Chapter 301 The Yan family’s parents return
"You Shen family can't bully people like this. I am Shen Fuba's official wife who brought him into the house in a sedan chair! Shen Fu is gone, so you can't ignore me!" Yang sat on the ground acting like a loser, which made Mu Erqin has no place to start!
Shen Ru asked Shen's mother to retreat. It would be too cheap for her mother to take action against a shrew!

"Aru, don't stop me, I want to talk about it properly."

Mother Shen looked at Mr. Yang who was rolling on the ground and laughed angrily: "In the past, when my master inherited the title of Marquis, Mrs. Feng took two and three bedrooms and divided the family. That was how the Shen family's wealth was divided carefully. Even if the King of Heaven comes, I can still be justified."

"Ms. Yang, don't go crazy. There are a lot of things to do outside. Without your parents here, no one will spoil you!"

"Your Shen family owes me, that's what your Shen family owes me. If I don't leave, I will die here even if I die!"

"Wu Ya!" Shen Ru's ears grew numb when she heard this. If Yang had such energy, wouldn't he be able to do anything outside?
Wu Ya was very fast. She picked up Yang and threw her out of the door, then closed the door in one go.

Mother Shen and Mul Qin were both stunned.

"It's really...A Ru, I'm really embarrassed for you. Is she bothered by this coming every day?"

Mother Shen said angrily: "If she does a good job, how can she survive? By the way, Aru, do you have any clues about the case of your second uncle and third uncle?"

Shen Ru went to Wantong Restaurant to check and asked the yamen who rushed to the scene of the crime as soon as possible.

The external caliber was that he was killed by bandits after exposing his wealth. As for the bandits, people came and went in the restaurant, and no one could remember how many people entered that day.

"Killed by bandits. The bandits may have left Liangzhou!" Shen Ru replied, "Mom, you really can't be soft-hearted. As long as there is a chance that she can stand up, she won't think of sleeping with us. Here it comes!”

"Everyone is fighting for her breath, but she doesn't even need to lose face!"

"It's impossible to be soft-hearted. Aru, you don't know how angry my mother was before! There were also intrigues between the sisters-in-law, and Mrs. Feng was partial. Our eldest family suffered the most at first!"

Mother Shen let out a bad breath and said, "It's really annoying every day. Otherwise, the door won't be opened!"

"Well, I'm a little annoyed that the door has been closed for a few days." Shen and Shen's mother looked at each other and laughed.

Shen Ping, who was in constant panic, found that nothing happened after that day until her father was buried.

A thin coffin was buried in an unknown place in Liangzhou, but Shen Ping felt inexplicably relaxed.

"Mom, we can all feel better from now on!"

"The hardest part is over, what's more difficult?" Qian's expression was obviously much more relaxed.

"Let's go!" Shen Ping glanced at the mound and felt that she would not come to worship.

"Ping'er, have you noticed that something has been wrong with Feng'er recently?" On the way back, Qian said, "He doesn't seem to know that your father is gone. Didn't we go together on the day the Yamen identified the body? How could he not know? His father is dead?"

"My brother is still young, maybe he doesn't know about life and death yet!" Shen Ping thought of his stunned look when he found his brother. He was so frightened that he no longer had the memory of that time!
"Ping'er, Feng'er is still young. From now on, as a sister, you should help me more!" Qian didn't notice Shen Ping's complicated expression and just said with emotion.

Shen Ping is waiting for Yan Zhenshan's arrangements.

Mrs. Yang really stayed at the Shen family every day, but after being shut out for several days, she had no choice but to use up all the copper coins she had.She was wandering on the street that day, and she didn't know if she was hungry. As she walked, she walked to the middle of the road and fainted from hunger, just as a carriage passed by.

"Hey, Master and Madam, there is someone lying in front."

"Did we bump into each other?" A woman's gentle voice came from the carriage.

"No, she just happened to be lying in the middle of the road." "Master, many people have come to our Liangzhou recently. I'm afraid they are refugees. Why don't you take them home."

"Madam is kind-hearted, then take her back. We don't want one more servant in our family."

Sitting in the carriage were Yan Shaoqing's parents who had returned from their sightseeing tour. As they finished speaking, attendants came out of the carriage behind and took Yang with them.

When Yang woke up, she found that there were many people around her.

"You're awake. Judging from how skinny you are, you must be a refugee. You are lucky. You will meet our master and his wife when they come back. From now on, you will be a servant here. You are also lucky to be able to join the Yan family."

"Servant?" Yang was stunned. If her limbs were not weak, she would have jumped up and cursed. Does she look like a servant?Wait, the Yan family, isn't that next door to the Shen family.

"Then... what can I do?" Yang's mind raced quickly, and he immediately calmed down his temper, looking submissive.

"Let's get to know each other first. There are many Yan family members. You were brought back by the master and his wife. You should be in the wife's yard."

"In addition to the young ladies and young masters who have their own yards, the aunts also have their own yards. When you arrive at the Yan family, the most important thing is to learn how to look at your face."

Yang nodded fiercely, feeling a surge of hatred in her heart.

The Shen family is next door, wait until she establishes a foothold in the Yan family, let's see how she cleans up the Shen family!

When the master and his wife of the Yan family came back, it was natural that there would be a lot of excitement. Yan Shaoqing also turned down the social activities outside and ate with his parents.

"Father, mother, you came back just in time. Ping Ping Li, Shao Qing wants to separate the family!" Yan Shuhui didn't care whether it was a good fit or not, she got angry at the dinner table.

"Family separation, why should we separate the family?" Yan Shaoqing's father, who is middle-aged, has not gained weight at all. He still has an upright posture and a face that is similar to Yan Shaoqing but has added more years of precipitation, showing confusion. look.

"Sister, are you going to say this? Then why didn't you say you were getting married?"

"What, Shuhui wants to marry, whose son is he?" Yan's mother has a delicate face, and her voice is tender to the bone.

"It's not a young master, he's a guard in the eldest sister's yard." Yan Shaoqing pointed out directly, "Eldest sister, are you sure you want to talk about this matter here?"

Yan Shuhui glared at Yan Shaoqing angrily, took a sip of wine, and said no more.

"Father, mother, let's eat first!" Yan Zhenshan sat down with her husband and spoke gently.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow." Father Yan was also very thoughtful, "Your mother and I are really tired after traveling through mountains and rivers. As long as we are together as a family, we can discuss anything. Come on, let's eat!"

At the harmonious dinner table, Yan's father and Yan's mother whispered to each other from time to time, making Yan Shaoqing roll his eyes.

The second sister Yan Zhenshan and the second brother-in-law also treated each other with respect as guests, showing the harmonious harmony of the harp and harp.

The eldest sister put on a bad face, which made people feel bad. Yan Shaoqing had no appetite for food, so he only drank!
After eating and drinking, Yan's father and Yan's mother were the first to leave the banquet. Yan Shaoqing walked slowly and returned to his room with the help of the guards.

"Shen Ru?" Yan Shaoqing was stunned when he saw Shen Ru in his room.

"You ran to the wrong place. Shouldn't you be looking for Xiao Wujin?"

(End of this chapter)

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