Chapter 294 Give Mother the Empowerment

Shen Ruan's calm look stung Shen Ping.

And this boudoir, which has been decorated with so much thought and effort, is as good as the prince's palace in the capital. Why is Shen Ru so lucky?

"Shen Ru, do you dare to swear that you and the governor have not done anything outrageous? Do you dare to say that your family's treatment in Liangzhou is really not something you got by selling your sex? Why are you so arrogant! Why are you so superior? You can enjoy a comfortable and prosperous life.”

It’s the same cliche again!She and Xiao Wujin were the ones betraying her lust?
"Shen Ping, if you say one more thing, I'll have you thrown out!" Shen Ru said calmly, "I have countless ways to make your embroidery shop close down. I also know what kind of virtue Zhang Xuyang is, and I don't care. I’m already tolerating you for the sake of my relatives!”

Shen Ping was not afraid at all, and still said aggressively: "It's your father's fault that the Shen family is in this situation. You guys are sorry for the Shen family, and your grandpa's spirit in heaven will definitely be angry with you. Shen Ru, you guys go to bed at night. Is it safe?"

"Wu Ya, throw her out!" Shen Ru didn't want to talk nonsense with Shen Ping. Does she seem to be mentally exhausted?Of course not. King Jing rebelled and had nothing to do with his father. What’s wrong with his father making friends normally?

Wu Ya's figure came silently, and before Shen Ping could react, she was carried by the collar and flew up.

Shen's mother knew that Shen Ping was looking for Shen Ru, so she happened to walk into Shen Ru's yard in order to avoid a quarrel.

"Aru, I felt like a figure floated by just now. Where's Shen Ping? Didn't I say she came to see you?"

"I threw Wuya out, but she couldn't say a good word. My own father came to the door, and he only wanted to let his second uncle come to our house, and he also wanted to insult me. Mom, I don't recognize it. Will you blame me for this relative?"

Shen Ru looked at Shen's mother and pretended to be aggrieved.

"If you don't admit it, don't admit it. When you were in the capital, you didn't move around the second and third bedrooms. The last time you got married, there weren't many relatives here. How come you're exiled and are still talking about relatives?"

Shen's mother was naturally protective of Shen Ru, "Your father misses the past, but this time he was exiled and his character has changed. In short, the safety of our family is the most important thing."

"Mom is right. By the way, Mom, I'll give you something."

Shen Ru had always wanted to return some things from the Hou Mansion to her parents. As she was talking, she went into the back room and pretended to take something, but she actually took out a box from the space.

"Mom, this is for you."

Mother Shen took over the hand and joked: "What's in here? It couldn't be money!"

Once she opened it, she was really stunned. There was a thick stack of banknotes, all in denominations of one thousand taels. Here...

"Aru, do you have so much money?"

"You make money from doing business, mother. Don't ask what business you do. Knowing too much is not good for you."

Shen Ruxiao was mysterious, "Following the Yan family and Xiao Wujin, you don't have to worry about unknown origins! There are 10 taels here. Although it is not as rich as the previous family, in Liangzhou, it can be considered a small fortune." !”

10 taels!Mother Shen's eyes widened.

In Liangzhou, although things are not cheap, the wages are not high.Shen's mother thought that she still had ten thousand taels of silver notes and some jewelry on hand; Shen's father also had some, so he could live a good life no matter what.

"Aru, since you earned this money yourself, just keep it and don't give it to me!"

Mother Shen closed the box and handed it to Shen Ru.

"No, mother, as I said, I will prepare Xuanxuan's dowry and Nian'er's betrothal gift from now on. You keep the money. If I marry Xiao Wujin in the future, it will be hard to say!" Shen Ru Xiao Wujin deliberately used this as an excuse. Xiao Wujin had no right to comment on who she would give her money to.But if you use this as an excuse, your parents will not accept it!
Shen's mother was indeed stunned. If Shen Ru continued to give money to her parents' family in the future, it would indeed be unreasonable.

"Aru, you have to prepare your dowry yourself. This money..."

"This money is only part of it, I still have it!" Shen Ru said: "Moreover, the ranch, tavern, cotton pads, and stone candles have all been accounted for, so my money will be more and more."

"Didn't the price of rice and grain in the city go up before? I've also prepared some grain in the warehouse. Mom, I'll give you this key too."

"There are also some things that I went to the Western Regions with Yan Shaoqing to buy. I didn't bring them back at that time, so I asked his caravan to bring them back."

Shen Ruxin said nonsensically that she had replaced all the things brought out by the Hou Mansion, and the things that could not be replaced were naturally hidden in the space.

Mother Shen frowned after listening to Shen Ru's words.

"Aru, what you said makes it sound like you are going to get married immediately, but my mother is reluctant to let go!"

"Mom, didn't I prepare in advance?" Shen Ru smiled, "When the time comes, it is better to keep everything simple about the dowry. As the governor, Xiao Wujin must not be extravagant."

She had said that she would save the Shen family's fortune, so she would not let the Shen family sit back and eat nothing after she left.

Mother Shen looked at her daughter who had become much more mature, as if it was a lifetime ago!

"Aru, the rest of the family hasn't changed much, but you... have completely changed. You have been the one who shielded everyone from the wind and rain during this exile. Suddenly, my mother felt a little... say no. It’s so sad that when my daughter grows up, she belongs to someone else’s family!”

Seeing Shen's mother's sudden sadness, Shen Ru felt a little at a loss. She wanted to slowly transfer the property of the original Hou Mansion bit by bit to give her parents more confidence and security. Why did she make people sad?

"Mom...!" Shen Ru couldn't help but took Shen's mother's arm and shook it, "I'm not married yet!"

"That's right, you're not married yet. Seeing what you've said, I'm not worried that you'll suffer hardship after marrying Mr. Xiao. It's just that it's easier for Mr. Xiao. We Aru are so good at making money, aren't we?"

Xiao Wujin's methods of amassing money are also very powerful, but he really takes it from the people and uses it for the people.

"Mom, you put these away. Even if you change places, you will still be the wife of the Shen family and the Marquis!"

Shen Ru cheered up Shen's mother and said, "No matter if it's the second uncle, the third uncle, or other relatives of the Shen family, we just don't care!"

"Isn't that right? Mom also went out to inquire about it. I don't have a place to stay for a while. The government has a Jishantang, and I have to find a job!"

Mother Shen nodded and said, "You have hands and feet. As long as you are willing, you can survive."

"Yes, you can make money as long as you are willing, so why should you come to our house and eat and drink for free!"

Shen Ru responded, if those people come again, she will throw them away one by one!
Shen Ru was chatting with Shen's mother here, while Shen Ping was thrown out by Wu Ya and was in a very embarrassed state.

Looking at the door of Shen's house, Shen Ping bit her lip, feeling very disgusted and unwilling. She must make Shen Ru pay the price.

"Miss Shen, my second young lady invites you!" A man came up behind Shen Ping and whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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