Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 384 Let the girls in the brothel experience it personally

Chapter 384 Let the girls in the brothel experience it personally

Shen Ru didn't spend much time in the backyard. On this day, she took a batch of flat pants made by Mrs. Mo and the latest cotton pad style, called Bai Qianqian, and went to Yanxia Pavilion together.

Last time, Bai Qianqian looked unnatural and shocked and didn't ask much about what Shen Ru was talking to the madam.After going to Shen Ru's cotton pad workshop, I got a clearer idea of ​​what the thing in Shen Ru's mouth was.

Shen Ru also gave her some, but she didn't use it until that time.

The madam smiled brightly when she saw Shen Ru and Bai Qianqian!
"Now it's time to call Mrs. Xiao. What good things are you bringing to the girl in the building?"

"Of course it's a good thing. What do you think of the girl who has used it before? This time I brought something better." Shen Ru and Bai Qianqian didn't even change into men's clothes, and walked into Yanxia Pavilion carelessly, ignoring the surprised looks of others. .

The madam had used it herself and thought it was good. Naturally, she eagerly brought Shen Ru and Bai Qianqian into the private room.

"Mrs. Xiao, this cotton pad is really good. I'm really worried about how I can go to the governor's office to buy it from you."

"Sister, come here, let me tell you something." Shen Ru originally wanted to say it directly, but after looking at Bai Qianqian who was not very natural, she said to the madam.

The madam didn't know why, but she still listened to Shen Ru's words.

But when Shen Ru said about the trousers and the contours of the underwear, her eyes lit up.

"Mrs. Xiao, let's do this. Give me a sample and I'll try it on a girl."

"Trust my sister's vision." Shen Ru smiled and gave the madam several different colors of underwear.

The madam took the underwear and went out, and Bai Qianqian said: "Shen Ru, although I really want to have no prejudice against fireworks women, but if you let them use these underwear, how can a good woman buy it? Woolen cloth?"

"Wearing the innermost one, do you still divide the things between the fireworks girl and the decent girl?"

Shen Ru said jokingly, "Bai Qianqian, what do you think so many men are doing when they come to the land of fireworks and linger there?"

"Besides, where can I find a decent girl willing to accept these underwear? After all, for a new thing, you have to find someone to try it on!"

"But if they wear it and no one else knows about it, how can they come to buy it?"

Shen Ru smiled. Even if Bai Qianqian was well-read, no one would teach her why men are obsessed with fireworks women!
Although I came from an ancient martial arts family in my previous life, my family focused on being acquainted with the world and living in seclusion in the city!She also received education along the way like ordinary people.

"Let's see the effect first." Shen Ru did not elaborate with Bai Qianqian.

"Here we go, girls."

Following the Madam's greeting, the door to the private room was pushed open.

Four girls holding cloaks walked in under the leadership of the madam. After the door was closed, the four girls took off their cloaks at the instruction of the madam.

"Ah!" Bai Qianqian shouted, immediately turned away and covered her eyes.

Bai Qianqian couldn't look at the four girls wearing bellybands on their upper bodies and underwear on their lower bodies.Shen Ru looked at the four people, and then asked: "How is the wrapping, will it pinch the buttocks, will it expose the naked body?"

"Ah, Mrs. Xiao, you are asking this, everyone is embarrassed." The madam chuckled, "Mrs. Xiao, are these underwear of yours tailor-made for girls like us?"

"Look at this from the side, it's really smoke and mirrors!" The madam smiled from ear to ear, "What man can't be moved by looking at this protruding front and back?"

"Ah, this is a bit off-the-wall!" Shen Ru pretended to be surprised, "Actually, I wanted to match these pants with my new cotton pads." Shen Ru then took out several different cotton pads. .

"On those days of the month, the first two days are mostly large quantities. I recommend using this one..."

As Shen Ru's words rang out, Bai Qianqian slowly turned her head. Although her face was red and hot, she still listened carefully to Shen Ru's introduction.

Seeing Shen Ru's confident and flamboyant demeanor when introducing things, Bai Qianqian gradually calmed down.What is Shen Ru doing for?Bai Qianqian couldn't help but think, she is not short of money, is she?Is this thing really that helpful to women? But it is not cheap and most women cannot use it.

Therefore, Shen Ru still wants to make money, and Bai Qianqian also feels a sense of hard work in her heart. Shen Ru works so hard even if she is not short of money. How can she not work hard if she is dependent on others?
Shen Ru's explanation was not only interesting to the madam, but also to the fireworks ladies.

Shen Ru's explanations and demonstrations also clearly introduced his new products.

"Sister, didn't you say you wanted to go to the Governor's Mansion to buy some cotton pads before? How many are needed? I'll have them delivered by then. As for the new ones, I'll treat them as gifts for you to try!"

"Mrs. Xiao is really good at doing business. There are many women in our pavilion, and no one can do without this thing." The old bustard said with a smile, "Please help Mrs. Xiao to get a piece of ten taels of silver!"

"Okay, thank you sister for taking care of my business!" Shen Ru said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Xiao, when will your store open? Then we in Yanxia Pavilion will definitely buy your products."

"Come on, give it another month!" Shen Ru said with a smile, and after being polite, she and Bai Qianqian left Yanxia Pavilion.

"Shen Ru, do you want to encourage women to buy these underwear through men?" Bai Qianqian couldn't help but ask after leaving Yanxia Pavilion.

"This is only one aspect. Can I say that I just want to see the effect of a real person's upper body?" Shen Ru said, considering all aspects. "If you're thinking about fun, well, I have other ideas!"

Bai Qianqian looked at Shen Ru in horror. Did she understand what she meant by "interesting"?How could the daughter of an aristocratic family... tell her about the joys of the boudoir?

"Ha, look at your face, take your time, my intention is not for women to please men!"

Shen Ru joked, just as he was about to get into the carriage with Bai Qianqian, he saw Yan Shaoqing getting out of another carriage.

Their eyes met, but Shen Ru simply ignored it and got on the carriage. She secretly cursed Yan Shaoqing in her heart for not being a thing for visiting a flower house!Is he worthy of Wu Ya?
Yan Shaoqing also saw Shen Ru and thought he was being deceived. Women visiting brothels?
No, this is the carriage of the Governor's Mansion, is it really Shen Ru?

"Master, it's getting late, and we made an appointment with Master Hu..." Lin Yang reminded Yan Shaoqing.

Yan Shaoqing thought for a while and decided to enter Yanxia Pavilion. This deal would also make him a huge profit.

"Shen Ru, why does your face look so ugly all of a sudden?" In the carriage, Bai Qianqian found that Shen Ru, who was cheerful before, was obviously unhappy!
"Oh, I just saw an acquaintance, hum, man!" Shen Ru coldly snorted, the entire Yan family is really full of perverts!
(End of this chapter)

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