Chapter 332 Do you still have a fiancée?

As autumn gets stronger, it gets colder.

Everyone in the Shen family bought more clothes and made winter clothes. Shen Ru also ordered some winter clothes for Xiao Wujin early. They just finished the work that day and were ready to send them to Xiao Wujin.

Arriving at the gate of the Governor's Mansion, Shen Ru was attracted by an old man and a young man wandering back and forth at the door.

"Are you going in to find someone?" Shen Ru asked casually.

The thin man looked up and saw a face that was obviously dirty but could not cover his starry eyes. Shen Ru was sure that this was a woman.

" surname is Bai. I want to find the governor. Girl, are you familiar with the governor's office?"

"I wonder what you have to do with the Governor. If you want to redress your grievances, you should go to the Yamen. If you want to defect, I seem to have heard that the Governor has no relatives."

"Our young lady is the unmarried wife of the governor. Please let her in to announce." The woman on the side listened in a deep tone, as if she was familiar with the people inside, so she said eagerly, "My young lady is from the capital. She is the granddaughter of the great scholar Bai Chongen."

Shen Ru looked at the master and servant in front of him quietly, and then said slowly: "Shouldn't the granddaughter of Bachelor Bai be the princess in the future? When did she become the fiancée of the Liangzhou governor?"

Bai Qianqian's face was so embarrassed that her true expression could not be seen, but the panic in her eyes did not escape Shen Ru's eyes.

"Girl, I have a handwritten letter from the master here. When Master Xiao sees it, he will naturally know the identity of our eldest lady!"

The woman spoke, but straightened her back.

"Wait a moment, I'll go in and ask you questions!" Shen Ru didn't take the initiative to bring the people in, but only spoke to the guard.

Xiao Wujin was busy settling accounts in the study. He had asked Yan Shaoqing to take a box of jewelry out and exchange it for cash. At present, part of it had been exchanged for silver and sent over.

Outside the door, Luneng reported that Shen Ru was coming, and he naturally agreed to let Shen Ru in.

"Aru..." Xiao Wujin looked up and was surprised to see Shen Ru's displeased expression. "What's wrong? With this look, did someone make you angry?"

"You!" Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin and said directly, "It's you!"

Xiao Wujin was surprised and even more confused. He put down the account book in his hand and stepped forward to take Shen Ru's hand.

"What's wrong? I'm sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky!"

"Your mentor in the cabinet is Bachelor Bai, right?" Shen Rumei let Xiao Wujin pull her.

"Yeah." Xiao Wujin was even more puzzled as to why Shen Ru came so suddenly.

"A master and a servant came to the door. They said she was the granddaughter of Bachelor Bai and your unmarried wife. There are also letters to prove it. Xiao Wujin, do you think I should be angry about this?" Shen Ru looked at it. Xiao Wujin knew this rationally and couldn't blame Xiao Wujin, but the irritable mood in her heart made her feel unhappy.

Xiao Wujin was also shocked. Looking at Shen Ru's expression, he carefully explained: "Aru, apart from you, I don't have a second unmarried wife. My mentor is no longer in the cabinet and is living in his old age. I don't know why I have another wife." A fiancée. But since you said that the person outside the door is the granddaughter of my mentor, she must have come to Liangzhou to seek refuge with me when something happened. Can I meet them first?"

"Should I avoid it?" Shen Ru asked. Whenever Xiao Wujin said something wrong, she would show off her temper to him!
Xiao Wujin took Shen Ru's hand and said calmly: "Aru, I'm very happy that you can tell me what happened instead of leaving me confused and guessing the reason for your anger."

"Hmph!" Shen Ru snorted coldly. When she was unhappy, she actually wanted to be willful and violent, but she was still too sensible after all!

"Let's go and take a look together!" Xiao Wujin directly took Shen Ru's hand and asked Luneng to take the first step to bring the people outside the door into the living room.

"Xiao Wujin, you said before that you are yours for the rest of your life. If you have another woman, I...I will regret the marriage immediately!" Shen Ru said angrily.

"Yeah, absolutely not, I promise." Xiao Wujin immediately expressed his stance. "Is this for me?" "Humph!" Shen Ru stuffed the neatly folded winter coat into Xiao Wujin's hands.

Xiao Wujin smiled and took the clothes away.

"Aru, you can see for yourself later. As my husband, I will not even look at any other woman except you."

It sounded nice, but Shen Ru wanted to see with her own eyes how Xiao Wujin dealt with the granddaughter of his mentor who came from afar.

The master and servant Bai Qianqian who was arranged in the living room did not look panicked. Although their clothes were shabby and their faces were haggard and dirty, Bai Qianqian still looked bookish even when he was standing.

Shen Ru felt even more uncomfortable when she saw the look in their eyes when they saw Xiao Wujin.

"Brother Xiao, I am Qianqian, do you remember?" Bai Qianqian's voice was choked with sobs.

"If I remember correctly, you were only 12 years old when I left the capital." Xiao Wujin said, "The female transformation, you look different from before!"

Bai Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears.

"Brother Xiao, the Bai family is gone, and my grandfather asked me to come to Liangzhou to join you."

"Master Xiao, this is a letter written by the master, as well as the birth date of the miss. The master said that you are the only person he trusts in the world. Only by entrusting the miss to you can he die in peace!" He took out a letter and handed it to Xiao Wujin.

Xiao Wujin took it and opened it in front of Shen Ru, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Teacher Tuogu, is the situation in the capital already so unbearable?

In the letter, it was indeed mentioned that he should marry Bai Qianqian, but the condition was that he was unmarried.

"Aru, read it yourself." Xiao Wujin said and gave the letter to Shen Ru.

"Master Xiao!" When the woman saw this, she immediately said, "This is inappropriate."

"Aru is my unmarried wife. Everyone in Liangzhou knows that our wedding is scheduled for the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. If you come at this time, you can wait until that day." Xiao Wujin said: "Thanks to the kindness of my mentor, but now I have I have a sweetheart, and even my mentor would not be willing to ruin my marriage."

"But our lady..." The woman frowned, as if she disagreed with Xiao Wujin's words.

"Mother Yang, since little brother already has a sweetheart, grandpa's marriage doesn't count." Bai Qianqian interrupted the woman, "Grandpa also said that if brother Xiao already has a family, I will recognize him as brother Xiao. As a sworn brother, Brother Xiao, can you recognize my sister?"

Shen Ru saw clearly what was said above. The Bai family was in trouble. The details were not stated, but the bachelor had indeed arranged Tuogu's affairs properly.

If you advance, you can become Xiao Wujin's wife, if you retreat, you can become Xiao Wujin's sister. Oh, you really know how to arrange things!

"Aru, what do you think?" Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru and asked.

"Of course, congratulations to Xiao Lang for having a new girl." Shen Ru said with a smile, "She can also be regarded as my future sister-in-law!"

"I'm Shen Ru, I don't know if Miss Bai has ever heard of my name."

"Shen Ru, Shen Ru from An Guohou's Mansion?" Bai Qianqian said in surprise, "You... are not..." But then Bai Qianqian covered her mouth and did not say any more.

"I remember that the eldest lady of the Anguo Hou Mansion recruited Tanhua as her son-in-law!" Nanny Yang continued.

(End of this chapter)

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