Chapter 325 Shen Ru, you are also full of men.
The matter of Xiao Wujin transporting three boxes of books from the cave was only discussed on a small scale in the ranch, and no one noticed it soon.

Books are only needed by readers.

Shen Ru was very open-minded. Since she gave it to Xiao Wujin, she really didn't miss it anymore.Occasionally when I feel distressed, I can look at those boxes of things in my own space and instantly feel relieved.

At home, both Shen's mother and Shen's father were quite satisfied with the new gift list sent by Xiao Wujin.

"Aru, Mr. Xiao's betrothal gift is quite sincere, but your dowry..."

"Mom, please write a list. I'll buy it myself. I don't know what I need!" Shen Ru said coquettishly, "Mom, thank you for your hard work!"

"I said, how can my daughter's family buy this dowry by themselves? Don't worry, your mother will arrange it for you." Shen's mother had already prepared, "Let's make a match to match the gift list given by Mr. Xiao. Yes. We are not greedy for him, but we don’t want you to help him either!"

Shen Ru snickered, that was the Xiao Wujin before, but the Xiao Wujin now is different.

"Miss, the governor Fulu's guards want to see you." Mul Qin came to report.

"Luneng is here. He invited me to go to the Governor's Mansion, right? Dad, Mom, you can do whatever you want. If you don't have enough money, come find me!"

Shen Ru went out happily, but there was still the Yan family's carriage parked outside.

Yan Shaoqing poked his head out of the carriage.

"Come up here, is Xiao Wujin looking for you or me?"

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment and immediately got on the carriage.

"The main thing is that I have kept a lot of things from you, and I don't know what will happen today."

Yan Shaoqing was a little excited when he heard this.

"Shen Ru, you have to make this clear. What are you hiding from me?"

"Although you are engaged and live your life behind closed doors, Xiao Wujin and I have known each other for a long time. We are brothers who have passed away. As long as it is not something that happens in the house between you two, he should not hide it from me! "

Shen Ru laughed. It was quite interesting to see Yan Shaoqing's jealous look.

"There is always a reason for hiding it from you, but I will tell you in the end." Shen Ru said immediately, "You said he invited you to the Governor's Mansion today?"

"That's right, I'll take you with me, so I'm wondering what's going on." Yan Shaoqing looked at Shen Ru suspiciously, "But Shen Ru, you didn't bring it upon yourself, you're hiding a lot of things from me, right?"

Shen Ru smiled and deliberately kept it secret.

Soon, the governor's office arrived.Yan Shaoqing looked at Shen Ru with a probing look, and when he saw Xiao Wujin, his expression became even more serious.

"Xiao Wujin, you are more capable now. Have you learned how to hide things from me?"

Xiao Wujin was puzzled, how could such a good person show such expression to him?He looked at Shen Ru with confusion.

"It's my fault, I lied." Shen Ru immediately admitted his mistake, "You invited both of us here at the same time, and on a whim, I talked about things that he didn't know, maybe I knew."

Seeing Shen Ru's obedient appearance, Xiao Wujin smiled and didn't blame her at all.

"Yan Shaoqing, I came to you because I really wanted to show you something. Don't blame Aru. I have experienced these things together with her."

"Come on, come with me."

Xiao Wujin said, leading the curious Yan Shaoqing and Shen Ru towards the north courtyard of the Governor's Mansion.

"These are..." Yan Shaoqing was a little surprised when he saw the grain and grass piled up in the yard, "Xiao Wujin, you stopped giving grain and grass to Bian Guang again?" In addition to food for people, there is also horse feed, weapons, and armor. , some herbs... "I didn't buy these." Xiao Wujin said directly, "Aru, the food and grass have arrived, so I think it's time to talk to Yan Shaoqing about this."

"Now that we're here, we're sincere, let's just say it." Shen Ru didn't expect Pei Wenjing to act so quickly. Did Cui Ti know that she was making money behind her back, so she still paid without hesitation?
Calculating the time, these things may not have been transferred from the surrounding area!
"What riddle are you talking about? Who is sincere and who gave it to me?" Yan Shaoqing looked dissatisfied with being excluded.

Xiao Wujin took Yan Shaoqing and Shen Ru to the warehouse again.

"Before we talk about food and grass, let me show you something by the way. Of course, I'm afraid I won't be able to see these things in front of your Young Master Yan's eyes." Xiao Wujin said deliberately.

"There is indeed nothing in the warehouse of your governor's office that can impress me." Yan Shaoqing said, "Why, these two boxes are new. They are wrong. The condition should be old. Xiao Wujin, you should buy used goods. !”

Xiao Wujin smiled and gave the box a key.

In front of Shen Ru and Yan Shaoqing, Xiao Wujin opened the box.

"Some worldly things should be familiar to you, but I am so excited that I can't sleep. Yan Shaoqing, come and see how much money these can be exchanged for."

As the box was opened, Yan Shaoqing's eyes suddenly widened, looking in disbelief.

Then I saw him step forward, pick up a string of beads in the box, look around, then pick up a gold bar and knock it.

"Xiao Wujin, did you dig someone's grave?" Yan Shaoqing finally asked in shock.

"No, speaking of which, it's all thanks to Aru." Xiao Wujin said, "Aru, tell me!"

Shen Ru then told what happened that day, and when she finished speaking, she looked at Yan Shaoqing with a speechless expression.

"You're not even married yet. Shen Ru, you don't want all these gold, silver and jewelry?"

"Don't say that my man only helps men. Everyone who sees this has a share. Are you stupid?"

Shen Ru was not angry at being eliminated by Yan Shaoqing. What was this called? It was her fault, she hid it well!

"Xiao Lang wants to use it on the people. It would be good if this ill-gotten wealth can be used on the people." Shen Ru said as if he was being righteous.

"Okay, you are noble, you two are noble!" Yan Shaoqing was so angry that he almost lost his temper! "Then tell me, what's going on with the food and grass?"

"Go to my study and talk!" Xiao Wujin locked the things first, took the two of them to the study, asked Luneng to guard outside, and closed the door at the same time!

Yan Shaoqing looked at this posture and felt that what Xiao Wujin said must not be within his imagination.But then, Yan Shaoqing's eyes widened again, and he looked at Xiao Wujin and said, "Xiao Wujin, are you trying to rebel?"

Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru both laughed. Yan Shaoqing's imagination is a bit big!

"I'm a scholar and I don't understand the art of war. How can I rebel?"

Xiao Wujin laughed at himself: "This food and grass is the sincerity of the rebels, which means that I, Xiao Wujin, have also boarded their pirate ship."

Yan Shaoqing was shocked. The Xiao Wujin he knew would never rebel, so...

"Let me tell you!" Shen Ru said, and then told the story about Pei Wenjing's approach to Xiao Wujin.

"Pei Wenjing, isn't that the dead Prince Jing? Wait, he is in Liangzhou, and Cui Ti... is facing each other. Isn't this a confrontation? That Cui Ti has Prince Jing in her head. Now Prince Jing is the leader of the rebels, no wonder, she wants to use the Fang family's money to support the rebels, tsk tsk tsk..."

Yan Shaoqing looked as if everything was connected, and finally looked at Shen Ru.

"You say that Cui Ti is full of men, Shen Ru, but in fact you don't have to give in too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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