Chapter 289 Don’t let them cause trouble to the Shen family

Shen Ru also keeps a low profile. Zhuangzi and the ranch are in the suburbs. She is not directly running the stone candle workshop and cotton mat workshop. No one else knows that the barbecue tavern is Shen Ru's property.Even after they finished their hard labor, Shen Tong and others went to the city to inquire, but they were unable to find out where the Shen family was.

"It's impossible. They must all be in Liangzhou City. How come they can't find out?"

Shen Tong was very disappointed. Shen Fu and Yang beside him were very impatient, as well as a group of people who followed them to find their relatives.

"Then if Shen Ru and the Governor go in and out together, will they all be in the Governor's Mansion? Then do we still have to go there and recognize our relatives?"

Xu asked, "Maybe Shen Ru has become the concubine of the governor!"

"It's really a disgrace to the Shen family. The daughter raised by the eldest family is so self-willed and degenerate!"

Shen Tong said angrily, he remembered how ruthless Shen Ru and Qian were when he finally escaped from the quarry!
Especially Shen Ping, her own daughter, actually sent herself to the official!

"I see there is a notice recruiting workers there, let's go take a look!"

The person who spoke was a distant relative of the Shen family. After the five members of the family gathered together and murmured, the man who headed the family said, "No matter what, let's survive first."

"I want to go to you. I must enter the door of the Shen family's main room. We are all members of the Shen family. Why should they live a good life!"

Yang said angrily, and when she thought about how she was ignored by Shen Ru before, she felt very dissatisfied in her heart.

"Then let's find out!" Shen Fu said, "Bah!" He spat into the palm of his hand, then wiped it on his hair, trying to smooth down the dry grass-like hair.

But as soon as he stepped forward, the passers-by walked away as if they were disgusted, leaving him no chance to inquire.

"Go away, go away, you are a beggar, don't stand at the door, hindering our business."

Shen Fu was a little discouraged, but he still said patiently: "Shopkeeper, I want to ask you about someone. It is the natal family of the governor's wife. Do you know where it is?"

"Our governor has never married, so where does his family come from?"

The shopkeeper said disgustedly and drove Shen Fu and the others away.

"Then concubine, concubine..."

"Are you here to cause trouble? Our Lord Governor is keeping a clean mind. Where can he find a concubine?"

Before Shen Fu could continue, the shopkeeper had already picked up the broom.

The Shen family members asked for trouble and immediately walked away. It was not easy to find someone in such a big Liangzhou!

"Our Lord Governor seems to have a confidante. He seemed to have said that he would not marry her before."

After the Shen family walked away, the lady behind the shopkeeper seemed to think of something and muttered, but looked at the Shen family leaving and shook her head: "These people look like poor relatives from where they came from. Our governor is already poor enough. Don’t be blackmailed by these people!”

"There are a lot of workers in the city now. Anyone who is doing nothing on the street is either a beggar or a lazy person who has no intention of doing anything. Don't pay attention to him!"

The shopkeeper looked at the retreating Shen family with disdain.

Now that it was getting dark, the team of nearly ten people began to have differences.

"Didn't you say that the Shen family's family is doing very well? Why, even after asking around, no one knows the name of the Shen family."

"Isn't it really in the Governor's Mansion? Then we won't look for it. Let's find a place to work by ourselves."

Another family member spoke, and although there were only three of them, they walked away after speaking.

"What are you doing?" The patrolling officers also spotted a few people doing nothing and surrounded them.

"Lord Official Officer, we are looking for relatives. Do you know that there is a wealthy family named Shen in Liangzhou City? Their girl Shen Ru is very close to the Governor."

Yang immediately stepped forward to please her and asked, "I am her third aunt, and we are here to seek refuge." They didn't know about the wealthy family named Shen, but Shen Ru...well, everyone knew about it.

These county government officials had dealt with Shen Ru before, and as soon as they heard Yang's self-reported identity, one of them knew that they were prisoners.

"There is no big family in the Shen family. There is no big family named Shen in Liangzhou City. Are you able to arrange the affairs of the governor?"

"Let's go to Jishantang first. Unemployed vagrants are not allowed to wander on the streets. If you can't find work, just follow the government's arrangements!"

One of the officers said with a straight face: "There are so many of you doing nothing. If you bump into a noble person, can you bear the responsibility?"

"But, we are members of the Shen family and relatives of Shen Ru. Can't you help us find out, sir?" Yang still wanted to fight for it.

"Stop talking nonsense and go!"

The officials ignored Yang and drove them directly to Jishan Hall.

"Zhao Er, why don't you go to Shen's house? These people don't look like good people."

"I heard that Mr. Xiao has proposed marriage to the Shen family. Then Shen Ru will be the governor's wife in the future. If we can remember a favor this time, maybe she can be transferred to work in the governor's house in the future."

After the two officials drove the Shen family members into Jishan Hall, they left together, whispering.

Soon, Shen Ru heard the information sent by the official, so all the relatives of the Shen family also came to the city!

"Cui Xi, you should be more careful when you go out from now on. Although I'm not afraid of them coming to my door, just avoid them if you can. It's disgusting to get caught up in them."

Shen Ru told Cui Xi and the others that as for herself, she had to be more careful.

Relatives of the Shen family failed to come to the door for a while, and Shen Ru was invited by Luneng to the Governor's Mansion.

Ever since Xiao Wujin proposed marriage to the Shen family, the two of them have never met!
"Aru, why haven't you come to see me these days?" Xiao Wujin asked quietly in the study, with a little uneasiness in his eyes. "Is it possible that you didn't mean to propose marriage?"

"How could it happen? It's not because of this. Why, do you miss me?"

Shen Ru teased, "My mother wants me to embroider a sachet for you, Xiao Wujin, I'm really not good at this."

"If you're not good at it, then you don't need to embroider. Come here."

Xiao Wujin waved to Shen Ru.

"This is...Shanglin Fu?"

Shen Ru looked at the case file in front of Xiao Wujin, and as he opened it, she was a little surprised.

"Well, for you."

Xiao Wujin said, "Besides this matter, I have come to see you for one more thing."

"Huh?" Shen Ru admired Xiao Wujin's calligraphy. The calligraphy was just like the person he was, with a strong character!
"In the past, many aristocratic families were implicated in the rebellion in Prince Jing's Mansion. Some people reported that the prisoners of the Pei family and the prisoners of the Du family had somewhere to go after entering the city!"

"Aru, do you think this is an spy planted by Pei Wenjing in Liangzhou City?"

Shen Ru was stunned. She naturally knew that Pei Wenjing had someone in Liangzhou, but some of the goods that he wanted to replace the Yan family's customs clearance had already been removed. In other words, there was An Zhuang?
"Then what are you going to do?" Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"If you don't hurt the people of Liangzhou and don't touch the foundation of Liangzhou, this rice shop can still provide some food for Liangzhou. And this bodyguard agency is probably in the business of transporting goods. If they make a lot of money, they have to pay Why wouldn’t I enjoy paying taxes?”

Xiao Wujin said calmly, "Aru, some things are not absolute!"

(End of this chapter)

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