Chapter 321 Meet at the ranch tomorrow
Shen Ru didn't ask anything about Shen Ping in front of Yan Shaoqing. She pretended that she had never met Shen Ping. Naturally, she didn't know that Shen Ping hated her again.

When leaving the Yan family, Shen Ru always felt that someone was staring at her, but when she looked back, there were so many servants in the Yan family that she couldn't tell who it was.

After coming out of Yan's house, Shen Ru thought it was better to go see Xiao Wujin, so she let Wu Ya go home on her own.

When she met Pei Wenjing on the road to the Governor's Mansion, Shen Ru felt that God was joking with her. Liangzhou city was not small, how could she and Pei Wenjing meet?Fortunately, Pei Wenjing was the only one. If Cui Ti was there, there would be a lot of talk.

Pei Wenjing, dressed in black robe, stood at the entrance of the alley closest to the Governor's Mansion. When Shen Ru passed by on horseback, he stopped him!
"Shen Ru, can you let Chong Guang come out?" Pei Wenjing asked.

"Ha, you want to recognize me!" Shen Ru sneered, "You dress like this, don't you just want to be seen?"

Shen Ru didn't have a good tone. She wanted to hug Pei Wenjing, but she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart!This man... is not lovable at all!
"It's okay. If it's inconvenient for you, I'll wait here by myself. There will always be a chance to see Chongguang."

Pei Wenjing changed her previous attitude and spoke to Shen Ru with some flattery!

Shen Ruhan felt that if a man changed his mind about a woman, he would probably fall in love with her, but she didn't want any of Pei Wenjing's feelings.

"Shen Ru, Cui Ti and Jade are so offensive to you. Jade can't see anyone at the moment. If she continues to speak so openly, I will make her pay the price!"

Shen Ru's heart sank. What did Pei Wenjing mean?Jade is just a maid. If anything happens, no one will pursue it, and there will be no loss to Pei Wenjing. If Cui Ti...

"Pei Wenjing, be a human being!" Shen Ru said angrily and drove his horse directly to the governor's office.

Looking at Shen Ruyuan's back, Pei Wenjing disappeared into the alley. It was not time to show her face yet.

Shen Ru, who went directly into the Governor's Mansion, had a good talk with Xiao Wujin.

"It's true that the bastard looked at Mung Bean and made eye contact. Those two people are out of their minds!"

Seeing Shen Ru's angry look, Xiao Wujin couldn't help but follow Shen Ru's advice: "Calm down, don't be angry for irrelevant people."

"Wuya cut off the top of his head and made him bald. I think he can calm down for a while. I'm just afraid that Cui Ti will find an excuse to cause trouble, and I'm not afraid of offending Cui Ti. Anyway, the two of us have never met each other."

Shen Ru said: "Also, Yan Shaoqing also said that he thinks the rebels have the greatest chance of victory. When the military needs are no longer urgent, my oil lamps may not be in demand today, so don't change the price."

"Cui Ti knows that both the pasture and the oil lamp belong to me. Ha, she doesn't know that part of the proceeds from the fine salt also goes into my pocket. Tsk tsk, Xiao Lang, if she knew, would she be so angry that she would want to jump up and hit me? oh!"

"I can't imagine this scenario, but if she takes action, she will definitely suffer."

Xiao Wujin smiled and looked at Shen Ru complaining, "Aru, you don't have to suppress yourself. I believe you have your own sense of what you can tolerate."

"Tell me, if Pei Wenjing becomes emperor, wouldn't Cui Ti be... the queen?"

Shen Ru said sadly: "I have offended her so much that I don't know if she will give me small shoes."

She remembered that in the original book, Pei Wenjing became the leader of the new dynasty even if he did not proclaim himself emperor, and the woman beside him was Cui Ti.

"I'd better stay in Liangzhou. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away!"

"If Pei Wenjing conquers this country, he will not be the one who must retaliate. You are kind to the Pei family, and he is kind to you..."

"Stop, stop, stop, I feel a little sick to be attracted by him." Shen Ru said, looking at Xiao Wujin eagerly.

"Hurry up and marry me. He won't attack a wife!"

Xiao Wujin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and took out the newly drawn list.

"You should take a look at it first this time!" Shen Ru took it and looked at it carefully. They were ordinary things.

"Eight loads of sedans, eight loads of betrothal gifts, the last box, and the bottom of the box are three thousand eight hundred miles of silver."

Shen Ru simply read out what was written above, and she thought it was acceptable.

"That's it, don't add anything more!" Shen Ru warned, "It's better than those flashy ones."

Head, face, Zhu Chai, these are all things that a man would have when marrying a wife. It is not easy to buy these things considering Xiao Wujin's net worth.Shen Ru didn't want Xiao Wujin to spend too much money. He couldn't go bankrupt by marrying a daughter-in-law!
"Would you like to take a look at the new courtyard?"

Shen Ru was stunned, yes, we need to build a yard first!
"Okay!" Shen Ru was interested in where he would live in the future.

This new courtyard is located to the south of the Governor's Mansion. The houses are all ready-made, but the courtyard was in a mess before.This time, some peeling beams and windows were repainted, and the dilapidated roof was replaced with new tiles.

The whole yard smelled of tung oil, and some craftsmen were laying bricks.

"We should be able to fix it during our wedding!" Shen Ru asked tentatively after looking around.

"It's definitely possible, Aru. Although it's not as exquisite as the courtyard at your home, I really paid attention to my husband!" Xiao Wujin said in a tone that wanted to praise Shen Ru.

"We're not married yet!" Shen Ru said with a smile, "I'll do my best. Houses and houses are all for living in. It's good if you can live comfortably!"

"The wardrobe and big bed are already being made to order. Once the house is repaired, you can move in."

Xiao Wujin highlighted the word "big bed".

Shen Ru understood and smiled.

The two walked together and saw Pei Chongguang holding a book.

"Master, Master." Pei Chongguang said respectfully.

The word "Master and Mrs." succeeded in pleasing Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru, and Pei Chongguang was much more pleasing to Pei Wenjing.

"Master, my dear, I would like to ask you a favor."

"Xiao Chongguang, tell me, I have learned some red tape." Shen Ru said and glanced at Xiao Wujin.

"My mother works at Master Mu's ranch. I...can I go to the ranch too? I want to ride a horse, and I also want...Mom, tomorrow is my birthday..."

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Wujin. She had to let Xiao Wujin decide on this matter.

"I'll take you there tomorrow." Xiao Wujin said.

"Then I'll wait for you at the ranch, or you can wait for me at the ranch." Shen Ru said immediately.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master." Pei Chongguang looked very grateful and excited.

Looking at the child's cheerful back, Shen Ru said to Xiao Wujin with admiration, "You taught him well."

Pei Chongguang, who was burdened with a blood feud but also carried all the hopes of the remaining family members, still had a childlike heart. This was Xiao Wujin's protection and guidance for Pei Chongguang.Children, isn’t that what children should be like?I care very much about birthdays and my mother.

(End of this chapter)

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