Chapter 346 Mr. Xiao, who is like a puppy

"Xiao Wujin, don't scare me!" Shen Ru touched Xiao Wujin's forehead again and pressed her forehead against it.

"Aru, I'm not like this usually." Xiao Wujin said weakly, "But now, I feel uncomfortable and have a headache. I...I feel that I am too weak!"

"You are neither weak nor weak. You, Mr. Xiao, are the male Bodhisattva in the hearts of the people of Liangzhou!" Shen Ru immediately coaxed softly, "There are specialties in this art, and no one is omnipotent. Besides, everyone is equal when it comes to illness. .If I get sick, I can’t do anything!”

"But, I really feel so uncomfortable!" Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru, his eyes a little blurry.

Does illness really break a person's will?Seeing the vulnerability shown by Xiao Wujin, Shen Ru felt terribly uncomfortable!

He can support the entire Liangzhou with the power of just one scholar!

"Xiao Wujin, you never get sick, right?" A thought came to Shen Ru's mind.

"I..." Xiao Wujin had been injured and sick, but this time the pain was particularly serious.

Shivering, headache, sore throat, and stuffy nose, Xiao Wujin felt as if his limbs were filled with lead.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" Shen Ru hugged Xiao Wujin and consoled her. "I'm going to launch the signal fireworks."

Taking advantage of Xiao Wujin's confusion, Shen Ru immediately ran to the entrance of the cave and took out the signal arrow from the space. With a few whoosh sounds and colorful smoke rising, Shen Ru immediately ran back to the cave to see Xiao Wujin. .

"Aru, it's cold." Xiao Wujin trembled.

Shen Ru immediately hugged Xiao Wujin and comforted him, "How about you go lie down on the pile of withered grass over there? I'll move the fire inside?"

"No, please hold me, please, just hold me like this." Xiao Wujin said with a pleading voice, his voice was hoarse and sounded particularly pitiful.

Shen Ru suspected that Xiao Wujin was deliberately showing weakness, but the cold and fever were real.A feeling of pity arose in his heart. He had been burdened with so much in the past and was tensed every day. Maybe, now that the two of them were here, he could let himself go!
"Xiao Wujin, no matter what happens, I will be with you." Shen Ru hugged Xiao Wujin and said, "Be good and be obedient. When we are rescued, we will find a doctor for you. You will be fine soon. "

"Aru, what would I do without you?"

Hearing Xiao Wujin's whimpering tone, Shen Rushi was both amused and distressed. The cold wind had brought out Xiao Wujin's hidden attributes. He was still a pitiful little boy!

"No, no, I'll always be by your side." Shen Ru comforted, "Well, I see the snow is a lot lighter. I tried to stick a handful of weeds and light them. The damp grass can produce thick smoke, which can better Let people discover where we are.”

"Aru, you are so capable!" Xiao Wujin stopped hugging Shen Ru tightly, pulled away, stared at her red eyes, and said seriously.

What a big dog!An image of a big golden retriever appeared in Shen Ru's mind.

Shen Ru made some operations and the people patrolling the mountain all night discovered their location.

"Aru!" Behind him, Xiao Wujin called again in a hoarse voice.

"Hey!" Shen Ru walked quickly to Xiao Wujin and checked the clothes placed beside the fire. "Here, put these on again."

Xiao Wujin, who was blushing, had sluggish eyes and seemed to have no energy. After putting on his clothes, he lay on Shen Ru's knees.

"Aru, I'm actually very awake, but even though I'm too awake, I can't feel the discomfort on my body very clearly."

Xiao Wujin spoke slowly, his hoarse voice sounding like a duck's. "I know, you're not confused by the fever!" Shen Ru comforted softly, "It's okay, Yu Yang and the others will find us soon."

"It's me who has caused trouble for you. This is the second time!" Xiao Wujin said, "Aru, I'm really useless."

"Xiao Wujin, I really don't allow you to belittle yourself like this anymore. They say you are just sick. If you recover, you won't think so." Shen Ru coaxed patiently, "Don't worry, I won't laugh at you either. If you have anything you want to say, you can tell me."

"I can't remember what happened when I was a child. As long as I can remember, I studied hard. The old servants around me always said that my ancestors of the Xiao family also had the number one scholar." Xiao Wujin murmured, "I don't know what my father is like. What does mother look like!"

Um, does Xiao Wujin miss his mother?Although the ancients were said to be precocious, Xiao Wujin's age of 25 is indeed reasonable.

Shen Ru thought in her mind, then reached out to caress the back of Xiao Wujin's head.

"After we get married, my parents will be your parents."

"I know that uncle and aunt are both very good people." Xiao Wujin seemed to find it useful. Although his voice was dry and hoarse, it always sounded gentler. "Aru, I'm supposed to take care of you, but you are the one protecting me time and time again."

"I'm good at this. I've learned martial arts, so I should protect you." Shen Ru replied, "You worked really hard in the past. Take advantage of your illness this time and rest for a while!"

"Well, I want to take good care of myself, and I want to marry you."

Xiao Wujin hummed, lying on Shen Ru's body, as if falling asleep again.

Shen Ru didn't know what time it was, because with the entrance of the cave, cold wind would pour in. She didn't want the fire to be extinguished, let alone Xiao Wujin to catch cold again, so she could only cheer up and wait for rescue to arrive.

But she was also a little confused. Waiting and waiting, she couldn't help but doze off.

"This must be here!" Suddenly, Shen Ru woke up from the noise coming from outside, and also woke up Xiao Wujin who was lying on top of her!
"Xiao Wujin, someone is here, someone is here to save us!" Shen Ru said happily, and shouted loudly: "Here, we are here!"

After a few booms, the snowdrift at the entrance of the cave was pushed away. Yu Yang and several guards hung ropes from their waists and slid down from above.

"Miss Shen, sir!" Yu Yang entered first and was extremely surprised to see Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin.

"Have everyone else been found?" Xiao Wujin stood up. Although his voice was unpleasant, it was obviously much more authoritative.

"We've found them all, sir. Why are you in this cave, and Miss Shen? It's so hard to find here, and you..."

"It was Ah Ru who saved me." Xiao Wujin seemed to be relieved when he heard that the others had found him. He staggered a little and seemed to be unsteady on his feet.

Shen Ru has quick eyes and quick hands to hold the person up.

"Yu Yang, your adults are cold and have a fever. They need to be sent to the hospital quickly." Why don't you look as pitiful as a big dog when you meet people?

"Are Luneng and the others okay?" Xiao Wujin asked again.

"They have all been sent back to the governor's mansion. Sir, you should go back to the mansion quickly!" Yu Yang said immediately, stepping forward to support Xiao Wujin. "Miss Shen, you are the benefactor of everyone in our Governor's Mansion!"

Shen Ruqian smiled, luck, she is extremely lucky!Just looking at Xiao Wujin who was so strong and upright, she still missed his squirting look!
The second update is here. Thank you for your support. There will be another update later!

(End of this chapter)

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