Chapter 372 She is not worthy of marrying the governor

Shen Ru was shocked. This happened last night. She said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you suffered such injustice at the Yan family."

"It has nothing to do with you." Wu Ya said, "People from the Yan family are not good."

"Then Yan Shaoqing..." Shen Ru asked tentatively.

"If I can't deal with that person, I don't want to talk to him."

This is difficult to handle. Yan Shaoqing can't drive his own father away!Shen Ru looked at Wu Ya and consoled her: "Don't think about these unhappy things. I will get married in a few days. You and I will move to the Governor's Mansion, far away from the Yan family."

"Okay." Wu Ya responded quickly.

There was a banging sound from the window. Shen Ru was curious and turned around to open the window.

"Silly bird!" Wu Ya suddenly said two words.

The window opened and a myna flew in.

"Sorry, sorry..." Shen Ru heard the word "sorry" in Bago's stiff voice.

So, this is Yan Shaoqing’s bird?
Wu Ya looked at the myna like she was an idiot and said, "Throw it out!"

Shen Ru suppressed a smile, Yan Shaoqing's way of apologizing was quite strange!
"This bird is quite noisy!" Shen Ru smiled awkwardly, "Then... I'll go take a look at my dowry and you can take care of it yourself."

Regarding the matter between Yan Shaoqing and Wu Ya, I really couldn't say anything. Anyway, after I married and went to the Governor's Mansion, Wu Ya also followed. When Yan Shaoqing was determined, he would naturally be able to obtain Wu Ya's forgiveness.

There are no relatives in the Shen family. In the past few days, Shen Ru has been getting married. Soon, it will be the fourth day of the Lunar New Year!
As soon as it dawned, Shen Ru was picked up from the bed by Cui Xi and the others. The moment she felt the cool breeze, she immediately woke up.

Wearing a wedding dress, applying detailed makeup, combing the bride's hair into a bun, and inserting a golden hairpin...

Shen Ruzhen obediently allowed Cui Xi and the others to help her take care of her makeup.

"Don't put on the lipstick first. Aru, eat something. If you don't eat something, you will be hungry by then."

Walking in the morning to welcome dusk, Shen Ru knew that she would be very tired today, but she didn't worry about food, there was enough in the space!
"Mom, aunt, I can't bear to leave you." Shen Ru looked at her mother and aunt, feeling melancholy in her heart.

"Silly girl, you are not marrying far away. If you want to come back in the future, you can come back at any time!" Mother Shen said lovingly, "Aru, I can watch you get married this time. There are really some unspeakable things in my heart. It feels so good!”

"Are you marrying your daughter? I feel empty in my heart, but I am happy at the same time. Look at how beautiful our Aru is!" Even my aunt sighed with emotion, seeing that the children who have grown up are now getting married.

Two and a half-year-old children were also sitting around Shen Ru. Seeing Shen Ru dressed up, Shen Xuan was about to cry, and Shen Nian was clapping her hands happily.

"Silly brother, my sister is going to someone else's house, but you are still happy."

"Sister is so beautiful, so beautiful, just like a fairy." Shen Nian looked at Shen Ru with a dazed look in her eyes!

In his own home, he was joking casually. Although Shen Ru had different emotions in his heart, he would not show it on his face.

Dunzhu stood guard at the door, looking at Shen Ru's appearance, and couldn't help but said to Wu Ya beside her: "Sister Shen Ru is so beautiful, I can't stand a woman."

Wu Ya looked at Dunzup, paused and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Really? I just said that Sister Shen Ru is beautiful!" Dunzhu was confused, "Hey, why hasn't the wedding team arrived yet?"

"The time has not come yet." Wu Ya said directly. In order to match today, she wore clothes with red embellishments for the first time.

There was endless talk in the room. As Wuya listened, she felt that the words inside were getting more and more sad. Shouldn't you be happy when you get married?

Above her head, the silly bird flew over again. Wuya's eyes darkened and she simply walked away.Xiao Wujin's wedding team arrived at nearly noon. The wedding was a low-key affair. With the blessings of her parents and relatives, Shen Ru got on the sedan chair.

When the governor got married, some people who felt Xiao Wujin's kindness spontaneously congratulated on both sides of the avenue. The sound of firecrackers and red paper could be seen everywhere.

"Master Xiao, you can't marry Shen Ru!" Shen Ping appeared extremely unexpectedly in the middle of the road, and even stretched out her arms to stop the wedding procession.

"Shen Ru is a second-married woman and a refugee from the capital. She is not worthy of the Governor!"

"Master Governor, you are devoted to the people and are a blessing to the people of Liangzhou. How can you marry a widow?"

"What's the situation? Who is this person? Don't we all know about the eldest daughter of the Shen family? Who should we blame if we bring it up at this time?"

"That's right, the person promised by the eldest daughter of the Shen family has disappeared on the way to exile. She can come to our Liangzhou, which is a blessing to our Liangzhou!"

Xiao Wujin's face darkened, he was worried about Shen Ping. Shen Ping deserved to die on this happy day!
Xiao Wujin didn't need to speak, someone had already stepped forward and pushed Shen Ping away!
"Shen Ru is not worthy of you, Mr. Xiao, she is a widow!"

Shen Ping shouted at the top of her lungs. She knew she couldn't stop Shen Ru from marrying Xiao Wujin, but if she could win over someone, she would be satisfied!
"Who are you, Mr. Xiao's happy day is so disappointing!"

Shen Ping was spurned and pushed. When she fell, someone helped Shen Ping.

"It's you!" Shen Ping turned around and saw Zhang Xuyang.

When Shen Ru lifted up a corner of her hijab and looked out of Jiaozi's window, she saw Shen Ping and Zhang Xuyang.

She heard everything Shen Ping shouted. Who cares about this clichéd thing!
Despite such a small episode, the wedding team arrived at the Governor's Mansion smoothly.

"Aru!" The sedan door was kicked open, and Shen Ru heard Xiao Wujin's voice.

"Miss!" Cuixi put one end of the red silk into Shen Ru's hand.

Pulled by red silk, Shen Ru stepped into the Governor's Mansion with Cui Xi's support.

"One bow to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall..."

Xiao Wujin has no parents. Shen Ru is still thinking about paying homage to Gaotang for the second time. Who should he pay homage to?Under the wedding dress, she saw the legs and feet of the two people, and she felt a little curious.

"Happy husband and wife..."

Following the saluter's orders, Shen Ru finished his worship.

"Aru, it's mom and dad." Xiao Wujin whispered.

Shen Ru was shocked, were they her parents? She wanted to lift her hijab and take a look!

"Sent into the bridal chamber..."

Shen Ru was led into the new house, and as soon as she sat down, she lifted her hijab.

"Miss, what are you doing!" Cui Xi said in a panic, and immediately put the hijab back on Shen Ru.

"Cui Xi, are those sitting in the high hall my parents?" Shen Ru asked excitedly.

"Yes, the master and his wife have been invited here. Miss, my uncle is still very caring!"

They are really parents!Shen Ru's heart suddenly felt as sweet as honey, Xiao Wujin really respected her parents as their parents!
"Cui Xi, he really means it!"

(End of this chapter)

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