Chapter 303 I swear I don’t like you
Yan Shaoqing seemed to have guessed Shen Ping's intention. He looked at Shen Ping with contempt, making Shen Ping lower her head.

"I think the second sister will teach you the rules of the Yan family. Shen Ping, you'd better be calm. I, Yan Shaoqing, don't hit women, but I will let others hit them!"

After Yan Shaoqing finished speaking, he strode out of the room, "I'll have someone change all the sheets and quilts in the room later. I don't like things that have been touched by others!"

Shen Ping in the room also heard it. She gritted her teeth and decided to walk the path she chose even on her knees!

Shen Ping was not qualified to participate in the affairs of the Yan family. No one in Yan Shaoqing's yard paid much attention to her. It was a nanny next to Yan Zhenshan who came to talk to Shen Ping.

"Mommy, I want to go home and get some things for myself. I also want to tell my mother." Shen Ping asked. When she came last night, she left a letter. She didn't know if her mother would Worry.

"That's fine, just follow me. Don't worry. Although our young master is very tough on his words, he didn't let anyone kick you out. He just recognized you!"

Shen Ping's heart moved. In other words, Yan Shaoqing did not absolutely not accept her!

After following her grandma out of Yan's house from the back door, Shen Ping looked back at the high wall of Yan's house. One day, she would walk out of the front door in a dignified way!

Shen Ping went home and took some of her own clothes. The most important thing was her own money. Then she went to the embroidery workshop to find Qian.

"Ping'er, where are you going?" Qian's heart dropped when she saw Shen Ping.

"Mom, I won't live at home anymore, I'll go to Yan's house!"

Shen Ping pulled Qian to the hut and whispered, "I know my identity, and it is impossible for me to marry Mr. Yan openly, but since he wants me, I can only stay in the Yan family!"

"I want you, what, what do you mean?" Qian was a little confused and immediately looked up and down at Shen Ping.

"Mom, the Yan family, Mr. Yan, how many people want that, it's enough for me to stay by his side."

Shen Ping's shy look made Mr. Qian angry and anxious.

"Silly girl, what are our identities? What are you doing to provoke the young master of the Yan family? Can he marry you? Do you have no name or distinction to follow him?"

"Mom, it's better to follow him than to show up and do business every day. Don't worry, I will still take care of you and my brother. When the time comes, I will honor you for everything I get from the Yan family."

Shen Ping is full of confidence in her future!
"Ping'er, you, you..." Mrs. Qian knew what Shen Ping was thinking, but at this time, she couldn't beat or scold her, so she just cried in anger.

"Mom, don't cry. Life will get better and better, and so will I. If Shen Ru can marry the governor, I, Shen Ping, can also be with the son of the richest man in Liangzhou. I am no worse than her!"

Qian felt even sadder after hearing what Shen Ping said.

Shen Runa, the governor, admitted in public that he came to propose marriage and that he would get married in a grand manner in the future, but what about his own daughter?No name or distinction!

"Then, I won't wait for my brother. Mom, just tell your brother that your sister has gone to a distant place and will come back to visit from time to time."

"Shopkeeper, Mr. Zhang is here!"

Just as he was talking, the embroiderer outside the door came to announce Zhang Xuyang's arrival.

Qian wiped her tears and muttered: "I saw you and Mr. Zhang talking and laughing before, I thought you two..."

"He's just a down-and-out scholar who hasn't even passed the exam!" Shen Ping whispered, "Mom, I'm just borrowing him for business!"

Zhang Xuyang avoided suspicion for a few days because of the appearance of Shen Ping's father. He then heard that Shen Ping's father was gone and that he had used up all the money on hand, so he came specifically to find Shen Ping to cooperate again.

"Miss Shen, I have a new work. Take a look. Is it better to use it on a round fan or somewhere else?"

Shen Ping looked at Zhang Xuyang and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, I probably don't need it yet. The round fans haven't been sold out yet."

When her father showed up before, she clearly felt Zhang Xuyang's alienation. Why, now he's fawning over him again?

Zhang Xuyang's eager smile condensed on his face, which meant that he couldn't use the poem he asked his brother to write?

"Also, I'm going on a long trip. From now on, my mother will be the only one in this shop. My mother is a dedicated person and only knows how to embroider. She doesn't know anything else." There was a sense of superiority in Shen Ping's words. Zhang Xuyang I heard it too.

"After that...Miss Shen will no longer be here?"

"Well, I probably won't be here anymore!" Shen Ping nodded, "Mr. Zhang, you are a talented person. I believe you will have more opportunities to make your talent known to others in the future."

Zhang Xuyang forced a smile. He no longer had the enthusiasm he had when he came. He was worried about his future livelihood!

"Then... Xiaosheng bids farewell!"

After Zhang Xuyang left, Shen Ping also said goodbye to Qian.

"Mom, I will come back when I have time."

Qian looked at Shen Ping with a complicated expression. If it were from another family, she would have tried her best to stop her daughter, but it was the Yan family!
Yan Shaoqing's appearance is also very outstanding. Who's daughter wouldn't like it?

"Ping'er, no matter what happens, you can still come home!" She couldn't stop her daughter from climbing high branches, so she could only comfort her.

"Yes!" Shen Ping left simply without saying hello to any of the embroidery ladies in the embroidery workshop.

Entering Yan's house again, it was still the back door. The gatekeeper was taken care of and took Shen Ping back to Yan Shaoqing's yard.

"Miss Shen is back. Xiaocui and I were sent by the second girl to serve you."

The two pretty maids said to Shen Ping: "The clothes here are ordered by the second lady. From now on, we will take care of the girl's daily life."

Shen Ping was relieved, this is the life she wants, this is what she wants!

Shen Rushi really didn't know what happened in the Yan family next door. After wandering around several of her workshops, she went to the Governor's Mansion to find Xiao Wujin.

"Yan Shaoqing?" She entered the governor's office and saw Yan Shaoqing coming out. Shen Ru couldn't help but be surprised.

Seeing Shen Ru, Yan Shaoqing looked a little embarrassed. He didn't know what to say about Shen Ping.

"Well, Shen Ru, how is your relationship with Shen Ping?"

"Bridges lead to bridges, roads lead to roads. This is the relationship between me and her."

Shen Ru looked at Yan Shaoqing in confusion and asked, "What is Shen Ping doing?"
"Let's go in again. I have to make this clear in front of you and Xiao Wujin!" Yan Shaoqing simply grabbed Shen Ru's arm and pulled him to the governor's house.

"Yan Shaoqing, if you have something to say, why are you doing this?" Shen Ru was even more confused.

Xiao Wujin was also confused when he saw Yan Shaoqing and Shen Ru returning.

"Did you leave something behind?"

"There's something I'm afraid I'll tell you about your grudge in the future." Yan Shaoqing took a deep breath, "Shen Ru, your cousin Shen Ping is in the Yan family now, in my yard!"

"Huh?" Shen Ru was surprised, "She... got what she wanted?"

Yan Shaoqing's face darkened, and he immediately told what happened that day, and finally said angrily: "If it were a woman next to me, I would throw her out directly, but she is your cousin."

"Throw it away if you want. If you do this, she will really get her wish!" Shen Ru said helplessly: "I don't know what you care about."

"What do I care about? It's just Shen Ping talking nonsense and saying I like you!" Yan Shaoqing said angrily: "Shen Ru, Xiao Wujin, in front of you two, I, Yan Shaoqing, swear that I have nothing wrong with Shen Ru. Thoughts."

"Me? Isn't it Wuya who you like?" Shen Ru asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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