Chapter 305 We will get married in the next year
The atmosphere at the evening banquet with Xiao Wujin was still a little subtle.

"Master Xiao, the situation outside is turbulent, but Liangzhou is as stable as a golden bell. This is the result of Master Xiao." Shen Yan raised his glass to Xiao Wujin.

Xiao Wujin looked humble and raised his glass: "Uncle, I praise you very much. The peace that Liangzhou has now is the result of all my colleagues."

"It's also Mr. Xiao who has good command."

"It is the people of Liangzhou who deserve it."

"Aru, look, look!" Shen's mother whispered to Shen Ru, "These two are so fake!"

Shen Ru chuckled softly.

"Mom, you see dad talks a lot today."

"Yes, sister, I don't have any colleagues in Liangzhou, and I don't like to move around. Wouldn't it be nice for Master Xiao to talk to me?" Aunt Lian looked at Xiao Wujin and became more and more pleased with her.

Although Xiao Wujin has a handsome appearance, is the governor of Liangzhou, and is dressed decently today, Shen's mother always feels that her daughter Shen Ru is going to become someone else's wife, and she feels a little reluctant to let it go!
"Sister, dad didn't talk to me as much as he did today." Shen Nian whispered: "Dad seems to like my brother-in-law more."

"Stupid, he is not a brother-in-law yet, but a future brother-in-law." Shen Xuan said, "Sister, when will you get married."

"After the new year!" Shen Ru responded casually.

"What?" Mother Shen and Aunt Lian said in unison, "Aru, why don't I know about this?" Mother Shen asked with a frown.

"Xiao Wujin and I decided today that we will get married after the year." Shen Ru said calmly.

"Aru, how can this matter be so hasty? This marriage matter has to be returned to Najib, but the collection has not yet been collected. How come it has gone directly to the application period?" Mother Shen didn't agree with it.

"Well, we only said that we will get married after the new year, so you can decide on the specific auspicious day!"

Shen Ru still smiled and said, "Father, mother, keep everything simple!"

"No, I will give whatever is due. If I have time, the two families can discuss the amount of the betrothal gift." Xiao Wujin glanced at Shen Ru and said, "Aru is considerate of me, and I don't want to make Aru feel wronged." .”

"How can we talk about such emotionally hurtful things at the dinner table?" Shen Ru refused, "Xuanxuan and Nian'er look confused!"

"Let's eat!" Shen Yan also said to smooth things over, but still glanced at Xiao Wujin with deep meaning.

After the meal, Xiao Wujin stayed at the Shen family for a while. The Shen family's mansion was also exquisitely decorated and elegant.

The moonlight was hazy, and the crescent moon loomed behind the dark clouds. Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin walked side by side, talking in detail about the things around them.

"Cuixi and the others purchased this house in Liangzhou in advance. It's an unexpected blessing. My family can live in peace and stability here for a long time!"

Shen Ru said with emotion, "My yard has just been decorated. When I get married after the new year, this place will be empty!"

"Then... we should open a courtyard like this in the Governor's Mansion to ease your lovesickness."

"Try your best, Xiao Wujin, but don't make a fool of yourself."

"You look down on me like this?" Xiao Wujin found it funny. He felt that Shen Ru was saving money for him.

"I'm not looking down on you. I know that you have always been honest. I spent a lot of money on my yard. I don't like you spending the money you want to use on the people on our marriage."

Shen Ru said: "The dowry I brought here is just a few workshops, and it doesn't cost much, so..."

"Your workshop, you still say it's not valuable?"

Xiao Wujin laughed a little, "Yan Shaoqing said that the stone candles and oil lamps made by Heishui are very useful for marching and fighting. They are military supplies. Not only the rebels require large quantities of supplies, but also the imperial army. Both sides make money. Even if you and Yan I think I'll make a lot of money if I share the money with my family!" "Do you want to find out about my family background?" Shen Ru asked deliberately. "Do you want me to support your family in the future?"

"It is natural for a man to support his family. Anyone who uses his wife's dowry will be laughed at by the world."

Xiao Wujin teased, "Aru, do you want your husband to be laughed at in the future?"

"You are not a person who cares about face!" Shen Ru muttered, "I will give you what you should give, but I won't care about what you shouldn't give."

"Well, even if you pass, you don't need to change anything. You can just be yourself." Xiao Wujin was most afraid that Shen Ru's life would plummet after marrying him, and he was also afraid that the secular rules would smooth out your original temperament.

Xiao Wujin said it calmly, but Shen Ru felt naturally relieved when she heard it.

Suddenly, Xiao Wujin was stunned and looked around.

"Just now, did a white shadow flash by?"

"Oh, Wu Ya must have gone to Yan's house again!" Shen Ru said, not surprised, "She always has some contacts with Yan Shaoqing."

Xiao Wujin didn't know how to respond for a moment. Did he mean flying over eaves and walking over walls?
"Yan Shaoqing and this girl Wu Ya, um, yes!" Xiao Wujin paused and said, "Those are also the people who can control Yan Shaoqing!"

"No, Wu Ya asked Yan Shaoqing to find Pei Wenjing before!"

When Shen Ru thought about this, she couldn't laugh or cry, "She felt that if I fought with Pei Wenjing, I would definitely kill him, and she wanted to help me kill him!"

"Are you sure he is Pei Wenjing?" Xiao Wujin asked back. It was all speculation before, but when Shen Ru spoke, she was sure!
"Is there anyone else you can think of?" Shen Ru asked, not afraid of being seen through by Xiao Wujin.

"All the adult men in Prince Jing's Mansion have been killed, how can he escape?" Xiao Wujin still remained skeptical.

"Then I don't know!" Shen Ru didn't want to talk about irrelevant people! "He shouldn't be in Liangzhou anymore, and Yan Shaoqing's people haven't been found either."

"If he were in Liangzhou, he would probably come to me again!"

Xiao Wujin said, "As you said before, I sent eighteen secret letters to various places at the beginning of this month for this method of refining fine salt. Regardless of whether it was intercepted by the rebels, it will not affect the previous details. Salt’s sold.”

"It won't affect your return of money!" Shen Ru said, if Xiao Wujin can keep some for their wedding, that's okay!

At worst, she can invest in people's livelihood after making money!
Shen Ru thought in her heart, but did not speak. She did not want Xiao Wujin to really change his mind because of her.

"It's getting late tonight. I should go back. I'll ask Luneng to pick you up tomorrow."

"Well, okay, I'll wait for you!" Shen Ru responded and looked back at Xiao Wujin. Xiao Wujin happened to be looking at her, with their eyes facing each other, full of stars!
After bidding farewell to Xiao Wujin and returning to their own yard, Cui Xi and the other two people gathered around Shen Ru and joked.

"Miss, the wedding is coming after the new year. When will that be? What about us?"

"As for you, come with me or stay here, it's up to you!" Shen Ruye said with a smile: "It just so happens that there is no one around Xuanxuan..."

"Miss, of course we are following you."

Cui Xi took the lead and said, "An Qiao, Yaoyao, what do you think?"

"Yes, Miss, we grew up with you. If we don't follow you, we really don't know what we will do in the future."

"From now on, if you meet someone you want to be with, I will let you go!"

Shen Ru's smile dimmed: "You should know that I don't want you to waste your life for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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