Chapter 351 Someone ate rice from the Shen family and died.
After sending Bai Qianqian back to the Governor's Mansion, Shen Ru naturally wanted to see Xiao Wujin.

"Study, why is he in the study?" Shen Ru rushed to the backyard, but on the way Yu Yang told him that Xiao Wujin was in the study. "He's not feeling well yet, so he's not resting in the house?"

"Miss Shen, since you are here, you should try to persuade me, we can't help you!" Yu Yang said innocently.

Shen Ru was really angry and ran straight to the study.

As soon as I reached the door, I heard coughing from inside.

"Miss Shen!" The guard at the door was also known to Shen Ru. This shout was more like reminding Xiao Wujin in the room.

Shen Ru pushed the door open and walked in. Xiao Wujin had already stood up.

"Aru, I'm still infected with the cold. Don't get too close to me." Xiao Wujin stretched out his hand, motioning for Shen Ru to stand there.

Shen Rucai didn't care. He took a few steps forward and said with dissatisfaction: "Didn't I let you rest in the room? What kind of official business requires you to come to the study in such a hurry?"

"Ah Ru..."

"It's time for me to stay away from you. Why didn't you tell me when we were in the cave or in your bedroom?" Shen Ru said angrily.

Xiao Wujin smiled guiltily, covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

"I feel better, so I came to do something. By the way, did you take Bai Qianqian out?"

"She had nothing to do, so she asked me, so I naturally took her out. My family just gave her a rice, but it made people unhappy. I think something will happen later!" Shen Ru wanted to scold Xiao Wujin, But when Xiao Wujin looked at her with doting eyes, her anger subsided.

"Don't be brave! The wind and cold will last about seven days."

Hearing Shen Ru's tone slow down, Xiao Wujin smiled.

"Aru, what happened, tell me!"

Shen Ru found trouble with the shopkeeper of Mihang, and the county government came to inspect. Cuixi discovered that Yan Shuhui had talked to Mihang.

"Yan Shuhui also separated and moved out, so I didn't pay attention to her anymore. I don't think she has let me go yet!" Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin and complained, "Tell me, is this because you are angry with me? .”

"Yes, it's my fault." Xiao Wujin accepted Shen Ru's accusation, "If she is doing something, just keep it official."

"But it won't hurt her, right!" The Yan family's identity is there, and whether it is the government or the chamber of commerce, they will be lenient.

"But you can ask Yan Shaoqing to give you money!" Xiao Wujin's words made Shen Ru pause for a moment.

She saved Xiao Wujin, and Yan Shaoqing came to thank her, but she didn't want Xiao Wujin to worry about Yan Shaoqing's money!
At this time, Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin with a somewhat speechless expression.

"Xiao Wujin, I suddenly feel that you are a bit scumbag!"

Xiao Wujin's eyes widened. Why did he suddenly call him a scumbag? "Aru, did I say something wrong?"

"Yan Shaoqing came to thank me for saving you, saying that you were his dead brother. He agreed to my request to raise grass for the pasture, and even mobilized the people to clear the snow on the road to the pasture. Tell me. , I am taking advantage of someone, I don’t want you to..."

Xiao Wujin was stunned for a moment, then started to laugh, then started coughing again.

"Aru, it's me who values ​​sex over friends!"

Shen Ru immediately stepped forward to help Xiao Wujin, and followed Xiao Wujin's words and said: "Although I think you value sex over friends, who cares about mine?"

"I think your proposal is quite good. If Yan Shuhui acts like a monster again, I will ask Yan Shaoqing for money!" Xiao Wujin chuckled softly, but his heart was very warm. He has brothers and a lover. After all, he is not alone. ah!
After returning home from the Governor's Mansion, Shen Ruye asked her parents if anything had happened. She was a little regretful when she learned that everything was fine!
"Bang bang bang!" The next morning, the door of Shen's house was knocked loudly.

Mulqin was a little shocked when he opened the door. There were two government officials outside.

"Yesterday, you were giving away rice on Dongda Street? Someone ate your rice and died. Who will come with us to the Yamen!"

When the government officials came to the door, the Shen family immediately went to tell Shen Ru.

When Shen Ru came to the lobby, she saw her father preparing to leave with the yamen servant, and she immediately stopped him.

"Two eldest brothers, let me go with you. I proposed the gift of rice, and I am in charge of the family's granary. If there is a problem with my family's rice, I will be responsible for it."

"Aru!" Father Shen immediately grabbed Shen Ru, "What can you do at this time!"

"Dad, my daughter knows what she knows." Shen Ru insisted, "Those who are clean will be clean themselves, and nothing will happen to me!"

"Aru, you go first, my parents will go and invite Mr. Xiao immediately!" Mother Shen felt sorry for Shen Ru, but her life was at stake, so she had to let the government servants take care of him.

Shen Ru quickly followed the yamen officer to the court, and saw an old woman lying on a stretcher with a dark face, and she couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Ms. Shen, do you recognize Ding Youcai and Ding Zhang?"

Shen Ru shook her head. She naturally couldn't remember so many people receiving rice.

"It's her, it's her. We got rice from them yesterday. My mother-in-law only ate the rice they got at night, but when she woke up in the morning, she felt cold. There must be something wrong with their rice."

"In your family, is this old lady the only one who has eaten? Then what did you eat?" Shen Ru thought this was like a joke.

"We ate the leftover cold rice. Thinking that my mother-in-law had bad teeth, we cooked new rice. Who knows..." The woman sobbed softly.

"Your Majesty, the rice distributed yesterday was over a hundred kilograms. If there is something wrong with my rice, I'm afraid it won't be the only one who gets into trouble."

The county boss also thinks that the Ding family's accusation that the Shen family's rice is poisonous is nonsense.He also knew that someone was messing with the Shen family, but he still had to go through the obvious procedures.

"Also, although they said that the old lady only ate the rice she received, there is no proof that she died. I suggest asking the widow to do an examination."

"Check, how to check?" Ding Youcai asked weakly, "My mother-in-law is gone, how to check?"

Shen Ru looked at the man speechlessly, do you understand common sense?
"What Mr. Shen said makes sense. Since you insist that there is something wrong with the Shen family's rice, I will ask you to come and see what kind of food is in the stomach of the deceased."

"Open it open?" Ding Youcai and his wife looked at each other and immediately protected the old man's body.

"Are you going to disembowel my mother-in-law? The dead person is the most important, and you actually want her to die without her whole body!"

"There is nothing left at home. When I didn't eat the Shen's rice, my mother-in-law was fine. But after eating this rice, she lost her breath. If it's not that the Shen's rice is poisonous, then what is it?" Mrs. Ding Zhang also said firmly. , "Mom, if you won't die with your eyes open, please show us a clear path. This government is shielding the murderer!"

Shen Ru looked at the two people speechlessly. Isn't this nonsense?

If the cause of death is unclear, an autopsy will naturally be required. Moreover, this accusation is too untenable!

"Are you feeling guilty? Otherwise, why didn't you let them undergo anatomy?" Shen Ru asked coldly, "I, the Shen family, do not seek fame or profit, but just want to help the poor. This can be done by you." Used for blackmail?"

(End of this chapter)

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