Chapter 310 My hands can do anything for you

"I am assuming that there are bandits above. There is no reason to let the two of us go! On the contrary, it is a well-trained soldier who would do this."

Shen Ru explained: "Xiao Wujin..."

Xiao Wujin rubbed Shen Ru's head and was in a good mood. His Aru could always say things that surprised him.

"Aru, Xiao Lang, didn't you always call me Xiao Lang in front of Pei Wenjing?"

"Uh... Xiao Lang!" Shen Ru was a little shy. Wasn't that just to show her relationship with Xiao Wujin?

"Yeah!" Xiao Wujin smiled knowingly.

"Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang!" Seeing Xiao Wujin's successful smile, Shen Ru was so embarrassed that she called Xiao Wujin repeatedly, and walked happily down the mountain.

But when she saw the person coming, Shen Ru's smile suddenly stopped!

The road between enemies is narrow, right? The road down the mountain is the same road that Pei Wenjing and his carriage took up the mountain!

Fang Jin and Feicui were driving the car. Seeing Shen Ru playing around with Xiao Wujin, his face was a little gloomy, but he still stopped the carriage.

"Miss, His Majesty, we encountered someone blocking our way!"

Jade Eyes spoke quickly and spoke maliciously to Pei Wenjing and Cui Ti in the carriage.

"It's Inspector Xiao and Miss Shen." Fang Jin added, glancing at Jade with some dissatisfaction.

In the carriage, Cui Ti immediately complained to Pei Wenjing: "Your Majesty, they obviously don't trust you. They went to explore our stronghold while we were away."

Pei Wenjing only glanced at Cui Ti, then opened the car curtain and looked at Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin.

"You two can't be such a coincidence!" Pei Wenjing looked at the mountain road behind Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru. This road led to the stronghold where he stationed troops.

"It's such a coincidence. I'm traveling in the mountains with Xiao Shan. We come up from the other side of the mountain and go down this way. What's going on? Can't we?"

When Shen Ru saw Pei Wenjing and Cui Ti, she didn't have a good tone.

"Or are you saying that there is something shameful in this mountain?"

Pei Wenjing was not too displeased when facing Shen Ru's grab for the spot. Instead, she said calmly: "Master Xiao, since we want to cooperate, we can be honest. If you want to see the soldiers of this prince's village, you can just say so."

"I don't want to!" Xiao Wujin refused without turning red or out of breath.

"Aru and I just wanted to avoid you and the others, so we left the Populus euphratica forest to play in the mountains. We don't want to run into you and the others again!"

"In that case, I will not hinder you two." Pei Wenjing did not force anything, and the conditions he gave did not cause any loss to Xiao Wujin.From what he knew, Xiao Wujin was not a pedantic person.

"Let's go!" Xiao Wujin took Shen Ru's hand and walked calmly past the carriage.

"Hey!" Shen Ru suddenly said, "When will the food and grass be available? Xiao Lang and I will get married in the next year. If the food and grass can be delivered earlier, he will feel more at ease."

Pei Wenjing and Fang Jin both looked at Shen Ru.

"Congratulations!" After a stalemate for a while, Pei Wenjing said. "Food and fodder will come as soon as possible."

"Hurry up!" Shen Ru said this and walked away hand in hand with Xiao Wujin.

"Xiao Lang, I think they are looking at us." Shen Ru deliberately turned back while walking, and then said to Xiao Wujin.

"It doesn't matter, you are my unmarried wife." Xiao Wujin said gently.

"Fang Jin, aren't you leaving yet?" Jade's voice came from behind. "What's so good about her? Do you still like her? Has she ever looked at you?"

"Jade, please stop talking!" Fang Jin said impatiently and drove the carriage forward.Shen, like Xiao Wujin, walked a long way before returning to the farmer's house where he stayed. It happened to be time for dinner.

"My feet hurt from walking, Xiao Lang. I'll help you take a look at the mountains later!"

Shen Ru sat on the bed and tapped his feet.

Xiao Wujin glanced at it and then said: "Aru, wait a moment."

"Huh?" Shen Ru was puzzled, but watched Xiao Wujin walk out of his room.

However, he came back soon.

"I asked the store to boil hot water. After walking a long way, you will feel much better if you take a dip in your feet."

Xiao Wujin also brought back a wooden basin.

"As for the mountains, don't worry about it. We'll wait until the food and grass comes there."

"Well, I know where he stationed his troops anyway." Shen Ru nodded, "Well... Fang Jin was interested in me a long time ago."

"It doesn't matter, you are so good, it's normal for others to like you." Xiao Wujin said with a smile, but he moved a chair over and put Shen Ru's feet on his lap.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Xiao Wujin taking off his shoes and socks, Shen Ru was a little embarrassed!

"Aren't you tired? Let me massage it for you first." Xiao Wujin said while squeezing Shen Ru's calf. "I am so lucky to be in your heart, how can I not do something for you?"

The numb and numb feeling on her calf made Shen Ru feel a little shy. She held Xiao Wujin's hand as he was about to take off her shoes and socks.

"Just press it like this and it will be fine. When the hot water comes, I will take it off myself."

"That's okay." Seeing Shen Ru's face turning red, Xiao Wujin smiled and stopped taking off his clothes.

Pressing Shen Ru's calf with skillful force, Xiao Wujin didn't feel any discomfort at all, but it made Shen Ru feel embarrassed.

"You...don't you want to wash my feet?" Shen Ru bit her lip lightly and asked tentatively.

"What, Aru, you don't want to?" Xiao Wujin deliberately teased Shen Ru. He kissed her and hugged her. In his heart, she was his wife.Then... why not wash your wife's feet?
"Your hand is the one holding pen and ink. How could I let you..." Shen Ru was reluctant to let go!

"Aru, my hands can draw your eyebrows, dress you, and scrub you in the future." As Xiao Wujin spoke, he leaned forward slightly, and his warm breath fell on Shen Ru's ear.

Seeing the shy look on Shen Ru's eyebrows, Xiao Wujin felt very happy.

"The hot water is here." The store owner's voice came from outside the door, and Shen Ru quickly took her feet back from Xiao Wujin's legs.

Xiao Wujin stood up with a smile, picked up two buckets of water from the store, then declined the store's help and closed the door.

Seeing Xiao Wujin lift up his sleeves and pour water for himself to wash his feet, Shen Ru's heart was filled with tenderness.

"It shouldn't be very hot, come on!" Xiao Wujin adjusted the water and said to Shen Ru.

"I'll do it myself!" She was so shy!Shen Ru didn't want to take off his socks in front of Xiao Wujin.

"Aru, there aren't many things I can do for you. I don't want to shirk the things within my power. Sit tight."

Xiao Wujin pressed Shen Ru's shoulders to make her sit up, squatted down, and took off Shen Ru's shoes and socks.

"Xiao Lang~" When Yuzu was immersed in the hot water, Shen Ru was breathing heavily. "Don't……"

Xiao Wujin was really washing her feet. Oh my God, Shen Ru felt a rush of heat from the soles of her feet to Tianling Gai. She was so embarrassed!

(End of this chapter)

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