Chapter 363 I’m just jealous

Bai Qianqian is smart, but it was Pei Qingshan and Yang Tianfang who made her think something was wrong in Liangzhou.

Even after returning to Shen's house, her brows were still furrowed, making Shen Ru feel inexplicably guilty.

"Bai Qianqian, do you want chestnut cake?" Shen Ru deliberately changed the subject, "If you don't want it, I'll give it to someone else!"

Bai Qianqian shook her head, she was worried.

Suddenly, she thought of the people she met on the way to Liangzhou. Did everyone who came to Liangzhou have their identities checked?The rebel forces have actually penetrated into Liangzhou a long time ago, right?
Bai Qianqian wanted to remind Shen Ru, but she saw Shen Ru's happy face holding chestnut cake to her parents.

Does Shen Rushi really don't know?Even if she doesn't know, doesn't Xiao Wujin also know?No, she knows that Liangzhou is an isolated city?Then why do you think Liangzhou is impregnable? Is it the 20-strong army defending the city?
Bai Qianqian didn't dare to think too much. Shen Ru, who seemed to be living a prosperous life, seemed to be carrying something.

And Xiao Wujin, what does the Liangzhou governor shoulder?

Shen Rucai didn't care what Bai Qianqian was thinking, she said everything that needed to be said.

Bai Qianqian, who had lived in the Bai family for three consecutive days, was ready to go back to the Governor's Mansion, but she still didn't know what to do.

"If you want to go back, let me see you off. I also want to see Xiao Wujin!" Shen Ru said openly.

"Brother Xiao, isn't he here to look for you?" Bai Qianqian asked curiously in the carriage returning.

"He is the governor and has so many things to do, so naturally he can't be as leisurely as me." Shen Ru replied, "Besides, I like running around. By the way, most of the prisoners are actually working. I'll take you first Go check it out!”

Bai Qianqian was stunned for a moment, but she didn't say anything and let Shen Ru take her to other places.

In the resettlement area, the construction of houses has begun to take shape. There are too many and it is impossible for them all to proceed at the same pace. At present, [-] houses have been completed.

"How come... there are so many houses here?" Bai Qianqian was very surprised when she saw this massive construction site.

"Here, the government has invested a lot of money to prepare it as a residence for immigrants on both sides of the river in the future. There are also previous residents, because there was a fire here and a large number of houses were burned down, but the people who stayed here were from poor families. I just happened to meet After a major renovation, we will be able to live in a new home from now on!”

Shen Ru smiled and said, "You said Liangzhou is so good, why don't you wait?"

"Furthermore, the construction of such a large area of ​​houses has led to many businesses and day laborers. As long as you want to work, you can always find a job in Liangzhou and make money to survive."

Bai Qianqian was a little surprised. Can the Liangzhou government afford this money?
"Shen Ru, you mean there are many prisoners here?"

"It should be so. The wages for working here are not low." Shen Ru said, "Let's go. I don't know when this house will be completed! By then, look at this place. They are all new houses. Move in With thousands of households, a shop facing the street can do small business and still have customers.”

Bai Qianqian silently calculated in her mind, and finally sighed. Her strengths seemed to have no effect.

"Let's go!" Shen Ru brought Bai Qianqian back to the Governor's Mansion, and happened to see some servants moving cabinets, beds, etc. into the backyard.

"Miss Shen, Miss Bai, you are back!" Yu Yang was giving instructions and grinned when he saw Shen Ru. "Miss Shen, this is something you will add to your new house in the future."

Shen Ru smiled and said: "That's not good, Bai Qianqian, you can go back on your own, I'm going to find Xiao Wujin."

"Your Excellency is in the new courtyard." Yu Yang reminded Shen Ru.

Shen, like Bai Qianqian, walked towards the backyard.

"He is really personally involved in your wedding!" Bai Qianqian couldn't help but sigh.

"After all, life's important events cannot be careless!" Shen Ru was smiling as she spoke, her joy could not be hidden.

Bai Qianqian couldn't help but be speechless. No wonder she was so guarded against her. She was not even allowed to call him brother!When they reached the bifurcated path, Bai Qianqian saw Shen Ru walking briskly towards the yard in front. "Miss, you're back!" Aunt Yang called out, frightening Bai Qianqian's heart to beat a beat faster.

"Mommy, don't scare me, I just went to stay at Shen's house for three days."

"This old slave is here and worries about the eldest lady every day." Nanny Yang said bitterly.

"Mom, aren't I coming back?" Bai Qianqian walked to the house where she lived, "Mom, you really should go out for a walk. Liangzhou is actually quite interesting."

"I injured my body on the way to Liangzhou, and my legs and feet are inconvenient. The eldest lady ran so fast a few days ago that I couldn't catch up."

"Mommy, please don't bury me. Let me tell you, I met a lot of old friends in Liangzhou." Bai Zhiqian was thin-skinned and was defeated by Nanny Yang's accusing eyes, so she went to talk to Nanny Yang. Talk about the people you meet.

Shen Ru also saw Xiao Wujin in the new courtyard. He was arranging for people to place the objects in the appropriate places.

"Xiao Wujin!" Shen Ru shouted with a smile, and she saw the seriousness in his eyebrows.

Xiao Wujin's expression softened a lot when he saw Shen Ru.

"Come and take a look." He greeted Shen Ru.

"This will be our house from now on. Do you think there is anything missing?"

Shen Ru really couldn't tell, so she said weakly: "How about letting the old people in the house take care of it? My room is all taken care of by my mother."

Xiao Wujin was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll ask the ladies in the city to give me some advice some other time."

"You still know the lady!" Shen Ru raised her voice and looked at Xiao Wujin with interest.

"Well, I know a lot of people. Why don't I take you to meet them some other time." Xiao Wujin said with a rare joke.

Seeing his expression, Shen Ru thought that something must have been resolved.

"Let's leave it here for now. I want to tell you something." Shen Ru pulled Xiao Wujin's hand, "About the Pei family."

Xiao Wujin's expression calmed down slightly and he nodded. "Go to the study."

"Bai Qianqian and I bumped into Pei Qingshan and the others. They bought a lot of things and said they were going to a faraway place. Xiao Wujin, do you think Pei Wenjing's troops in Liangzhou are about to move?"

"There will be a delay in the frontline battle reports arriving in Liangzhou. The last news I received was that many people in the capital have started to run away." Xiao Wujin said, "Perhaps, as you said, the soldiers from Liangzhou will also go The capital is under siege!"

"Then what do you want to do?" Shen Ru asked tentatively.

Xiao Wujin shook his head and said: "If you don't do anything, just pretend you don't know."

"Bai Qianqian is very smart. She seems to have seen something. Xiao Wujin, I don't want her to know too much about your affairs."

"Of course not, you are one of our own!" Xiao Wujin is not stupid. He colludes with government officials and businessmen, sells private salt, and colludes with the rebels. Can outsiders know about these things?
"I told her that I don't like her here. I want to help her establish herself in Liangzhou, make some money, and buy some properties."

"Why, there are many people in the Governor's Mansion, but I have never crossed paths with her." Xiao Wujin asked deliberately, "Aru, are you jealous?"

"Yes!" Shen Ru said frankly, "She called you Brother Xiao!"

(End of this chapter)

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