Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 308: After the conditions have been negotiated, we can discuss it later

Chapter 308: After the conditions have been negotiated, we can discuss it later
Shen Rushi really didn't have much impression of Pei Wenjing's face, but seeing it so fiercely, Shen Ru had to say that Pei Wenjing had that smell on her body.

That feeling of being a person of noble birth, experienced life and death, supported by hatred, and holding great power!
Xiao Wujin stepped forward and protected Shen Ru. He didn't like the way Pei Wenjing looked at Shen Ru.

"Xiao Wujin, let's talk. If you want your Liangzhou, just talk to me!" Pei Wenjing moved her eyes towards Xiao Wujin, with a condescending sense of superiority in her words.

Shen Ru frowned, these two people were so self-righteous!

Following Pei Wenjing's instructions, a simple tea room was quickly set up. Pei Wenjing and his neighbor Cui Ti sat down at the square table.

Since she couldn't leave, Shen Ru took Xiao Wujin and sat opposite Pei Wenjing.

"Hiding your head and shrinking your tail every day makes you look so white!" Shen Ru said sarcastically, "What, do you want to see the light of day again?"

"Shen Ru, please keep your mouth clean!" Cui Ti stopped Pei Wenjing before he opened his mouth.

"What did I say? Did I say he was a pretty boy? Why are you so anxious, Cui Ti!" Shen Rucai is not afraid of Pei Wenjing. After several fights, she knows that Pei Wenjing won't do anything to her. It's just a bluff!

Moreover, aren’t you treating the Pei family badly?Pei Wenjing cares about the remaining members of the Pei family!

"Shen Ru!" Cui Ti was really anxious.

"Uh-huh!" Pei Wenjing shouted to stop Cui Ti.

"You two are so elegant that you come all the way to look at the forest." Pei Wenjing said with sarcasm, as if to say that Xiao Wujin was not doing his job properly.

"I can't run as far as you guys." Shen Ruzhi didn't want to let her go at all, so she pushed back angrily.

Pei Wenjing did not argue with Shen Ru. She just looked at Xiao Wujin and said, "The imperial court has given up on Liangzhou. What do you think, Master Xiao?"

"Had it not been for the rebels' interception, Liangzhou would not have been left alone." Xiao Wujin said bluntly.

"But I see that Liangzhou seems to be still stable. Mr. Xiao, you have solved the problem of border food and grass, and the salaries of Liangzhou officials. I still admire you for this."

Pei Wenjing showed pity for Xiao Wujin's talent.

"If Prince Pei has anything to say, just say it directly!" Xiao Wujin said with a cold face. He is still an official in Daduan, and Pei Wenjing is a rebel!
"How about I give Liangzhou to you?"

Pei Wenjing said: "I will give Liangzhou peace that Mr. Xiao wants! In the future, if Liangzhou becomes autonomous, if you reopen the border, I will also send people to negotiate with the Western Regions."

"What about the conditions?" Xiao Wujin asked.

"My people are stationed in Liangzhou."

Pei Wenjing was also straightforward, "I won't disturb the people, but if there are too many people, it will be known. Can Mr. Xiao guarantee that my soldiers can be safe in Liangzhou?"

"Haha, are you kidding me?" Xiao Wujin sneered, "As long as I am the governor of Daduan, I cannot allow the rebels to camp in Liangzhou!"

Shen Ru glanced at Xiao Wujin, this matter is not impossible, right?Didn't Xiao Wujin say that things are absolutely black and white? Didn't he say that the Daduan Dynasty was pedantic and that it was over?
"Da Duan has given up on Liangzhou a long time ago. The imperial court does not care about the border army. How much food and grass do these 20 troops get? You must have paid the taxes in Liangzhou, but Mr. Xiao knows whose pocket it ended up in. Woolen cloth?"

Pei Wenjing said slowly: "Master Xiao is a rare good official, and I don't want to stand in a hostile position with Master Xiao."

