Chapter 298 I Know What You Did

The case was eventually determined to be that Shen Tong and Shen Fu stole people's money, but Lu Bai was killed.

After leaving the Yamen, Shen Ping looked dazed, convinced that this was the Yan family's behind-the-scenes operation.

He actually didn’t mention that his younger brother Shen Feng was also in the restaurant during the whole process!
"Second sister-in-law, from now on... we will all be widows!" Yang looked at Qian in tears, then at Shen Ping and Shen Feng, "The murderer of Qian Dao, how can I live alone in the future? !”

Shen Ping looked numb and felt uneasy. The government would track down the murderer, but would they really?

"Ping'er, how about..." Qian's heart felt more relaxed, as if the stone in her heart had been lifted off at once!

"Third Aunt, I know that you live in Jishantang, and there are distant relatives of the Shen family who work with you there. In this case, let's go back first!" Shen Ping grabbed Qian's hand, then took her younger brother, and walked away quickly opened.

Mrs. Yang was stamping her feet behind her. She was the only one who could go to the Shen family's main room, but she had no reason to get close to Shen Ping and the other orphans and widowers. She could only curse in a low voice.

Shen Ping took her mother and brother back home. She was still very entangled in the room and walked around uneasily.

Suddenly, she was startled when she heard a whooshing sound.

Looking again, there was an arrow stuck on the windowsill, with a piece of cloth tied to it.

Shen Ping stepped forward nervously, and when she untied the strip of cloth, her eyes suddenly widened, and she even let the strip of cloth fall to the ground.

A line of blood-red words on the cloth stung Shen Ping's eyes.

"I know what you did!"

After regaining consciousness, Shen Ping's face was pale and her eyes were panicked. After looking around to no avail, she hurriedly put the strip of cloth away and burned it directly with a candle!
"You think this is strange? I went to the Yamen to ask. Shen Tong and Shen Fu stole money from others, were discovered again, and died in a restaurant. But why are the money bags still on them? Why is the murder weapon missing?"

Shen Ru was talking to Xiao Wujin at the Governor's Mansion about what he felt was strange.

"Xiao Wujin, why do I feel that the money bag is a cover-up?"

"Do you want to find the real murderer for them?" Xiao Wujin knew that Shen Ru didn't like her second and third uncles.

"I just feel strange and want to know the truth of the matter. I didn't expect that they would die on their own before I did anything!"

Shen Ru said with emotion: "You tell me, no one wants to deal with me, right?"

Seeing Shen Ru's troubled expression, Xiao Wujin suggested, "Or, I can go to the county government to ask questions..."

"That's not necessary!" Shen Ru interrupted Xiao Wujin, "They didn't bother you. I will check this matter myself!"

It is true that Xiao Wujin never interfered in the county government's investigation, but if Shen Ru asked, he could naturally go and take a look.

"Aru, did Yan Shaoqing tell you about the changes in the Yan family?"

Xiao Wujin asked: "Yan Shaoqing talked to me and it seems that he intends to reduce the Yan family's business territory."

"I mentioned it before, because the rebel forces have gained the upper hand." Shen Ru replied, "Speaking of which, they are splitting up, and you can hear yelling and cursing every day."

"I heard from Yan Shaoqing that his parents are coming back. Aru, I'm afraid there will be a lot of excitement when the time comes."

Xiao Wujin joked, "Yan Shaoqing's father is more handsome and affectionate than Yan Shaoqing. He has many aunts in his backyard. When I went to the Yan family in the past, Yan Shaoqing often complained to me."

Even more beautiful than Yan Shaoqing!Shen Ru was very surprised, what would he look like?

"It shouldn't have anything to do with my family!" A fire in the Yan family's backyard has nothing to do with the Shen family!

"Sir, the time has come!" Luneng's voice came from outside the door.

"Are you going out?" Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Well, I want to go there to see the progress. Aru, will we go together?"

"Are there any other adults here?" "Well, today I will go with Hucao's people, Prefect Hou Wenzheng and others to check the progress of the resettlement of the house."

Xiao Wujin said: "Let's go together, my unmarried wife!"

Shen Ru was moved by Xiao Wujin's words, and then felt a little embarrassed.

"Then go, well, it's not like I haven't seen her before anyway." Although Shen Ru felt that it was inappropriate for her to be here, she couldn't resist Xiao Wujin's words, Madam!

Luneng drove Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru to the street in Liangzhou City where large houses were being built.

Xiao Wujin got off the carriage first, and then stretched out his hand to help Shen Ru out, not feeling guilty at all because of the looks in the eyes of others.

"Master Xiao, why did you bring a woman here?"

"Then you don't know. This is his unmarried wife. There are many stories between the two of them."

"I have seen her before. She also appeared during the previous river inspection. I heard that some villagers were causing trouble before, and she even saved Mr. Xiao."

Other officials present couldn't help but gossip in low voices.

"Come on!" Xiao Wujin was frank and did not introduce Shen Ru's identity too much, but let Shen Ru stand beside him.

This piece of land was being demolished and built at the same time, the dust was flying, and everyone was working enthusiastically.

"Master Xiao, look, so many refugees found work at once. Master Xiao is so wise!"

"Master Xiao, if you keep working hard like this, there will be beautiful houses on this land by next year. By then, I will be envious of those who have moved to the village."

"That's right, Mr. Xiao, isn't it a bit uneconomical to give such a good house to those who move to the village? I think it's more appropriate for people to spend money to buy it."

Shen Ru listened to the various people talking to each other, then looked at Xiao Wujin.

"Why didn't you say anything when we made the decision?"

Xiao Wujin said calmly: "Also, I have signed it in both white and black letters. Do you want to break the contract for the sake of being an official?"

"The houses here will definitely be available when the time comes. If you think this place is good, you can sell your old house and buy it here."

Shen Ru pursed her lips and smiled, Xiao Wujin really didn't show any face to others!
Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of cold light from the corner of her eyes, and in the flash of lightning, Shen Ru suddenly pulled Xiao Wujin, and saw a cold arrow flying directly past Xiao Wujin's ear.

"There are assassins protecting Mr. Xiao!"

Luneng immediately stood in front of Xiao Wujin, pulled out his knife and looked around to be on guard.

"Why would someone want to kill you?" Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Aru, this should be asking the person who wants to kill me, I don't know!" Xiao Wujin was still in the mood to joke.

In front were workers, and in the distance was the dust flying from the knocked down house. Shen Ru didn't know where the cold arrow came from, but it was obvious that today's trip had to be abandoned.

All the officials were escorted away by the accompanying guards, and Shen Ru also took Xiao Wujin into the carriage.

"Are there many such things?"

In the carriage, Shen Ru asked worriedly, being an official is also a high-risk industry!

Xiao Wujin said nonchalantly: "It happens all the time, but I am still alive, which shows that I am a lucky person. Aru, haven't I married you yet? Everything will be fine!"

"Don't say so lightly. If you knew the danger, why didn't you bring more people with you? Can Luneng do it alone?"

"If the security is tight, wouldn't it mean that there is no opportunity for people to take advantage of it? Ah Ru, sometimes you don't know whether you are doing the right thing until someone opposes you."

(End of this chapter)

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