Chapter 313 Don’t want to be slapped in the face by Shen Ru

"Liangzhou City hasn't changed much!"

Cui Ti, his master and servant, and his bodyguard Fang Jin were wandering around Liangzhou City, and Feicui commented on Liangzhou from time to time.

"Miss, look, the shops on this street are still the same as before, and they sell the same things."

"When I enter the city this time, I would like to meet and talk with Yan Shaoqing. The oil lamps used in the march are also sold by the Yan family. I am thinking that the black oil used in the lamps comes from Liangzhou." Cui Ti glanced at There are indeed no eye-catching shops on both sides of the street.

"Then Ms. Yan's family, are you going to visit?" Jade couldn't help but ask.

"Fang Jin, I want to see where the largest restaurant in Liangzhou is. Set a time and go to Yan's house to place an invitation." Cui Ti ordered Fang Jin.

"Okay, miss!" Next door to the Yan family is the Shen family. Fang Jin couldn't tell how he was feeling. After not seeing each other for several months, Shen Ru was about to marry Xiao Wujin!There was one more thing he hadn't told Cui Ti, and that was that he found out that Pei Wenjing went to see Shen Ru the night before.

The Shen family and the Pei family are both princes in the capital. Shen and Pei Wenjing must be old acquaintances. Fang Jin cannot explore too much for fear of being discovered by Pei Wenjing, but he always feels uneasy in his heart.Is it worth it for my young lady to use all the strength of the Fang family to support Pei Wenjing?
Shen Ru made daily inspections, going to the cotton mat workshop and then to Shizhu's place.When I turned to the street and saw Cui Ti and his party, I really felt unlucky.

There are so many streets in Liangzhou, why did I bump into them?

"Hey, the eldest daughter of the Shen family always goes out alone!" Jade and Shen Ru have had a long-standing grudge, especially Fang Jin, whom she likes, who treats Shen Ru with an unforgettable look, which makes her very unhappy!
"Yes, it's not like I haven't been weaned yet. I have to take a wet nurse with me when I go out." Shen Ru replied angrily. This Jade obviously felt that Cui Ti's identity was different and she was becoming more and more public!
"Shen Ru, why do you have to show off your power of words?" Cui Ti was a little hesitant. She felt that her identity was different from Shen Ru's.

"The road is wide and open to the sky. Even if you turn a blind eye to me, I don't care. However, some people are dogs!"

"Who are you calling a dog?" Jade is not stupid, but she will explode when she sees Shen Ru.

"Haha, you're not screaming!" Shen Ru sneered, she really didn't know what this jadeite was so arrogant about!
"Shen Ru, if you don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, you and Pei Lang have nothing to do with each other, but your fiancée and Pei Lang..."

"Stop, sincerity is not yet there, let's not discuss anything!" Shen Ru interrupted Cui Ti. She was yelling about something, just talking, and no food and grass had arrived!
Cui Ti was a little angry at being beaten by Shen Ru. The master and servant obviously vented their anger through one nostril, and they only got angry when they met Shen Ru.

"Shen Ru, I don't care about you. You have lived in Liangzhou for a long time. You don't know that the weather outside has changed a long time ago." Cui Ti took a deep breath, "I can forgive you for all your offenses, but this is all because of Master Xiao's cooperation with Pei Lang. For the sake of it.”

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, Cui Ti has such a big face!

"I didn't look at the almanac when I went out today. It's really... unlucky!" Shen Ru didn't want to say anything more and left directly.

"Miss, look at her!" Jade behind him was a little angry!
Cui Ti was also angry, but not much.

"Let's do things first, and we have to see Shopkeeper Luo!" Cui Ti suppressed her displeasure. She didn't care about Shen Ru. She would be the person next to Pei Lang in the future, and Shen Ru was just the wife of the governor of Liangzhou. That’s it!After arriving at the place where a grain and oil store was located, which was actually the headquarters of Pei Wenjing's spies stationed in Liangzhou, Cui Ti and his party were invited into the backyard.

After Shopkeeper Luo handed over some information about Liangzhou to Cui Ti, he invited his wife to come out and have a relationship with Cui Ti.

"Mrs. Luo, I still want to inquire about something today. Didn't you ask someone to give you some household items for your daughter? Well, which shop in Liangzhou sells them?" Cui Ti sent Fang Jin out to do some work and whispered. Mrs. Tongluo said. "This thing doesn't exist outside. I want to meet this businessman in Liangzhou. With the help of our Fang family, we will definitely make a lot of money."

"That thing is not sold in Liangzhou." Mrs. Luo said regretfully, "I think it is a woman's private thing, so I only accept door-to-door purchases."

"Oh, Madam Naluo, does she know where this merchant is?" Cui Ti thought, this is a big business.

There are thousands of women in the world, and anyone can use this thing. If she can persuade the other party to cooperate with her...

"I know, it's Miss Shen Ru from the Shen family next door to the Yan family mansion." Mrs. Luo replied neatly. After saying the words, she saw the shocked expressions of both Cui Ti and Jade Cui.

"Miss Cui, what's wrong? Do you know Miss Shen Ru?" Mrs. Luo asked in confusion.

"This Miss Shen Ru is quite powerful. She is also a refugee from the capital. After arriving in Liangzhou, she quickly settled down. She is a famous figure in Liangzhou. Together with the young master of the Yan family, there is also Liangzhou The relationship between the governor and the governor is very good. The most important thing is that this Shen Ru is not a dodder who clings to men. She has a ranch in Liangzhou and also runs a goat milk distribution business. But don't tell me, after drinking goat milk, this child will It will take more than a month to find that the child is strong; and this menstrual cotton pad, she bought a large piece of land in Liangzhou to grow cotton..."

Mrs. Luo talked more and more about Shen Ru's stay in Liangzhou and the rumors that were passed around between her and Xiao Wujin.

"That's enough!" Cui Ti interrupted Mrs. Luo.

She only felt a little hot on her face. Thinking of her position towards Shen Ru just now, she felt a little slapped in the face.

"How is this possible? How can that Shen Ru be so powerful!" Jade screamed, "I'm afraid someone is carrying the sedan for her!"

"This... we don't know. Miss Cui, I just went to buy some of those cotton pads. Why don't I give them all to you!" Mrs. Luo saw that Cui Ti obviously had a problem with Shen Ru.

"No need!" Since it is Shen Ru's thing, she, Cui Ti, doesn't need it!But... Cui Ti soon had other thoughts. That thing was much thinner and more breathable than an ordinary menstrual belt. Couldn't she just let others buy it?
In short, Shen Ru must not be allowed to know that she, Cui Ti, wants to use her Shen Ru's things!
"Mrs. Luo, what I mean is that the quantity I want may be quite large. After all, it is rare to come to Liangzhou. I don't get along with Shen Ru. If it is convenient, can Mrs. Luo buy it for me... for half a year?"

"Oh, there are also some wives of soldiers and soldiers, probably... the more the better!" Cui Ti changed her tone and looked at Mrs. Luo hopefully after speaking.

"This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate." Mrs. Luo frowned, "Because I'm afraid that someone will resell at a high price. They will register each customer's information and the quantity sold. Miss Cui can only buy half a year's worth at most. , too many...there’s really nothing we can do.”

Cui Ti frowned. Shen Ru actually did this. Do you want to come to the door by yourself?
(End of this chapter)

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