Chapter 343 Xiao Wujin was buried in snow

"The wind and snow haven't stopped, then I'll see you off on horseback!" The child's whole body felt hot, and Shen Ru's heart tightened, "Ms. Lin, get ready, we're leaving right away!"

"Dunzhu, take stock of what else you need. Aunt Tongyu told me that the carriages are slipping up and down the mountain. Give them to me when I send Lin and the others back." Shen Ru quickly explained: "Everyone, if there is no emergency at home, If you can avoid going into the city, then don’t go into the city, Mrs. Lin, come with me quickly!”

Dunzhu escorted Shen Ru and Lin's mother and daughter to the entrance of the ranch. The wind and snow hit their faces, making it difficult to open their eyes.Watching Shen Ru leave with the Lin family's mother and daughter, Dunzhu immediately rushed back to the house to discuss the lack of things in the ranch with Yu.

Braving the wind and snow, Shen Ru's walk into the city was extremely difficult and dangerous. The horse's hooves had long been covered by the snow when he came. Fortunately, there was no danger, and he finally found a doctor for Lin Moxiang.

"The child is infected with wind and cold and can no longer bear the cold. Fortunately, you brought it in time. If the fever continues, the child will be burned to death!" The old doctor said, giving the child an injection and bleeding from his fingertips.

"I'll let her bleed to cool her down first, and then I'll prescribe you seven doses of medicine. In this windy and snowy day, keep warm and remember not to catch the cold again."

Shen Ru paid for Lin Moxiang's consultation fee and medicine. While the clerk was taking the medicine, she looked at the heavy snow and couldn't help but ask the doctor:

"Doctor, is the snow in Liangzhou unusual this year?"

"It's quite unusual to say it's abnormal, but there have been snowfalls in July and August in previous years, but it's rare to see such heavy snowfall. Hey, on this snowstorm day, I'm afraid many people will get sick again!"

"Has it ever snowed so early in the past?" Shen Ru asked in surprise.

"Yes, it snows early in the past, but it won't be this heavy."

Shen Ru spoke to the doctor without a word, and the clerk also prepared the medicine.

"Doctor, thank you!" After thanking the doctor, Shen Ru braved the wind and snow to send Lin's mother and daughter back to the pasture. After this trip, it was almost afternoon, and the snow seemed to have slowed down a bit.

Dunzhu and Yu have already listed all the supplies that the ranch lacks.

"Sister Shen Ru, I just took a look and found that the pasture can last for two days, and the snow doesn't look like it will get heavier!"

"Even if the snow stops, we have to buy the forage, and if the road is slippery and the carriage slips, I don't know if we can prepare it in two days." Shen Ru said worriedly, "The snow came too quickly, which is a bit unexpected to me. It’s expected!”

"After the snow stops, the process of clearing the snow is the most difficult. I'm afraid it will rain after it snows!" Shen Ru murmured.

"Aunt Yu, it's a bad day, and it's not easy for you to come here. Why don't you go home!"

"Everyone is here. If I go home... I'll be a little embarrassed." Mrs. Yu said, "Also, the money is all mine. If you use money or something..."

"What money can we use in this world of ice and snow? Don't we still have Dunzhu here?" Shen Ru smiled, "Let's go to the city first. It will probably be dark when we get there!"

Mrs. Yu also missed the old lady and her sister-in-law at home. Since Shen Ru said this, she left the ranch with Shen Ru.

The road back to the city was indeed difficult, and even the old horse, which knew the way well, slipped several times.

Shen Ru escorted Ms. Yu to her residence, and then realized that she was very hungry, but thinking that it was getting late, she went home first, even though she was thinking about Xiao Wujin in her heart.

If Liangzhou is hit by a disaster, Xiao Wujin will definitely not be able to sit still!
As soon as Shen Ru returned home, Shen's mother and Shen's father looked shocked.

"Aru, if you didn't say you were going for a walk, why would you be there for the whole day!" Mother Shen couldn't help complaining, "You didn't bring anyone with you either. My parents are worried about this." "Mom, I'm the only one here. I can handle it now, but I'm afraid I won't be able to move even if I bring someone with me!" Shen Ru shook off the snow on his raincoat and still shuddered. "The main roads in the city have been cleared by officials, but outside, the snow is as thick as someone's knees."

"Maybe many places have suffered from snow disaster." Shen Ru said worriedly.

"People from the government will take care of these things. If you are a daughter, why are you doing this?" Mother Shen felt so sorry for her daughter!

"She is probably worried about Xiao Wujin." Father Shen said through Shen Ru's thoughts. "How many years has Xiao Wujin been in Liangzhou? The people around him are also from Liangzhou. In such a day, he doesn't know what to do? Aru, you should stay at home peacefully!"

"No, there isn't much grass and fodder in the pasture. I have to go out tomorrow. There are so many sheep and horses that I have to eat!" Shen Ru sighed, "Mom, I haven't eaten anything yet. I'm so hungry. !”

"Hungry? You haven't eaten since you left home, my Aru!" Mother Shen was so heartbroken when she heard this. She couldn't say a single word of accusation and quickly ordered her servants to go to the kitchen to get food.

Father Shen didn't know what to say. He looked at the sky and shrank his neck. It was so cold today!
Shen Ru originally really wanted to go out the next day, but after dinner, there was a sudden knock on the door of Shen's house.

"Miss Shen, the master encountered an avalanche when he went into the mountain. We...can't find him!" Yu Yang said solemnly, "Miss Shen, I shouldn't have come to tell you this, but..."

There was a roar in Shen Ru's mind for a moment, Xue Beng, Xiao Wujin!

But soon, she calmed down and went out without saying a word.

"A Ru..." Shen's mother wanted to hold Shen Ru back. With the situation outside, what would happen if her daughter went?

"Dad, Mom, we didn't have any big storms. I will be fine this time!" Shen Ru looked determined, "I knew something was wrong with him, but I did nothing. I can't do it!"

"But..." Mother Shen still wanted to persuade, but Father Shen held her back.

"Aru, promise your parents that you will come back safely!"

Shen Ru nodded heavily, put on his raincoat, and left quickly with Yu Yang.

"Tell me what happened. How many other people were buried in the snow together?"

"In addition to your lord, there are four other people, all of whom are guards of the Governor's Mansion, and Luneng is also there." Yu Yang looked heavy. "My lord, I came to the mountain because I heard that the hunters in the mountains were severely affected. Heavy snow destroyed their houses. The prefect has sent people to move some of the hunters down."

"My lord wanted to check the situation, but I didn't expect that there was a sudden collapse, and all the snow in the middle of the mountain collapsed. I was behind the team and retreated with the others, but the people in front..."

"We are currently searching the mountain, but..."

"The snow is really light, isn't it?" Shen Ru looked up at the sky and asked quietly.

"It's a little small." Yu Yang replied, "Miss Shen, if you sir..."

"It's impossible. He hasn't married me yet. He will definitely be fine!"

Shen Ru said firmly that Xiao Wujin must be waiting for her to rescue him at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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