Chapter 356: You’ll know if something is good after you use it

Since Aunt Mo knew that Yan's shop sold cotton pads, she naturally wanted to take a look.

On the fourth day of winter, Shen Ru asked Wu Ya to go to the Yan family's Qiao Yanfang to join in the fun.

Yan Zhenshan was wearing a white cloak and a red foxtail scarf, making her look very noble and elegant.This time, all the ladies and rich ladies from Liangzhou City were invited. At this moment, the crowds were crowded and very lively.

Shen Ru knew several young ladies from several companies, and they were also customers of his cotton pads before.But everyone is a good person. In Yan Zhenshan's shop, everyone laughs and laughs when they meet, and they don't deliberately talk about business matters.

"Shen Ru, you are a daughter of an aristocratic family from the capital, but tell me, how is my shop?" Yan Zhenshan walked to Shen Ru's side with a smile and said softly. "The master I hired has also been to the capital. The makeup and powder in the store are all popular colors in the capital. In addition, there are other things here. Shen Ru, do you want to see them?"

"Okay!" Shen Ru looked at ease. Even if she knew that Yan Zhenshan was provoking, she would not show anything.

She would never say that only she can sell this useful thing, others can imitate it at will, and she will continue to launch new ones!

"Hey, isn't this..." The person who spoke was Shen Ru's previous customer, who also saw what was being sold in the back room.

"Miss Shen, cooperation with the Yan family!"

Shen Ru smiled and said, "No, this is different from what I have at home. Mrs. Sun, you can try it."

"Isn't this... different?" Mrs. Sun said hesitantly. Isn't it inappropriate for the Yan family to make the same thing?

"Of course it's different. Mrs. Sun, why don't you buy something from my Yan family last time?" Yan Zhenshan walked to the two of them, "Although this object was first produced by the Shen family, our Yan family strives for excellence on the Shen family's cotton pads. It also adds floral fragrance, women should be as beautiful as flowers, right?”

Shen Ru glanced at Yan Zhenshan and clearly felt that Yan Zhenshan was suppressing her.

"Yes, Mrs. Sun, you can try the Yan family's stuff!"

Shen Ru's sudden relief made Mrs. Sun on the side smile awkwardly.Yan Zhenshan seemed a little unwilling to see Shen Ru indifferent.

"Thief!" Wuya said suddenly and unexpectedly.

"What did you say?" Yan Zhenshan's face turned cold, and then he looked at Wu Ya, "Who do you think you are, dare to call me a thief?"

"I can't make anything new, I just copy what I have done, and I look so proud of myself. What am I if I'm not a thief?" Wu Ya was not afraid at all and looked down upon Yan Zhenshan.

Wu Ya's beauty was better than anyone else's. She was said to be a relative of the Yan family before, but when she met Yan Zhenshan, the onlookers didn't know what to say.

"Uh-huh!" Shen Ru cleared her throat, "Wuya, didn't I tell you, don't speak so bluntly!"

"Miss Yan Er, I really don't mind. After all, I can let you imitate it. It shows that my products are quite good. Do you know the goods well?"

Shen Ru smiled, "Of course, with a store as big as the Yan family, these things are probably quite expensive!"

"It's expensive. We use cotton from Gaochang Kingdom, and we use floral fragrance from the Western Regions for fumigation. How can it be compared to yours?" Yan Zhenshan said with some arrogance, and glanced at Wu Ya.

"That's right. So, I didn't say anything. Just use whatever the customers like. Everyone has their own merits!"

Shen Ru said nonchalantly, she was not just in the cotton pad business.

Yan Zhenshan couldn't see the angry look on Shen Ru's face, and felt uncomfortable.

"Since you are so open-minded, Shen Ru, then take your time and take a look. These are not the only things in my store. The rouge and gouache are the best in Liangzhou." "Don't bother Miss Yan Er to entertain you. Let's take a look ourselves." Shen Ru said good-naturedly.

"I want to burn all these things." Wu Ya said to Shen Ru after Yan Zhenshan walked away.

"No, there are some things that require practice to gain true knowledge." Shen Ru replied, "It's best not to add anything to such a private thing. If someone is allergic to the fragrance of flowers, if I tell you, I will only say that I am jealous. So, just wait.”

"Shen Ru!" Huang Yunru also came. When her family received the invitation, they naturally had to give the Yan family this face.

"This...isn't this what you are selling..." Huang Yunru whispered when she saw the things placed in the inner room, "She wants to steal your business!"

"You came just in time. We have launched a new type of cotton pad. If you need it, I will give it to you to try first." Shen Ru said in a low voice, "There are also some new things. Well, I will secretly bring them to you when the time comes. "

"It's so mysterious, what kind of good thing is it?" Huang Yunru's eyes lit up, Shen Ru gave her all good things!

Shen Ru smiled, this... I don't want to reveal it yet.

After discussing with Aunt Mo for a long time, she finally came up with a bold idea, she needs a model!

In the current social environment, it is impossible for her to find a mannequin, but she can find a carpenter or a clay craftsman to make a mannequin!
Aunt Mo was worried that the products she made would not fit well and no one would wear them, and she didn’t know how they would look on the body. But with a model, she would know.

After the things are ready, she will definitely take Huang Yunru to have a look as soon as possible.

"By the way, Shen Ru, the Yan family is very prestigious, so everyone will buy some of these things. Over there..."

Huang Yunru whispered that this was her mother and some sisters, and they all said that they wanted to buy everything from the Yan family.

"Nothing, um, Yun Ru, just buy it." Shen Ru said generously.

"I will still patronize your business." Huang Yunru said with a smile.

Yan Zhenshan's shop is really good. There is rouge and gouache in the front, a curtain is hung in the back, and there are shop assistants guarding it, so no male customers will enter the back.

Shen Ru took Wu Ya to look around, and when he was about to leave, he saw some people stopped at the door.

"Not everyone can enter our shop, and it is not open today. Only those who have received the invitation from our shop can come in."

"What do you mean, you have to wait and see when you open a store? Why, we girls from Yingchunyuan can't buy rouge and gouache?"

"Yes, this rouge and gouache is not for the girls in our building. Is it to make girls from good families look seductive?"

The four or five women surrounding the door were wearing exquisite makeup and bright winter clothes, but this opening made it known that they were from a brothel.After being stopped by the clerk, I argued with the clerk quite angrily.

"There are people of high status in the store today. Women from this place of fireworks are not allowed to enter."

Shen Ru also heard Yan Zhenshan explaining to the clerk.

Soon, a man came to drive him away. Shen Ru thought about the situation of the woman in the brothel and had some thoughts in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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