Chapter 328 I stick to my choice
Cui Ti left Liangzhou, which was a good thing for Shen Ru to be celebrated by everyone!

For this reason, she dragged Xiao Wujin and Yan Shaoqing to her barbecue tavern, chatting while making skewers.

"Shen Ru, I now realize that you really don't have any femininity at all. Xiao Wujin, you don't care about your woman. She is eating meat and drinking. Look how happy she is." Yan Shaoqing raised his wine glass and scolded Shen Ru with a smile.

"I'm lucky to have such an open-minded attitude as a man." Xiao Wujin said with a smile.

"Hypocritical." Shen Ru complained to Yan Shaoqing, "Yan Shaoqing, when I went to the Western Region with you, you didn't have so many opinions."

"I'm worried about Xiao Wujin. How will he be able to strengthen his husband from now on?"

"Yan Shaoqing, don't come here to drive a wedge between me and Xiao Lang. I'm afraid you have thoughts about Wu Ya but don't dare to act. Why don't you look back and let me point it out to you?"

Shen Ru felt that Yan Shaoqing was jealous. She was with Xiao Wujin, and his former good brother seemed alone.

"Okay, then you can point it out!" Yan Shaoqing did not panic, and his expression was a bit expectant.

"Aru, he is tempted. Even though he looks like a playboy, I tell you, he has misogyny!" Xiao Wujin said jokingly.

Yan Shaoqing suddenly exploded, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. "Xiao Wujin, you fart!"

But Shen Ru suddenly realized it and began to recall Kasili in Innocence City.

"Yan Shaoqing, we are all friends. If you need help, you can just give me a shout."

"Shen Ru, shut up!" Yan Shaoqing said angrily: "Xiao Wujin, are you so petty?"

In the small private room between the three of them, they were joking unscrupulously.

In the private room of the same tavern, Pei Wenjing, Pei Qingshan, and some confidants were also drinking and talking.

I chose this place because my subordinates in Liangzhou said that the food here is delicious, plus there are people of all kinds, it’s noisy, and I’m not afraid of being recognized.

"Actually, the shopkeeper here is also an acquaintance with the master. No one else knows about it, but I, Old Hu, still found out. This shop belongs to the Shen family." Head Hu, who runs an escort agency in Liangzhou, said mysteriously.

"Shen family?" Pei Wenjing thought of Shen Ru.

"Yes, it's the Shen family who came from the capital. The Shen family owns the deed of this shop, and the shopkeeper is Miss Shen Ru. The mutton here is said to come directly from the ranch."

"Also, this barbecue is said to be a recipe from the Western Regions, and all the spices used are from the Western Regions."

Pei Wenjing is in a weird mood. How can he get involved with Shen Ru in any store?
In the bottom of her heart, she couldn't help but compare Cui Ti with Shen Ru. Cui Ti always felt that she had a talent for business and a very high vision. Even if she were to open a shop, it wouldn't be in a place where all three religions and nine schools gather. She would definitely do it. Open a luxurious restaurant and recruit princes from all walks of life.

But Shen Ru... Pei Wenjing was also surprised that Shen Ru could open such a shop.

"My lord, the wine is finished. I'll go get a few more jugs of wine." Hu Biaotou poured the wine. When he realized it was gone, he stood up and said.

"I'll go!" Pei Wenjing stood up and said.

"Lord!" Everyone else was surprised.

"I want to see if anyone will pay attention to me if I go out like this." Pei Wenjing gave a reason that others could not refute.

As soon as he walked out of the private room, there were all kinds of noises outside, including people punching each other, bragging, and shouting after drinking too much. No one would pay attention to him at all.Only the waiter in the shop noticed Pei Wenjing and enthusiastically stepped forward and asked, "Sir, do you have any orders?"

"Two more bottles of wine." Pei Wenjing pointed to the private room where she was.

Shen Ru and the others walked out of the private room at this time. After meeting Pei Wenjing, Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin both had cold expressions on their faces.

"Who are you looking at?" Yan Shaoqing had never seen Pei Wenjing before. When he saw Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin froze, he couldn't help pushing Xiao Wujin and asked.

"We'll talk about it later." Xiao Wujin didn't plan to have any contact with Pei Wenjing in such a crowded place.

"Yan Shaoqing, you go out with Xiao Wujin first." Shen Ru whispered, "I'm the host today and I'll pay the bill."

Although Yan Shaoqing was good at making jokes, he was more serious than anyone else when it was time to be serious, and he walked past Pei Wenjing together with Xiao Wujin.

"Shen Ru, does this shop belong to you?" Pei Wenjing did not return to the private room immediately. When Shen Ru walked to the counter, he asked.

"It's mine." Shen Ru didn't deny it. "Mr. Pei eats well and drinks well. If you are not satisfied with anything, you can tell our waiter. Our store is run on a small budget. If there are any problems, we will correct them and encourage them."

"You're pretty good." Pei Wenjing said sincerely. He couldn't say anything bad about being a daughter of an aristocratic family and being so close to life.

"Thank you for your praise, I won't disturb Mr. Pei's pleasure!" Shen Ru paid the bill, said polite words to Pei Wenjing, and left.

"My dear, he actually dares to show off!" After leaving the tavern, Shen Ru, Yan Shaoqing and Pei Wenjing were together, and couldn't help but say, "He is really not afraid of being recognized!"

Yan Shaoqing already knew Pei Wenjing's identity and felt that this was a bit much.

"Xiao Wujin, take a look, if things get serious, you, the governor, will most likely be involved." Yan Shaoqing warned, "Now, I hope the rebels will go straight to Huanglong!"

"Let's go, don't talk about this outside." Xiao Wujin warned in a low voice. Although Liangzhou has become an isolated city, who knows whether the imperial court will launch a counterattack before death?
"I'll take you back to the Governor's Mansion first." When Shen Ru saw Pei Wenjing, she was worried about Xiao Wujin and Yan Shaoqing and their guards, so she didn't need to worry about it.

Pei Wenjing's appearance did make Xiao Wujin worried.

"Aru, are you afraid?" Xiao Wujin asked Shen Ru worriedly.

"I'm so scared of him!" Shen Ru said directly, "Anyway, I won't lose to him in a fight; even if he is the one on top in the future, I will still be your wife, and he will be his master. I will be your wife of the Xiao family, and I can’t beat you with eight poles.”

Shen Ru said it simply, but Xiao Wujin was really worried.

"Those in power are often cruel and ruthless, and they can become cruel."

"Xiao Wujin, there are many things that we can't change." Shen Ru, who knew what would happen next, looked at Xiao Wujin solemnly and said: "The pusher of fate is destined that Pei Wenjing will succeed in the end, but we , can stay away from his center of power.”

"Unless you are unwilling to be the governor of Liangzhou and want to be in the cabinet, Xiao Wujin, do you want to?"

Xiao Wujin shook his head. What he was worried about was that because Shen Ru was so good, he knew that Pei Wenjing was interested in Shen Ru. Now that Pei Wenjing was still fighting for the country, he couldn't take care of it; but what about the future?
"Aru, what I'm worried about is that one day I won't be able to guard you anymore!"

Shen Ru reached out and smoothed Xiao Wujin's frown, and said firmly: "You are my choice, and I will stick to my choice!"

(End of this chapter)

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