"Prince Pei was not so easy to talk to when he attacked me at night last time." Xiao Wujin said without mercy.

"Didn't Master Xiao also play tricks on me?" Pei Wenjing looked at Xiao Wujin with a cold expression.

"Pei Wenjing, what do you think if Xiao Lang doesn't agree to your conditions?" Shen Ru asked cautiously, "Are you no longer afraid that the old lady will know that you are still alive?" "My southwest army has a sure chance of victory. We will show up today. , and also to show my goodwill to Mr. Xiao, but at the same time, if something happens to my Pei family, Mr. Xiao, can Liangzhou afford the price?"

Pei Wenjing's words contained warning.

"Pei Wenjing, don't threaten Xiao Lang!" Shen Ru said rudely, "What I'm talking to you about is a private matter. Since you dare to show up, I'll catch up with Aunt Yu later. The old lady is old, no matter I know, I don’t know if she can withstand this unexpected joy.”

"Shen Ru!" Pei Wenjing lowered her tone and was very unhappy.

"Without any effort on your part, when the time comes, I will let my grandmother know that I am still alive."

"Oh, you mean I have to keep silent about the fact that you are still alive?" Shen Ru asked deliberately.

"Yes, I will tell them myself."

"Xiao Lang, poor Chongguang, who is burdened with the burden of being the only male in the Pei family. He must be cautious in his words and deeds every day, not daring to make any mistakes. His brother is obviously still here, but he has to bear so much at such a young age, ugh!"

Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin and sighed.

Xiao Wujin took Shen Ru's hand and smiled lightly.

"Shigemitsu is a sensible child."

"Yes, he called you Master, but later he will call me Master. Hey, once a teacher, always a father, doesn't he also become my son? Seeing how much he has to bear, I don't feel too good about it. Feel good."

Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin with a sad expression.

Pei Wenjing clenched her fists. Ever since he started, no one had ever been so sarcastic in front of him. But every time he was in front of Shen Ru, he would be silenced by her words!
"Master Xiao, this year's supply of food and grass is a sign of my prince's sincerity. How about it?"

Xiao Wujin didn't have much expression. He looked at Pei Wenjing and said, "How did Prince Pei know where Liangzhou's taxes go?"

"Liangzhou is autonomous and manages its own taxes, how about it?"

If food, grass and taxes are in place, Liangzhou will indeed have a lot of money at once!
"I can pretend that I have never met you all today." Xiao Wujin said, "Prince Pei said that he will not disturb the people. If there is any disturbance to the people, I will treat him as a bandit!"

Shen Ru suddenly understood that Xiao Wujin was waiting for Pei Wenjing to make a condition!
"Also, since Prince Pei is so generous, when will the food and grass be available?"

"You..." Before Pei Wenjing could speak, Cui Ti spoke first.

"It seems that in Mr. Xiao's heart, the country of Daduan is not as good as the long-term peace and stability of Liangzhou!"

"No one will think you are dumb if you don't speak. Oh, you should have paid for it!"

Shen Ruke didn't allow anyone to ridicule Xiao Wujin, so he immediately counterattacked.

"Prince Pei, food and fodder, hurry up."

"Only when the food and grass are in place will we know your sincerity. Well, when I chat with Aunt Yu, I won't talk about you!"

"Cui Ti!" Pei Wenjing signaled Cui Ti not to mess with Shen Ru, and stopped what Cui Ti was about to say!
"Prince!" Cui Ti felt aggrieved. She was bullied by Shen Ru before, but now Pei Wenjing is in sight of victory. If Pei Wenjing becomes emperor, she will be the queen. How can she be offended by Shen Ru, an outcast?

"Master Xiao is a good official who serves the people wholeheartedly. Cui Ti, please don't offend me!" Pei Wenjing looked at Cui Ti and lowered her voice. With her hot and cold attitude, Cui Ti could only swallow her grievance and glared angrily at Shen Ru. .

(End of this chapter)

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