion and held his forehead.

"Aru, what's going on? I just drank a glass of wine today, so I won't get drunk!"

"Yes, not really, but why are you all drunk?"

Shen Ru deliberately asked, "Also, when I woke up, I saw Yan Shuhui asking the waiter to give you some hangover soup. How could I not help you and leave immediately."

"Where's Yan Shaoqing?"

Xiao Wujin felt something was wrong and asked subconsciously.

"Took him back by his guards."

Shen Ru was always awake and naturally knew what was happening.

"Xiao Wujin, I think Yan Shuhui is thinking about your body." Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin and said quietly: "There is something wrong with her."

"What's wrong?"

"Her face is red, her breathing is rapid, and her voice is wheezing, as if she has taken some... aphrodisiac!"

Shen Ru said, then looked at Xiao Wujin and said emphatically: "Tell me, did she prepare this medicine for you?"

Thinking of Shen Ru asking him to exchange cups with Yan Shaoqing as soon as he entered, Xiao Wujin felt that Shen Ru should know something.

"Aru, did you know in advance?"

"You want to say whether I predicted Yan Shuhui's plan?"

Shen Ru chuckled: "Actually, it was Wu Ya who sneaked into the Yan family and foiled Yan Shuhui's plan. Xiao Wujin, she just cares about your body. She wants to give you an aphrodisiac and then do that with you!"

When Shen Ru said that, he specially curled his fingers.

Xiao Wujin's face darkened, but Yan Shuhui still refused to give up.

"and then?"

"Then I asked Wu Ya to secretly change the medicine. Ha, even I don't know why Yan Shuhui drank the medicine by herself. Xiao Wujin, tell me, what happened over there now?"

Shen Ru's cunning look made Xiao Wujin reach out and tap Shen Ru's forehead.

"It's up to you. This matter will probably make Yan Shaoqing vomit blood!"

"Anyway, I won't admit knowing it beforehand, and don't tell me either. Xiao Wujin, if it weren't for me, your innocence would be gone!"

"Well, it was Ah Ru who kept my innocence." Xiao Wujin agreed, let Yan Shuhui bear the consequences!
(End of this chapter)

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